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Alex Constantine accuses TM of being "connected" to "Al Qeada" cell "WQ2RX" (24 posts)

  1. truthmover

    Here are the comments made on this forum by Victronix and Christs4sale:

    And here is Constantine's response to those comments at his blog:

    Edit: The following post on this thread contains the the accusation about WQ2RX

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. christs4sale

    Wrong. Please write to Virginia to verify. You try to track my movements? I don't track yours. Last time I had access to the Mae Brussell archive was in preparation for "Fascism in America," about six months ago. Why can't my "critics" get anything straight? I'm always correcting them .. BTW, Virginia likes me fine, I am her friend. She says that I am a part of Mae's "legacy." Very nice of her to write that. Are you? Or do you just gossip a lot, track my movements, read my "really good" books - and attribute theories to me that I have never written about, and relationships with people I don't know very well?

    I apologize as my reference for access to Alex's access to Mae's archives was from a third party who I was in email correspondence with. I should have emailed Virginia McCullough of for direct information concerning this. I will email Virginia about this.

    I do my own work and sign it. Pairing me with anyone is The Barack Obama Express. AND I'VE NEVER USED THE WORDS "NO PLANE" IN A SENTENCE, SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

    I do not have to pair him with anyone. He does that himself on his own website:

    First paragraph:

    With the world rapidly disintegrating, we very much miss the research of Mae Brussell. In these troubling times, it is comforting to know that there are still those among us who are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty. One of those stalwarts is Alex Constantine, whose investigative masterpieces Psychic Dictatorship USA, Virtual Government and The Covert War Against Rock are published by cutting-edge literary outfit Feral House.* Now, Alex has emerged as a leading figure in the 9/11 Truth Movement, working with the Web Fairy and others.

    BTW, Nico doesn't expect anyone to take "his word" for it - he posts video evidence.

    I would love to see it.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. Victronix

    Tracking movements. As though we don't have to work for a living.

    I posted a few videos that looked interesting. This doesn't suggest that I am anyone's dupe.

    Hilarious. And Waffen SS. Even better.

    The point is just the link -- Webfairy and AC. Very simple.

    We have jobs and work to do.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. christs4sale

    More Response:

    Christs4sale posted this partially false statement

    "With the world rapidly disintegrating, we very much miss the research of Mae Brussell. In these troubling times, it is comforting to know that there are still those among us who are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty. One of those stalwarts is Alex Constantine, whose investigative masterpieces Psychic Dictatorship USA, Virtual Government and The Covert War Against Rock are published by cutting-edge literary outfit Feral House.* Now, Alex has emerged as a leading figure in the 9/11 Truth Movement, working with the Web Fairy and others."

    Notice to the world: I have never "worked with Webfairy" in any way. If I did, I'd say so. She has posted articles I've written, but so have many others. So how does this say that I "work with her?"

    I posted that statement in quotes from the website:

    It is not my statement.

    Does Alex Constantine not maintain the website: ? If this is partially false, Alex should take it off of or make it known that a website with the name: is displaying false information about him.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. Victronix

    Wow, bizarre site. Too bad.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. christs4sale

    Look what this has turned into:

    Mein freunds: In the past few days, a discussion forum on the Net has tried repeatedly to link me with people that I don't know very well, and has attributed to me their theories. It was reported, for instance, that I "work with Webfairy."

    No offense to Webfairy, but we have NEVER worked together at all, ever.

    I am deeply offended by continuing attempts to connect me to others I've never met, or even had a connection to, and blame me for the behavior of others.

    Caveat: Please be wary of any site that attempts to bring me down by claiming that I have a relationship with another researcher whose work is in dispute. I make it a point to work alone, and am not responsible for the controversies others have generated with their own postings. I am responsible for the articles that I write and post, and am not responsible for the work of others I do not know or have any relationship with in any way, obviously.

    I am not even trying to connect him to the Webfairy at this point. I would just like to know what Alex Constantine's relationship to is and why he does not address it.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  7. casseia

    The website, as opposed to the blog, looks like a hoax site to me -- it certainly is not a (flattering) (self-)representation. Now, assuming for a moment that the guy is being harassed by someone who has created a hoax site, can you think of any reasons he might not wish to acknowledge that fact publicly?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  8. truthmover

    Well, I wrote AC a message regarding his post above. I thought I was being fairly reasonable, if somewhat uncompromising on a couple of points. He immediately posted my message and a response to his blog here:

    Response to Julian at TruthMove

    That wasn't so bad and I thought it possibly the end of this. As I said in the message, we have no reason to be attacking AC. No time and no interest.

