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Election Predictions! (52 posts)

  1. emanuel

    Ok don't be shy. What's going to happen tomorrow? I'll go out on a limb.

    Obama will win with a very slim margin despite tons of voter spoilage by Republican ground forces. We will never know for sure whether Obama's victory was the result of rigged machines, or whether there was no electronic fraud this time at all. The Republicans will a majority in congress though (via electronic vote fraud).

    Of course, this is all speculation. I have no idea really what is going to happen. But it's fun to make predictions. So go ahead, make yours. We will see who ended up the closest.



    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. Arabesque

    I'm predicting... voter fraud. Because it has happened enough times now.

    Nothing is too outrageous now.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. emanuel

    That's a safe prediction, but a little too safe. Are you predicting the fraud will go to McCain or to Obama?


    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. emanuel

    BTW, this served partially for the basis of my prediction:


    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    My prediction is that Obama will win comfortably, although possibly not with a landslide. I don't believe there will be significant fraud on his side. There may be fraud for McCain, perhaps giving him a few states he wouldn't have otherwise won--just to make him look respectable.

    If McCain somehow emerges victorious, there will be rioting and demonstrations.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. Durruti

    Struggling Lower-Class Still Unsure How Best To Fuck Selves With Vote

    The Onion October 30, 2008 | Issue 44•44

    WASHINGTON—As election day nears, millions of the nation's poorest voters have reportedly yet to settle on the most profound and enduring way to completely fuck themselves over when they head to the polls this year.

    "On the one hand, I'm pretty sure Barack Obama will undermine my best interests by maintaining the same centrist, pro-corporate policies of previous Democratic administrations," said Jim Estey, 34, a recently laid-off assembly-line worker. "Conversely, I agree with McCain and Palin on abortion, which might just balance out the fact that they'll further marginalize people like me by supporting deregulation and slashing social programs. So it's pretty much a toss-up at this point."

    Though such behavior appears to directly undermine their own well-being, lower-income voters have historically supported candidates determined to screw them six ways to Sunday, including Bill Clinton, who incarcerated them in record numbers and cut the welfare benefits many depended on for day-to-day sustenance, and George W. Bush, who widened the gap between them and the rich and sent thousands of them to die in Iraq. This year's election is reportedly unique in that the nation's poor must not only weigh how deeply and painfully their chosen candidate will penetrate their rectums, but must also consider unforeseen outside circumstances—such as economic collapse and terrorism—that might allow the next president to bend them over and brutally rape them in ways they never thought possible.

    The latest polls indicate that a majority of lower-class citizens might choose not to vote at all Nov. 4, preferring instead to leave the details of how they get fucked to the moneyed classes.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  7. DoctorSerious

    Obama will win a squeaker despite numerous different groups trying to control the voting machines.

    Republicans will gain ground in both the House and the Senate because of voting machine fraud enabling them to perhaps get a majority in one of the two, but certainly preventing the Democrats from having complete control of both houses.

    Election officials will glow about how smoothly the election went and how great these voting machines are.

    It's possible that Obama's victory will be challenged by members of the Republican party on the basis of fraud perpetrated by groups such as ACORN. Even if McCain conceded quickly, as both Gore and Kerry did, the result of the election may not be official until well into November.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  8. JohnA

    Obama by a historic landslide. Democrats will gain seats in congress - but fall just short of the magic 60 seats needed for a fillibuster-proof majority.

    while there will be grassroots accusations floated in the blogosphere of voter irregularities - they will never gain traction and make the mainstream media since Obama's victory will be decisive enough to render all debate moot.

    it will be hard to make the case that Obama stole an election - in a landslide.

    every new president goes though a honeymoon period where the media and public rejoices in adulation - sings of hope and unity and support.

    but - the historic proportions of this election will propel this honeymoon period into the stratosphere - and the world will join us in rejoicing - drowning out any voices of protest. Obama will be an instant success - before he even moves into the White House.

    the country will enter a celebratory period of self-congratulation and near-hero worship of Obama - and his historic accomplishment. his face and voice will saturate the popular culture. genuine excitement will exist - unseen on the political landscape for generations.

    political pundits will openly talk about the Obama MANDATE - and members of congress will line up just for the privilage of riding his coat tails - INCLUDING republicans - just like the Reagan democrats did.

    of course - it will all come crashing down. it will not be so much a result of Obama's policies or inexperience or lack of leadership skills. it will be simple physics. a body in motion tends to stay in motion - and america's downward spiral will not suddenly pause to genuflect for Obama.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  9. emanuel

    Hey JohnA,

    You seem to have hit it right on the nose. Do you have some insider information?


