
Global Warming

An overwhelming majority of respected scientists worldwide, warn of dire consequences from human-caused global warming. The top 12 hottest years on record are all in the 1990s and 2000s, with 2010 at #1.

Global warming is taking place—there is no controversy over that fact. But some fringe anti-environment factions still deny that humans are causing it. The belief and assertion that “global warming is a hoax” has been very divisive among truth activists. On this page, we’ll deconstruct this view and it’s many flaws.

Climate change may not always mean warming. As ice melts and ocean currents are disturbed, certain areas may actually become significantly colder.

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns of possible severe blows to the world’s climate in the near future: the collapse of the Greenland ice sheet and disruption of the Gulf Stream ocean current. Scientists warn that such drastic events could “threaten our civilization.”


  • 2010 was the hottest year since modern record keeping began in the 1890s. In second place comes 2005, followed in descending order by 1998, 2003 and 2002. 2
  • “The vast Amazon rainforest is on the brink of being turned into desert, with catastrophic consequences for the world’s climate, alarming research suggests. And the process, which would be irreversible, could begin as early as next year.” 9
  • The speed at which the Greenland ice sheet is disappearing has more than doubled in the past 10 years. 8
  • Levels of carbon dioxide, the principal gas that drives global warming, are now 27 percent higher than at any point in the last 650,000 years, according to research into Antarctic ice cores.
  • There has been a clear rise in global average sea level and increase in ocean water temperatures. A rise of more than 3 feet by 2100 is seen as plausible by experts. 14
  • We are also beginning to see an increase in the frequency of extreme precipitation events (hurricanes, etc.) in some regions of the world.

Global Warming is not a “Hoax”

This concept has become surprisingly widespread and it has functioned to cast doubt on environmental issues and activism. In fact, the idea that human-caused global warming isn’t real has been perpetuated by a shamelessly deceitful (and well-funded) lobby—mostly made up of corporate interests and extreme free market capitalists. In the face of undeniable evidence, these naysayers continue to obscure the facts and manipulate public perception. Below, we answer some of the questions and assertions of these global warming “skeptics”:

“Global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people and the world.” -US Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), Chairman, Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. 7

The corporate media and the establishment are “promoting” global warming, so it must be a deception. The elites just want to tax us and control us through fear.

It is true that we should always be skeptical of the popular line and what we are being told by our media and government, but we should never dismiss something entirely simply because it comes from a source we do not trust. The establishment may be promoting global warming awareness, but they are not promoting any sort of positive and fundamental economic or cultural change to address it. Their deception also lies in their not revealing the full scope and severity of environmental degradation. On some level, the establishment may be self-deceivingly promoting a measure of global warming “awareness” in order to diffuse or co-opt real knowledge and action. It is quite likely that many of the “elites” do just want to use global warming to control populations, but this doesn’t mean that it isn’t a real phenomenon.

The sun is getting hotter and that is what is causing global warming, not C02 or human pollution.

There have been periods in the last several decades during which the sun has been hotter than average, but only by a tiny amount, and studies have shown that we’re not currently in such a period. The most reputable scientists who have studied global warming have factored periodic variation in solar radiation in to their calculations and found that greenhouse gases are causing the great majority of warming. BBC: No Sun Link to Climate Change

Carbon dioxide levels are not correlated to or do not cause rising temperatures, therefore human’s release of CO2 and greenhouse gases is not causing global warming.

Carbon emissions, CO2 concentrations, and global temperature levels have been found to have a strong positive correlation by the most respected scientists in the world. A graph of these levels show that correlation quite clearly. It is also instructive to note that all three levels began to skyrocket right around 1850-1900, just as humans began to industrialize and burn fossil fuels. 11

I heard that some places are actually getting (or are going to get) cooler. So what’s actually going on, how am I supposed to believe in “Global Warming?”

Global temperatures are rising. There is no controversy about this. Due to complicated geological and climatic factors, some areas may get cooler, but overall, the temperature of the globe is rising. “Global mean surface temperature has increased about 1.1°F (0.6°C) since the beginning of the 20th century….Even a modest rise of 2°- 3°F (1.1°-1.7°C) could have dramatic effects. In the last 10,000 years, the Earth’s average temperature hasn’t varied by more than 1.8°F (1.0°C).” 12