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UN conference on Biodiversity Crisis (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Species loss is the central theme of a meeting of the signatory parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Bonn on May 19-30.

    More than 5,000 delegates from all over the world will visit Bonn to discuss protecting and the preserving of species and habitats, sustainable use of biological diversity, and fair distribution of access and exploitation.

    "We're talking about the very survival of billions of people on our planet," Gabriel told the Bundestag.

    The German environment minister stressed the need for developing countries to be treated fairly when it comes to protecting the environment.

    Renate Kuenast Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Kuenast warned of industrial influence

    Speaking for the opposition Green party, Renate Kuenast said the industrialized world was consuming at the cost of developing countries.

    She highlighted the concern that large companies were patenting the rights to seeds, saying indigenous peoples were being dispossessed. She also accused countries like Brazil of destroying indigenous forest for cattle ranching.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. chrisc

    I expect they are as conservative as the IPPC?

    I wonder if anyone has done any work on comparing their predictions with reality -- the IPPC's worst case predictions has repeatedly been shown to be big underestimates by the reality of what is happening...

    For example if they are predicting half of all species might be made extinct by 2100 then I fear that it's something that could happen by 2050 or so... and by 2100 most life on the planet will have been wiped out unless there is very radical social change very soon... :-|

    Posted 15 years ago #


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