    Posted 15 years ago #
  10. JohnA

    shhh...... you'll blow my cover.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  11. chrisc


    Posted 15 years ago #
  12. truthmod

    Why didn't they steal it? Because there would have been a worldwide uproar. Also, perhaps because the media, lawyers, democrats, etc. were much more vigilant about the possibility of fraud.

    I know we've got a fairly cynical demographic here in the truth movement, but hey, the US just elected one of the most progressive candidates, a black man, with the middle name Hussein--after 8 years of George W. Bush! In this political climate, at this time, in this country, I don't think we could have dreamed for a better outcome.

    Once again: we are going to have a black First Family--and they're not total sellouts like some might claim; they're just mainstream progressives.

    This doesn't change the environmental crisis, the financial crisis, or the police state crisis, but it's a step in the right direction--something we haven't seen in so many years that some of us might not know how to acknowledge or accept it.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  13. christs4sale

    Take a look at the new Collateral News for more commentary on this topic:

    Posted 15 years ago #
  14. truthmover

    Some good things:

    No Palin.

    No far-right wing Supreme Court justices.

    No extension of regressive tax cuts.

    No more flagrant disregard for international law.

    Virginia and Indiana voted for a black man.

    Obama's childhood experience was not one of elite privilege.

    Obama is invested in and very capable of negotiating.

    The world might think a little bit better of the average U.S. citizen.

    We will certainly be hearing about many examplse of fraud perpetrated during this election. We might assume that the spread would have been 10 points instead of 6 were the election to have been well managed. But Obama found himself in the middle of a perfect storm after having conducted a brilliant campaign. Fraud could not counter turnout.

    The voters are fully responsible for Obama's election. That feels good.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  15. emanuel

    It's hard not to get swept up in the excitement, I'll admit.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  16. JohnA


    Posted 15 years ago #
  17. chrisc

    No more flagrant disregard for international law.

    I suspect that this will continue -- do you think the US will actually pull of of Iraq before it's been pumped dry?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  18. chrisc

    This reminds me of when Blair was elected after 3 terms of the Tories and the hated Margaret Thatcher... lots of people partied... but look where that got us...

    "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal"

    Posted 15 years ago #
  19. JohnA

    you can't predict he will pump Iraq dry, chrisc. none of us can predict what Obama will do.

    lets actually see what he does.

    i got reamed pretty good for endorsing Obama over on TruthAction - and i partly understand why. but - i also see quite a bit of exaggeration in the criticism.

    for now i choose to be optimistic. i think the enthusiasm of the people alone - is reason to be excited. i do not know if it can be sustained. but there is an awakening in the general population that is very exciting to behold. it is a global phenomenon based on IDEAS.

    we can debate how sincere Obama is. perhaps i am drinking the Obama koolaide. but - IDEAS are what excite me - and people are rising up - millions strong - in the name of those ideas.

    now that is something to be excited about.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  20. mark
    Member Beyond Bush: several perspectives on regime rotation Biden's false solution for Iraq: partition to control the oil fields

    Posted 15 years ago #
  21. Victronix

    The voters are fully responsible for Obama's election. That feels good.

    Yes, but the MSM was the primary decision-making entity that determined their A or B choice, how the debates would go, who would be heard, etc. They locked out any third parties from all discussion, so no real threats were presented to Obama from the left, only from the religious right, and Katie Couric single handedly took out Palin early on.

    Quite a formula for expectations to be met.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  22. chrisc

    John do you think the US will (or could) leave Iraq before all (or most) of the oil has been extracted?

