


June 22

Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference June 22-24

Prof. Steven E. Jones, Webster G. Tarpley, Prof. Peter Dale Scott, Will Thomas Barrie Zwicker, Prof. Michael Keefer, Connie Fogal, Alfred L. Webre Dr. William Deagle, Dr. Joe Hawkins, Robin Hordon Hal Sisson, Ken Fernandez, Rowland Morgan Dennis Kyne, Gillian Norman, Prof. Kevin Barret Ian Woods


April 14

Rebuilding America’s Senses - Austin, TX - April 14-15

A Project for the New American Citizen invites you to Rebuilding America’s Senses, a two-day conference aimed at exposing state- sponsored terrorism and its application in staged false-flag operations. By understanding these two fundamental concepts, one can better comprehend how governments have historically used fear and even terrorism as a means to control their populations.

The conference will be organized around the historical and present use of state-sponsored terrorism, as well as its inevitable use in the future. It is our belief that a citizenry who is aware of such tactics will not be so easily coerced into supporting another unjustifiable war and continued degradation of their rights.

By attending this free conference you will hear from a number of prestigious speakers, drawn from all over the country, provide irrefutable physical and socio-scientific proof that Western governments have indeed been behind the major terrorist events of our lives, including the attacks of September 11th, the 7/7 bombings in London, the Oklahoma City bombing and many more.


April 11

11th of the Month NYC actions - Rosie, WTC 7, Times Sq.

Street Action, 11th of Every Month

New York City Street Actions 9:30am The View ABC Studios 1:30pm Building WTC 7 5:00pm Time Square

ABC The View Studios is located 320 West 66th Street , just past West End Ave, NYC http://abc.go.com/daytime/theview/directions.html Building 7 is by Ground Zero and Time Square we will be at 42nd street.



April 10

Dr. Bob Bowman “The Patriots” Tour - 4/10 - 8/10

The United States is in trouble. We’re in danger of becoming a fascist dictatorship where big government and big business combine to rule, and where the people are considered just a source of labor. The marriage of government and the investor class has succeeded in exporting our jobs, importing illegal aliens to provide a pool of cheap labor, and thus driving down wages for all American workers and destroying the middle class. Their foreign and military policies have led us into unnecessary wars of aggression to gain raw materials and enhance profits of the global robber barons. Their trade policies have resulted in capital flight, job loss, trade deficits, and the ownership of much of our infrastructure by foreign interests.

We’ve gotten into this fix because our presidents, of both parties, have been servants of the global investors, and because our representatives in Congress, again of both parties, have abdicated their Constitutional responsibilities and subjected themselves to an imperial presidency.

A “patriot” is defined as one who loves, supports, and defends his country. The Latin and Greek roots refer to “father.” If, for a moment, we ignore the sexist nature of the ancient civilizations giving birth to the word, it is clear that to be a “patriot” is to have a parental love for the people of one’s tribe or nation. One cannot have a “patriotic love” for the corporations in one’s country or for its military-industrial complex, only for its people. Clearly then, those in our government who have served their corporate masters to the detriment of the people are not patriots, and have no claim to the word. The vast majority of Americans love our country in ways that equate to service to the people. We are the patriots.

Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution make it clear that the whole purpose of government is to serve and protect the people.. Ours is a government designed to be “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” We, the Patriots, have a right and a duty to demand and to secure such a government. If those in power will not fulfill their Constitutional duty to serve the people, then we must remove them and replace them with those who will.


March 17

9/11 Truth Conference - South Bend, Indiana

This will be an historic event, featuring three prominent members of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Mike Berger, Kevin Ryan, and Webster Tarpley. All three will give individual presentations, and there will also be a showing of Mike Berger’s recent film, Improbable Collapse.

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