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'9/11 Truth' activists march through Denver at DNC (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Around 100 activists convinced that the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 were perpetrated by dark and mysterious actors within the US government marched across the city Tuesday in a sanctioned protest that resulted in no confrontations with police.

    Members of the so-called "9/11 Truth" movement gathered outside Denver's city hall proceeding to snake through cordoned off streets towards the Pepsi Center, where the Democratic National Convention is being held this week. Radio host Alex Jones, who runs the conspiracy theory Web site and is a leader of the movement led demonstrators in chants of "9/11 was and inside job" and "Down with the New World Order."

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    Malkin: Slighted 9/11 'opportunists' tried to attack the media

    As Malkin described the event at her own blog, "The protest was an abysmal failure — with a crowd of about 20 profit-bashing protesters far out-numbered by press, bloggers, police, horses, and looky-loos. I was able to work unimpeded covering the pathetic showing…until the Truthers showed up for their YouTube moment. Desperate to salvage the fizzled demonstration, 9/11 nutball Alex Jones started barking at me and attempting to make a scene and incite a riot."

    "These are people who think the government killed Americans and it was a big conspiracy," Malkin explained to Fox's Steve Doocy. "This guy's a fringe talk show host, and he showed up at what was supposed to be a peaceful event. ... It turned ugly."

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. Arabesque

    Neo-Con Media Whores Still Can’t Get Facts Straight On Malkin Incident

    Neo-Con media whores are still having difficulty getting their facts straight on Alex Jones’ confrontation of Michelle Malkin on Monday... That’s right - drooling, Mom’s basement dwelling, fake right-wing hacks... Indeed, the 9/11 truth movement’s shutdown of Chris Matthews’ MSNBC show was a wild success, in comparison to the pathetic spectacle of the phony left-wing group Re-Create 68, adorned in ludicrous wizard outfits, and their self-defeating attempts to “levitate” the Denver Mint... Malkin’s feigned outrage may fool Fox News’ rapidly declining number of geriatric viewers, but the real outrage is the fact that this anti-American piece of filth... Another blow-hard who can’t get his facts straight is Andrew Bolt...

    I'm not saying I disagree that these people don't deserve our praise, but the fact is that this writing style is using the same ad hominem style smear tactics that Bill O'Lie-ly (oops, sorry) uses. Ad-hominem attacks are a tool of propaganda. How many attacks can you count in this article?

    Posted 15 years ago #


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