    The only way I can see this happening is if there is a collapse of the US empire and they pull out of everywhere or if they pull out in a way that ensures that the regime left in place does their bidding and the US oil companies are allowed to pump out the oil -- partition could be how they do it.

    The partition idea is a very old one:

    An old Zionist dream: the partition of Iraq -- Gabriele Zamparini

    FLASHBACK: A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon (with a foreword by, and translated by Israel Shahak)

    Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone have often mentioned Oded Yinon's document on their shows.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  23. Durruti

    November 5, 2008 "What If Bush Did It?" A Prism for the New Paradigm


    As the United States enters a new and unprecedented political era -- or, as killjoy cynics might put it, as the American empire gets a new set of temporary managers -- the fate of the "dissident" movement that arose under the Bush Regime seems greatly occluded. So many of those who set out their stalls as bold outsiders "speaking truth to power" now find themselves on the inside, enthralled by power, speaking for power, as it is personified by President-elect Barack Obama -- who, ironically, has consistently repudiated many of the tenets and principles that provoked the dissidents' outrage in the first place.

    I have always disliked this phrase "speaking truth to power" (although I'm sure I've lazily employed it myself on several occasions). No one needs to speak truth to power: power knows the truth well enough, it knows what it is doing, and to whom, and why. What we need, most desperately, are people who will speak truth about power, and speak it to people who might not have heard that truth through the howling cacophony of media diversion, corporate spin and political manipulation.

    So for those of dissident bent who would still like to speak truth about power - and who are not sending their CVs to the Obama transition team or signing on as happy warriors to defend the new imperial managers from revenge attacks by bitter partisans of the ousted faction -- the question of how best to comport oneself in this brave new world takes on some urgency. In this regard, we would like to suggest the following conceptual framework for analyzing and understanding the moral, ethical, social, economic and legal implications of the policies and actions of the coming administration. (And it even comes with its own handy acronym!):

    "WIBDI: What If Bush Did It?"

    This user-friendly analytical tool provides a quick and easy way of determining the value of any given policy while correcting one's perception for partisan bias. Simply take a particular action or proposal and submit it to the WIBDI test: If Bush did this, would you think it was OK? Or would you condemn it as the act of a warmonger, or a tyrant, or a corrupt corporate tool, etc.? The just-concluded campaign has already shown us how our hordes of our quondam dissidents have signally failed this test, excusing, countenancing, defending or even embracing the actions and positions enumerated below by Chris Hedges:

    "Sen. Barack Obama’s vote to renew the Patriot Act, his votes to continue to fund the Iraq war, his backing of the FISA Reform Act, his craven courting of the Israeli lobby, his support of the death penalty, his refusal to champion universal, single-payer not-for-profit health care for all Americans, his call to increase troop levels and expand the war in Afghanistan, his failure to call for a reduction in the bloated and wasteful defense spending and his lobbying for the huge taxpayer swindle known as the bailout..."

    To which we could add his bellicose saber-rattling at Iran, his promise to roll back "Russian aggression" and extend war-triggering treaty protection to an aggressive Georgian regime (which cluster-bombed its own people, as we learned this week), his advocacy of destabilizing and civilian-shredding military strikes in Pakistan, his opposition to gay marriage (and campaigning with gay-bashing preachers), and his support for extending the death penalty to cover non-fatal offenses, and so on.

    Any one of these positions would be roundly condemned by "progressives" if they were taken or advocated by George W. Bush -- as in fact many of them have been. Indeed, one of the most remarkable things about this campaign is how Obama has managed to embody the deep and desperate thirst for change among millions of America -- hence the genuinely moving scenes of jubilation and revived hope that have greeted his victory -- while his actual positions in many if not most key areas track very closely with Bush's, if they are not actually identical with them.

