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Election fraud: Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama (7 posts)

  1. truthmover
  2. truthmod

    The real election:

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. Manatus

    That's funny. It appears the presidential elections are a great tool to divide and distract a nation facing vital issues. Does anyone here believe the elections are actually legitimate?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. truthmover

    Define legitimate.

    Here's a thought. Do you think that the Republicans would be spending so much money and going to so much trouble to cheat if the outcome of the election were largely superficial?

    I doubt that this election has much to do with determining a new direction for global industry. But Obama and McCain are not the same person. They do not represent exactly the same interests. There are factions competing for power among the elite of this country, and they have differing views about management.

    Left vs Right is largely a false dichotomy meant to divide the people and avert class consciousness. The same is true for racism, nationalism, and a good deal of religious doctrine. However, just because these things are used as tools against us does not negate their independent relevance.

    We have ideological differences among us that we should debate. We have specific experiences in this country based on lineage that we should creatively express and share. We have a sense that some aspects of our country represent an evolutionary social experiment. Democracy might not be working or have been yet realized, but it is a worthy goal, and better than military dictatorship. And spiritual thought should not be reduced to it's manifestation in human behavior.

    So, they will cheat their ass off. Most of the campaign promises are fluff. Neither candidate is going to steer us quickly enough away from the cliff we are approaching. But on the other hand, taking no steps because you only have small steps to take is short sighted. Obama is a step toward some of our ideals, certainly not all or many of them, while McCain is running with the set that has been intentionally bankrupting our country at a hefty profit.

    Historically speaking, US Presidential Administrations have had huge impacts on our country and the world. And it's important not to ignore or reduce the differences among them. I think the election matters a great deal and that would be exactly the reason why we need to shed more light on the fraud that is touch screen voting.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    Maybe if Obama gets assassinated and the "it doesn't matter who wins" people get to study the intricacies of the conspiracy, then they'll start to say "Obama was too much of a threat to the status quo; THEY had to take him out."

    However cliche it's becoming, the McCain/Palin ticket is a clear a continuation of the Bush administration. The Obama/Biden ticket is not.

    And maybe elections have cheating (or something like it) on both sides, and who wins depends both on how many legitimate votes each gets AND how well they scheme and maneuver.

    Was there no difference in 1963 between JFK and LBJ? Was there no difference in 1968 between RFK and Nixon? Was there no difference in 2000 between Al Gore and Bush?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. Manatus

    Thanks for your feedback. I've been seriously pondering this. I have closely followed these elections for over 20 years. I have noticed some interesting patterns that I originally thought may be random aberrations in each election. Then we had the 2000 and 2004 elections. The paradigm shift of 9/11 has added perspective to everything I noticed about these elections going back over 20 years to the present.

    If the truth about 9/11 can be disguised on such a massive scale, it may be possible that the elections are also. I have been asking myself many questions about these elections over decades. More often than not, the answers don't fit. When I view these same questions from the possibility I describe above, the answers to the questions fit. That's very similar to how the aberrations surrounding 9/11 drew scrutiny, and further review.

    I believe it's food for thought. Division and distraction are great tools for maintaining illusions by getting the target audience barking up the wrong tree(s). This is the key dynamic (among others) I have observed regarding this issue over the years. I may be wrong, but I would feel negligent if I did not mention it. Like 9/11, the more I try to dismiss the notion of a conspiracy by research, the more likely it appears there may actually be one based on the facts.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  7. truthmover

    It sounds like you are duly concerned about election fraud and the false duality of the left/right dichotomy. So are we.

    Along side these ideologies and the actions taken in their interest is a hierarchy of education. There are more and less educated "conservatives" and "liberals." And the differences we see within that range greatly determine ones world view. Generally speaking, the less educated among us are more easily influenced by appeals to authority and basic summaries of issues that appeal their their comforts and fears.

    On the other hand, the more educated among us are easily swayed by a whole different set of control factors. And in fact the further up the pyramid you go, the more control factors you encounter. The people at the top are in many ways the least free.

    So then people like McCain and Obama operate within a common system of controls. As a result we would not expect them to advocate revolution. And they are certainly carrying out their roles in a false dialectic that serves to prevent third party inclusion.

    But once again, within that system of controls there are still competing interests. And while they both serve a failing system, one is still more humane than the other. One set of managers seems to be better at balancing social and industrial needs. The Democrats aren't going to steer us away from Full Spectrum Dominance, or a three foot rise in the sea level, but I really honestly think the Obama is just a bit more sympathetic of an individual than McCain.

    Bottom line: No apathy, nihilism, anarchy, or denial of the dialectic, makes it alright for us to end up with Palin as President. Obama and Palin are not the same thing!

    Posted 15 years ago #


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