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Alex Jones and his choice of guests (4 posts)

  1. christs4sale

    DBLS on Truthaction posted critically about Alex Jones recently having Anthony Hilder on his program:

    Today also he had this other guy Anthony J. Hilder who's produced films like “911 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold“ and "Illuminazi". The one I saw ages ago had an interview with Lyndon LaDouche in it, but most of all this unbelievably ridiculous sense of imposing dread that it was trying to impart, with burning skulls and all sorts of other garbage. And he wants to debate Bill O'Reilly at "Conspiracy Con", what a great idea that would be! I'm sure "KookFest08" will provide O'Reilly with a whole decade’s worth of “conspiracy-theorist-stereotype-reinforcing” ammo against anything he can falsely associate it with like 9/11 Truth. He also wants Willie Nelson in his next absurd dread imparting “production", so he can torpedo Willie's credibility I'm sure.

    Hilder is NOT someone anyone in this movement should be associating with given his history. I have noticed Anthony Hilder's presence on Alex Jones' website and in the film Zeitgeist for a while now. Interestingly enough, he is mentioned in William Turner's and John Christian's book "The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: The Conspiracy and Coverup."

    According to the book, he was part of a John Birch Society-connected group called American United along with John Steinbacher. Here are some quotes from the book:

    Both were proteges of the well-known anti-Semite Myron J. Fagan, a leader of the Hollywood blacklisting clique during the McCarthy era.

    In fact, Hilder and a gaggle of followers had been at the Ambassador Hotel the previous night [the night Kennedy was shot - Christs4sale] trying to race-bait RFK by handing out buttons and pamphlets depicting him and black Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr of New York on the same ticket. After the shooting the Hilder group created considerable confusion by alleging that the assailant was a Eugene McCarthy supporter.

    During a taped telephone interview on May 3, 1970, Hilder told Christian: "I predicted Bobby Kennedy would be shot ... then he was shot. I predicted [Dr. Martin Luther] King would be shot ... then he was shot! ... Right now they have to have another killing ... preferably a so-called conservative ... maybe Nixon ... but it would be wonderful to have one-two-three [Kennedy] brothers."

    Both the debate [the debate between LH Oswald, Butler and Carlos Bringuier after the famous street confrontation between Oswald and Bringuier in New Orleans when Oswald was passing out Fair-Play for Cuba leaflets - Christs4sale] and the assassination-evening airing of the excerpts were arranged by Edward S. Butler, who headed a right-wing propaganda outfit in New Orleans called the Information Council of the Americas. By 1968 Butler had moved to Los Angeles where he carried on with financial aid from Patrick J. Frawley, Jr., chief executive officer of the Schick Safety Razor Company [see Powershift by Kirkpatrick Sale and Deep Politics and the Death of JFK by Peter Dale Scott for more information of Frawley and Schick's involvement in right-wing politics - Christs4sale]. For years Frawley generously supported hard-lined conservatives such as Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater and Sam Yorty [mayor of LA at the time of RFK assassination - Christs4sale]. Frawley and Yorty belonged to the American Security Council, an embodiment of the military-industrial complex that lobbied for a bigger military establishment and ran a political blacklist service for its large corporation clients. Anthony Hilder also claimed to have the backing of Frawley.

    But we did learn that Hilder, who had been at the Ambassador Hotel on election night passing out anti-Kennedy handbills, had aquired more than a passing interest in hypnosis. In discussing the possibility that his programmer might have discovered Sirhan at a hypnosis school or demonstration, Hollywood hypnotist Gil Boyne mentioned to Christian that he himself held a "Self-Help Institute" using hypnosis in the fall of 1967 that attracted several political extremests who might have seen some potential in Sirhan. One that Boyne named was Anthony Hilder.

    Hilder signed up for instructions for himself and a girl friend, explaining that he wanted to find out the nature and the effect of hypnosis on the individual. After attending several classes, they dropped out. Then, in December 1967, he came to see Boyne, wild-eyed and agitated, muttering about something "political." He whipped out a .38 police special and two boxes of shells and offered them to the frightened Boyne as payment for arrears tuition. Hilder confided that Boyne would soon have a "great need" for the weapons because an event would occur that would touch off race riots around the country. But Hilder had been quite insistent that he not be placed under hypnosis himself. He knew "big things," he said, and he didn't want them coming out.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Alex Jones' poor judgment (or worse) becomes more apparent every day. I hope some of his listeners and followers finally start to get fed up--looks like DBLS has changed his tune a little.

    The sad thing is that it's never until these clowns get really blatant with their irresponsibility and dis/misinformation that most people stop giving them the benefit of the doubt.

    Alex Jones has a right wing agenda and he is manipulating and deceiving his audience. He's got a multi-million dollar operation going on, his site just gets more and more sophisticated and professional looking.

    Here is their latest garbage:

    Government and corporate fueled alarmism about global warming - which has not occurred in the last 10 years nor will it occur in the next 10 years - is accelerating the creation of new forms of malthusian control over our lives. Those who don’t submit to the whims of the climate cult are derided as second class citizens and subjected to a new manifestation of 1950’s style segregation.

    Aunts and uncles, you better hide your washer dryers in the garage or concealed areas of the house, because you are next on the list of the climate cops.

    There is a profound sickness in enforcing upon children the idea that they are changing the world when in actual fact they are doing the bidding of corporate elites and megalomaniacs, who have publicly announced their plan to use global warming alarmism as a means of tightening the screws on our freedoms and ultimately eliminating us altogether.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. Arabesque

    Oh, and he had Webster Tarpley on.

    And then apparently invited him on again.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    I was listening to KPFA - Guns and Butter today and who comes on? Webster Tarpley. Not the first time they've been extremely irresponsible, but worth noting anyway. I say add them to the blacklist.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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