    Take Iran, for example. Obama has taken what is regarded as a more nuanced position, holding out the promise of direct negotiations with Iranian leaders. Yet he has repeatedly stated what the outcome of these "negotiations" must be: Iran must "abandon its nuclear program." If it does not, then more and more draconian sanctions will be applied, with the clear threat of military action if these don't bring Tehran to heel. This is, chapter and verse, the precise policy followed by Bush, who has also repeatedly offered to "negotiate" with Iran as long as they agree to surrender on every point before talks begin.

    And, as with Bush, Obama's stern warnings apply not only to any nuclear weapons program (which even Bush's intelligence services say Iran no longer has), but to any nuclear energy program whatsoever. Obama has repeatedly and consistently said that Iran must not even be allowed to enrich uranium, which is necessary to any nuclear energy program. (The fact that Iran is legally entitled to pursue nuclear energy development under international non-proliferation treaties which it has signed -- while nuclear-armed U.S. allies like Israel and India have not -- is of course entirely irrelevant in the discussion. The Washington hegemon decides which laws apply, and to whom, and when.)

    Again, if Iran does not agree to these predetermined conditions of the "negotiation," then, as Obama has also repeatedly promised, "all options remain on the table," a totality which must of necessity include the nuclear option. Indeed, his chief advisor for the region, Dennis Ross -- the man who, as Michael Flynn reports at, is confident that he will play a leading if not the principal role in formulating Middle East policy for President Obama -- was involved in the development of a new report by an influential bipartisan "think tank" that is, essentially, an action plan for war with Iran. As Flynn notes:

    "...the report argues that "Cold War deterrence" is not persuasive in the context of Iran's program, due in large measure to the "Islamic Republic's extremist ideology." Even a peaceful indigenous uranium enrichment program would place the entire Middle East region "under a cloud of ambiguity given uncertain Iranian capacities and intentions."

    "Among the report's proposals are undertaking a major military buildup in the Gulf; pressuring Russia to halt weapons assistance; and, if the U.S. agrees to hold direct talks with Tehran without insisting that the country first cease enrichment activities, setting a predetermined compliance deadline and be prepared to apply increasingly harsh repercussions if these are not met, leading ultimately to U.S. military strikes."

    Ross was a protégé of Paul Wolfowitz and has long-standing associations with the group of warmongering "intellectuals" known loosely as the neo-cons, who evidently will continue to hover in and around the inner circles of power in the "new" Washington.

    So if President Obama, heeding his own band of neo-con outriders, ultimately finds the Iranians too evil and stubborn to give up their lawful and intensely supervised nuclear program, and decides -- reluctantly, of course, as "a last resort" -- to launch, say, a "limited strike to bring them back to the bargaining table," will American "progressives" utilize the WIBDI tool, and lead marches in the street against this Bush-like use of unilateral force? Or will they suddenly discover the wisdom and effectiveness of judiciously applied, expertly managed "pre-emptive" strikes? ("You can trust Obama; he's too cool and rational to go off half-cocked the way Bush would. If he says we need to do this, then you know that it's been well thought-out and the right thing to do.") Indeed, will they not follow the injunction of Joe Biden, and "gird their loins" to stand with Obama in the face of an unpopular policy, even if "it's not gonna be apparent initially...that we're right"?

    This is just one example, and perhaps an extreme one. The managers of the empire may have already decided that the Iran gambit would not be cost-effective under present circumstances; or alternatively, Bush might just push the button for a hit on Tehran before he slinks off into well-wadded obscurity, thus rendering moot the above scenario. But the principle remains the same. In measuring and judging the operations of power, we must judge an action or policy for what it is, in reality, and for what it does, to actual living human beings, and not for who has ordered it.

    Chris Floyd is an American journalist and frequent contributor to CounterPunch. His blog, "Empire Burlesque," can be found at

    Posted 15 years ago #
  24. Durruti

    An Obama Presidency

    More Of The Same Only Worse

    By Larry Pinkney

    “I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those who do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice, and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the system of exploitation. I believe that there will be that kind of clash, but I don’t think it will be based on the color of the skin…” -Malcolm X

    November 05, 2008 "BlackCommentator" -- -If the masses of people in this nation knew or had known the pertinent facts pertaining to the war mongering “we can fight the war better,” pro-apartheid Zionist, corporate Wall Street-backed, slippery tongued Barack Obama, it is doubtful they would have been so thoroughly bamboozled and hoodwinked to their own detriment and that of the world. Wall Street and the corporate media, however, have, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, engaged in a relentless, ruthless, and absolutely unprecedented campaign of corporate branding and marketing on behalf of Barack Obama, with the peoples of the United States as their targets.

