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Aliens exist, but NASA covers them up says 9/11 Ballet Initiative Commissioner (7 posts)

  1. christs4sale

    I found this at Cryptogon, but here is the original article:

    Kind of funny how the aliens come here and only make contact with NASA and military intelligence.

    Please read:

    Intercept, But Don't Shoot by Renato Vesco (if you can afford it)'t%20shoot%3B%20the%20true%20story%20of%20the%20flying%20saucers.

    Messengers of Deception: Ufo Contacts and Cults by Jacques Vallee

    Some of the best free audio resources:

    The Aliens Are Coming, the Aliens Are Coming, Not

    I know Dave Emory is generally not welcome in these circles, but he is really good on this issue and I think most readers of this forum would find these two radio shows informative.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    My comment from TruthAction:

    Today is the "target date" for collecting signatures. July 25th. So I'm supposed to believe that it's just a big coincidence that Mitchell went on the radio when he did and it ended up on FoxNews?

    The is so classic. Does everyone see what is most likely happening? If they did collect the needed signatures, this is a perfect cointelpro bottle of champagne crashing of the bow of a large boat meant to sink. If they didn't get the signatures, Mitchell is playing the role he was meant to play at the last available opportunity.

    I'd assume myself paranoid if this wasn't so damn predictable to me.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. christs4sale

    I am interested to see how 9/11 Blogger treats this one as Reprehensor is a big endorser of the Ballot Initiative.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    I posted about this yesterday in this thread:

    But it does deserve its own.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. chrisc

    I found this at Cryptogon, but here is the original article:

    This struck me from that article:

    He said: "There's not much question at all that there's life throughout the universe, we are not alone at all.

    I'm sure this is true, but it's also clear that we don't have any evidence that this life has evolved past a microbe level anywhere else, I expect it has, but whether it has evolved to the stage where it can debate issues such as this isn't known. Furthermore the problems associated with travel between star systems are so great that I can't really see how this could ever be possible in the near or medium future -- close to light speed travel isn't a trivial issue...

    Please read:
    Intercept, But Don't Shoot by Renato Vesco (if you can afford it)
    Messengers of Deception: Ufo Contacts and Cults by Jacques Vallee

    I might just do that, but I have so many other unread books... One bit of a review of Messengers of Deception on that Amazon page struck me as interesting:

    The History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and the National Geographic Channel... have influentially been promoting the idea that UFOs are either 'space craft from other planets, or simply nonexistent' for ten years

    I think it's well over 10 years now and when these shows first started up I couldn't understand why so many resources were being devoted to this subject... I didn't give it all that much thought at the time, just dismissing it as more crap TV... But now the idea that these are two falsely counterposed, fabricated alternatives does make some sense...

    Some of the best free audio resources:
    The Aliens Are Coming, the Aliens Are Coming, Not

    Interesting, I haven't heard of Dave Emory before... The web page for the the latest of the above two shows is here:

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. chrisc

    Please read:
    Intercept, But Don't Shoot by Renato Vesco (if you can afford it)

    This is an updated version of that book:

    Man-Made UFOs 1944-1994: 50 Years of Suppression (Paperback)
    by Renato Vesco

    But one review says this about it:

    This book is a reprint of the book, "Intercept UFO" by Renato Vesco. That original book was the best researched book on flying saucers I have ever read, outlining their technical origins stemming from aeronautical researches in Boundary Layer Control. But David Childress bought the rights & added to the front & back of Vesco's book, and his additional material isn't nearly as well researched. Basically, what Childress added was junk. So, the book within the book is excellent, but the overall book suffered when Childress added his material.

    However it's so much cheaper it's probably still worth getting this version...

    Posted 15 years ago #
  7. christs4sale

    Thank you very much for the information chrisc. Truthmod, sorry I did not see your other post. This could be important and probably deserves its own thread. Still nothing on Blogger about this.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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