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NY911Truth welcomes Paula Gloria (2 posts)

  1. truthmover

    MAY 25TH - Principles of Non-Violent Communication in Conveying Truth of 9/11

    Nonviolent Communication is a skill which affirms that human beings share common, universal values and needs (such as for autonomy, community, and choice) and a desire to see these needs met. By focusing on shared values and then moving on to strategies, we can find solutions that are more satisfying, effective, and empowering.

    Nonviolent Communication is based on the premise that:

    • We are all trying to get our needs met
    • We fare better if we know how to get these needs met in a cooperative rather than aggressive way
    • Each of us has remarkable inner resources that we can access if we are given empathy

    In this presentation by Paula Gloria, we will view her 90 minute interview with Marshall Rosenberg, who created the global methodology and organizational network for Nonviolent Communication. Then we'll discuss the principles as they relate to conveying information on 9/11 alternative research and activism to the public with the goal of enabling productive communication with people who are new to this knowledge and it's implications.

    And my response over at TruthAction:

    Is this the final insult for anyone? I know the "Ready for Mainstream" conference did it for others.

    For many who know him personally Les Jamieson is most notable for enforcing mediocrity. Every step forward is accompanied by at least one step back. Others that have seen him from a distance know that like Kevin Barrett, Les strongly supports the 'big tent' approach.

    He is surrounded by a core group of supporters who act as a buffer against criticism. These people tend to paint him a well meaning and clumsy, but consistent. They also tend to characterize him as insightful when he's done something good, but naive when he's done something bad.

    It has become clear that Paula Gloria is a close associate of Nico and Webfairy. Les knows this. Les also knows that they have unmercifully harassed people in the movement and one would think he might not be so open to welcoming them to speak at the church as he has now done on a number of occasions.

    And...Gloria is going to be talking about the principles of non-violent communication, something that her associates have not been practicing. I suppose one might make the assumption that Les doesn't mind as Gloria's associates are harassing people that Les doesn't like.

    Les should be sent packing. 9/11 truth in NYC would certainly not suffer for it. I've been saying that for a couple of years now, and I keep hoping his misdeeds will eventually catch up with him. We have to build or maintain the mental discipline to recognize that doing something good does not simply offset doing things that are bad.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. NicholasLevis

    Yeah, the really special part is the hypocrisy of her (or his) upholding "non violent communication." What, are you against that? Doesn't it just figure? Can't we all get along? "Attack the Heretics! Down with Reality!" would be a more honest title for her in particular, no?

    Just the text you have would be a good leaflet for outside tomorrow's show.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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