    Assuming that the corporate Wall Street elite and its concomitant opinion-forming, omission, and misinformation machinery of the U.S. corporate media successfully installs their favorite choice - Democratic Party Republicrat Barack Obama - as the first colored President of the U.S. Empire, the majority of people in the United States are in for a rude awakening in the form of increased economic austerity, internal political repression, deepened racial disharmony, external U.S. military adventurism, and an endless stream of misleading disinformation from the corporate government. The peoples of the world will face intensified imperialistic and military assault and attempts at U.S. hegemony. This time, however, the imperialism of the U.S. Empire will be conveniently spearheaded, condoned and rationalized by its newest and most potent weapon: the dangerously double-talking “Emperor” in black face - Barack Obama. Moreover, in one fell and foul swoop, the corporate / military elite of the U.S. Empire intends to utilize Barack Obama as the “messiah” (created by none other than corporate America and its corporate media) to neutralize and destroy the ongoing Black liberation struggle for justice and equality in this nation, and in people’s liberation struggles throughout the world.

    In relative short order - inside the United States itself - under a Barack Obama presidency, the living conditions of the majority of Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow peoples will continue to steadily and massively deteriorate while the corporate Wall Street barons prolong their glut of the every day people’s finances, resources, hopes, and dreams. Under an Obama presidency those non Blacks who stand in opposition to Barack Obama’s de facto pro Wall Street backers and their blood-sucking policies will be branded as racists and traitors, while those Blacks who oppose Obama’s policies will be ignored and/or branded as fringe radicals and traitors. Thus, the horrors of the U.S. Empire will continue unabated, and in many respects, under Barack Obama, actually worsen. The blame for the deteriorating economy and continued war will of course quickly be laid by the Obama / Biden regime and the Democratic Party Republicrats on the previous Bush / Cheney regime, despite the fact that it was the complicity of the Democratic Party itself with the Bush / Cheney Republican Republicrat regime that facilitated the despicable policies and practices of the Bush / Cheney regime. The fact is that the Democratic and Republican Parties are de facto Republicrats with the objective of exploiting the majority of people and maintaining U.S. Empire abroad.

    After the Democratic Party Republicrats so-called election euphoria and celebrating is over, the Obama / Biden Republicrat regime will get down to the business of placing the ongoing exploitation of the every day people of this nation on fast track. The masses of Black Americans, along with the oppressed and exploited Brown, Red, Yellow, and White peoples of this nation will learn first hand that, notwithstanding the deceptive Obama rhetoric, exploitation nationally and internationally will be intensified. The “clash between those who want freedom, justice, equality for everyone and those who want to continue the system of exploitation” about which Malcolm X referred, will be intensified under Barack Obama, with Obama representing the interests of the oppressors. The political contradictions in this regard will also be increasingly obvious.

    Those so-called leftist and progressives who were and are collaborators with U.S. Empire will, for a time, try to pretend that their support of Barack Obama was not a sell out, and that they simply need more time to persuade the U.S. Empire’s colored corporate emperor to do the right thing. Meanwhile, Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, and White peoples will be enduring an unprecedented rate of economic and social suffering. The anger of the people will ultimately peak and explode, as a result of having bought into false hope and raised expectations. This is precisely why the U.S. corporate government has already made military contingency plans to contain and massively quash dissention within the United States. Barack Obama will serve to provide his corporate / military masters with colored political cover for political repression in this nation; and he will have already provided a small respite of wiggling room for them in this regard. Nevertheless, as brutal reality forces the proverbial scales of blindness to drop from eyes of the masses, it will become crystal clear that the supposed “change” to which Barack Obama referred in his campaign rhetoric, was nothing more than a vicious ruse of double-speak by him, backed by his corporate and military handlers. Indeed, the emperor will be shown to “have no clothes.” But what of the fate of millions of Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow peoples inside the U.S.? How many horrible sacrifices will have been, and will yet need to be made by the people in order to get the boot of economic blood-sucking and political repression off their / our necks?