    But then now we have the following:

    The TruthMove.Org Controversy (Introduction)'s Connection to the WQ2RX MEDIA CENSORSHIP GROUP

    As I said in my message to him, TruthMove has no concern about how AC's opinion might impact our organization. That certainly holds true after the onslaught above, as so much of what he said was either inaccurate or laughable. We don't have to respond as he does a fine job making himself look silly. And we've seen this all before. The tactics are familiar at this point.

    He tries to dig up information about us, posting our real names, which are entirely public. The information he posted about me is more biographical than embarrassing. He accuses us of being associated with terrorists while providing not one bit of evidence. The WQ2RX thing is simply ridiculous. And he very transparently make several inaccurate statements about our actions. We haven't talked to John in quite some time. He is an infrequent poster to our forum and we wish him well. He's certainly not working for Al Qaeda.

    Well, according to the 2008 Declaration the appropriate response would be to critically engage up to the point that it no longer seems productive, and then drop it. I have reached that point. I plan on making no more comments about this, although I think it prudent to let people know what has happened. If you would like to address this issue further please keep in mind that you risk drawing a similar response as those seen above.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  9. casseia

    My comment pertained only to my impression of that website. In light of the new blog entry, I have to add a resounding "never mind." (Actually, I should probably add a WTF to that, as well.)

    Posted 15 years ago #
  10. JennySparks

    Dead strange. All I know is that anyone rabbiting on about wq2rx sounds like they have a Kennebunkport-like bee in their bonnet. ;-)

    Posted 15 years ago #
  11. truthmover

    This new site will soon show up in our search results:

    Alex Constantine's 9/11 TruthMove

    And this is labeled as a picture of " and John Albanese":

    It can be found here:

    TruthMove.Org 9/11 Censorship Connection: WQ2RX, John Albanese, Alex Floum & Fred Burks, Towing the Government's Line on 9/11

    Posted 15 years ago #
  12. NicholasLevis

    Your headline is misleading insofar as it implies there might actually be such a thing as W2QRX, which is of course a whole-cloth fabrication (or rather: an obvious parody object) created by Grable, Smart et al., and which of course bears no relation or connection to "al Qaeda" (whether the real one or the one in the propaganda). Probably every single word in it should be in quotes.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  13. truthmover

    Gotcha. Thanks Nick.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  14. Victronix

    Yes, lately it's like the hologram mental institute opened it's doors. Or as Jim would correct me, essentially "there's nothing 'mental' about it. It's very well crafted to drive people away."

    Posted 15 years ago #
  15. JennySparks

    Probably every single word in it should be in quotes.

    LOL! ;-)

    Posted 15 years ago #
  16. Victronix

    Have you seen this?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  17. christs4sale

    Oh yeah.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  18. truthmover

    Very obviously aimed at getting into our search results. It comes in at #10 when you do a Google search for "truthmove."

    Or course Killtown has been at #3 - #5 for a year now. "Killtown: is peddling disinformation" But that link doesn't trouble us any.

    All these things indicate that we've been doing something right. :)

    Posted 15 years ago #
  19. christs4sale

    We like to think of it as his tribute to us.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  20. Victronix

    I noticed it because Barbara Honegger was linking there . . .

    Posted 15 years ago #
  21. truthmod

    Prison Planet links to AC's "Truth Move"

    Posted 14 years ago #
  22. truthmover

    Alex Constantine again? What an ultramaroon! Dude. You have to really be drinking AJ's brand of agro-ignorant cool-aid to think Constantine isn't a tool of some kind.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  23. christs4sale

    I'm Suspending My Media and 9/11 Blogs

    There will be no more postings at either blog. But I will probably be starting another in the near future. - AC

    Posted 14 years ago #
  24. truthmover

    Yeah. I started writing a clever response, but it's not worth it. I've been learning more about keywords and search results lately, and every time we mention his name or link to his crap we're probably giving him just what he wants. I say that in part because it's more apparent then ever that he is aware of keyword use.

    Posted 14 years ago #


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