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STJ 911 Professor: 'All Hijacked Passengers Survived' (2 posts)

  1. Arabesque

    Towards a Comprehensive 9/11 Conspiracy Theory: The "All Hijacked Passengers Survived" Hypothesis"


    An underlying postulate, or working hypothesis, of my earlier Pentagon model was that the passengers on AA-77 volunteered to feign their deaths in return for cushy “witness protection” programs...

    So, here I extend my “all passengers survived” postulate to all four 9/11 “hijacked” flights on the notion that this small number of passengers might have been considered by conspirators as the minimum number for public credulity, while at the same time not exceeding the maximum number of “true believers in the cause” willing to accept long separations from their loved ones (sweetened by handsome Swiss bank accounts)... the plane that actually struck WTC2 was captured on film and digital video cameras by many dozens of individuals – and widely-published frames from these films (some even appearing on magazine covers) show the impacting aircraft to have unmistakable external modifications. For many, many views of this modified aircraft see:

    "For the sake of argument, let us assume for a moment that the passengers did die... Thus, I arrived at a quandary: I had concluded that both AA-11 and UA-175 must have been unmodified airliners that took off from Boston Logan with real (though relatively few) passengers – and I hypothesized that these passengers survived... IF what you saw in these videos was the actual UA-175, where would it have landed with its still-safe (but terribly shaken) passengers? ...In my "all passengers survive" hypothesis, it is easily surmised that AA-11 with its transponder turned off could have landed safely at Griffiss AFB after having been replaced over Amsterdam, NY, by a transponder-less drone attacker out of Griffiss."

    As I pointed out:

    Others argue plane substitution in the attacks. But then, what to make of these reports of DNA identification at the WTC?[24]

    “DNA extractions were done on every one of the 19,906 remains, and 4,735 of those have been identified. As many as 200 remains have been linked to a single person. Of the 1,401 people identified include 45 of those aboard the hijacked planes - 33 from Flight 11, which struck the north tower, and 12 from Flight 175, which hit the south tower.”

    Although about half of the victims at the WTC have not been accounted for,[25] reports continue to surface to this day in which passengers from the flights that hit the World Trade Center Towers are identified:

    March 19, 2002:

    “A hand found in the rubble at ground zero was matched through DNA testing to Trentini, a 65-year-old retired schoolteacher from Everett, Mass., it was reported. Trentini and his wife, Mary, 67, were flying to Los Angeles Sept. 11 on Flight 11 to visit their grandchildren. It is the first time DNA has been able to verify the identity of any victims aboard the two planes that were flown into the World Trade Center, according to the report. The fingerprints matched Trentini’s, and his college ring, believed to be his Wofford ring, was still on his finger.”[26]

    November 2, 2006:

    “DNA tests have identified the remains of three more people who died in the attacks on World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. They were American Airlines Flight 11 stewardess Karen Ann Martin, passenger Douglas Joel Stone, and a man whose relatives have requested anonymity.”

    April 11, 2007:

    “For the 6th time in a week, the city has identified another victim from the 9/11 attacks. DNA analysis identified 66-year old Alberto Dominguez, from Australia. He was visiting family in the US and was onboard American Airlines flight 11, which hijackers crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. His remains were discovered during the original recovery effort. A spokeswoman for the medical examiner's office says remains found at that time are being re-tested.”[27]

    Are these reports faked too?

    And of course we can count on SLC to highlight the above information!

    Dr David L. Griscom, who thinks the passengers on board the four planes were all paid off and are living in Tahiti, drinking Pina Coladas.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. truthmov
    Key Master

    This is a particularly effective smear campaign. It makes us look extremely insensitive as well as crazy and stupid.

    This guy was (is?) a part of Scholars for Truth & Justice? Hmm, well I guess it's pretty hard to weed out all the disinfo whackos.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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