    The “clash,” to which Malcolm X referred, “between those who want freedom, justice, and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the system of exploitation” will deepen, as will repression and systemic contradictions. The “clash” will have, by necessity, as Malcolm X suggested, gone beyond “the color of the skin.” Notwithstanding his double speak rhetoric, it will become clear to people that a president Barack Obama supports and wants to “continue the system of exploitation” at home and abroad. Despite continued double speak and corporate disinformation and misinformation, it will be become undeniably clear that a president Barack Obama is the servant of the corporate/ military / prison apparatus of U.S. Empire, and a key facilitator of exploitation and political repression inside and outside the United States.

    Building a real, grass roots peoples’ movement inside the United States will then, in some respects, be more challenging but by no means impossible. Notwithstanding the political repression and incessant disinformation that for a certainty will be emanating from the Obama / Biden Democratic Republicrats and their cronies, a genuine peoples’ movement will be, of necessity, the order of the day.

    It is no mere coincidence that Democratic Party Republicrat, Barack Obama, had the unheard of amount of approximately 600 million dollars in his political campaign coffer compared with fellow Republican Party Republicrat, John McCain’s, approximately 100 million campaign coffer dollars. This fact alone should give some crucial insight into the despicable financial role played by corporations, and their outrageous, unacceptable, and massively inordinate amount of influence and control over the electoral system in this so-called democracy. Most of this money is blood money, based upon exploitation from the corporate Wall Street and military corporate elite. This fact alone gives yet another good indication as to what to expect under an Obama presidency. It is totally reprehensible and unacceptable and an utter mockery of democracy. Editorial Board Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and the only American to have successfully self-authored his civil/political rights case to the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In connection with his political organizing activities in opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS NewsHour, formerly known as The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. For more about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click here to read excerpts from the book). Click here to contact Mr. Pinkney.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  25. Durruti

    CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Barack Obama has asked Illinois congressman Rahm Emanuel to head his White House staff as he moves quickly to fill government jobs in his incoming administration.

    Sources said that the chief of staff job was offered to Emanuel, 48, a senior Democratic lawmaker known for a hard-charging style, just hours after Obama was elected on Tuesday.

    Emanuel, who has close ties to Obama's inner circle and is a fellow Chicagoan, was expected to accept the offer, which would make him the main gatekeeper to the Oval Office.

    According to Wiki, “Emanuel was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1959. His father, the Jerusalem-born Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a pediatrician and was a member of the Irgun, a militant Zionist group considered a terrorist organization.[4][5][6][7]”

    “When Bill Clinton began his campaign for presidency, he appointed Rahm Emanuel to direct the campaign's finance committee. But Emanuel left when the Gulf War broke out, in order to volunteer in the IDF.

    He served in one of Israel's northern bases until the war ended, and upon his return to the US became Clinton's advisor in the White House for almost eight years.”

    '/Emanuel supported the October 2002 joint Congressional resolution authorizing the Iraq War, differentiating himself from all nine other Democratic members of the Illinois Congressional delegation (Sen. Richard Durbin, Reps. Bobby Rush, Jesse Jackson, Jr., Bill Lipinski, Luis Gutiérrez, Danny K. Davis, Jan Schakowsky, Jerry Costello and Evans) elected in 2002.<14>/'

    Rahm Emanuel introduced Obama to AIPAC where he delivered his craven speech in support of Israeli aggression and apartheid.

    "Just as disturbing is talk that Obama might tap Lawrence Summers for Treasury

    Summers worked side-by-side with Greenspan and Rubin to prevent proper regulation of the derivatives market -- a major reason why our financial system has imploded." (DU)

    Talk about a short honeymoon!

    Posted 15 years ago #

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