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Obama may appoint Gorelick as AG! (2 posts)

  1. emanuel

    Open Letter to President-elect Barack Obama Regarding Former 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick

    From: Kyle Hence Date: November 10, 2008

    Dear President-elect:

    Congratulations on your inspiring and momentous victory. Now the great burden and opportunity of leadership falls upon you and your team, including the responsibility of choosing someone ideally suited to lead the way to restore the rule of law and the Constitution in these United States.

    A profile published today in The New York Times reports that your transition staff may be considering nominating former 9/11 Commission Jamie Gorelick to the post of Attorney-General. I am writing to urge you in the strongest possible terms not to do so. This recommendation from your transition team should they put her name forward must be rejected. She, along with the Commission's Executive Director, Philip Zelikow were the two most highly compromised of the 9/11 Commission members; their conflicts of interest should have disqualified them from being members of the Commission. In fact their records relative to 9/11 should have made them sworn witnesses in the investigation itself. Jamie Gorelick was not the right pick for the 9/11 Commission and she is not the right person to fill the position of Attorney General.

    As Deputy AG Jamie Gorelick was instrumental in the extradition to Jordan of Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, a known terrorist where he was later freed (see below). Later she wrote the infamous "wall memo" which sought to make life difficult for FBI investigators probing past terrorist crimes from counter-intelligence agents seeking to prevent future attacks. Then as Commissioner she presided over an investigation that failed to answer over 70% of the questions posed bythe 9/11 Family Steering Committee . [BTW, This record should also disqualify former 9/11 Commissioner Tim Roemer who some have said is being considered for Intelligence czar]. Then there is her work with the failed Fannie Mae which "she left just as it was coming under fire for huge accounting failures," as Eric Lightblau wrote this morning for NY Times.

    On the basis of her record, as Deputy AG, as 9/11 Commissioner, and with Fannie Mae, Jamie Gorelick must be, in my view excluded from consideration for the position of Attorney General or any other high level position in your administration. No to Jamie Gorelick.


    Kyle F. Hence

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    At least Raw Story is covering this. Maybe someone in the Obama circle reads this stuff...

    Monday’s New York Times reported that former Deputy A.G. and 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick was a candidate for Attorney General in the new Obama Administration. Five-time Emmy winning investigative reporter Peter Lance details a shocking, but little known story about Gorelick involving the loss of a key al Qaeda operative. This is an excerpt from his 2006 HarperCollins book TRIPLE CROSS soon to be published in trade paperback.

    On December 16th, 1994, agents in the FBI’s San Francisco office made an extraordinary seizure. Mohammed Jamal Khalifa (MJK) Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law and former roommate, was captured at a Holiday Inn Morgan Hills, California. If this arrest had been fully investigated by the FBI and the Justice Department, it might have led to the seizure of 9/11 “mastermind” Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, and stopped “planes as missiles” plot dead in its tracks. But what followed was series of missteps and bad decisions at the highest levels of the State and Justice departments that had a catastrophic impact on America’s ability to cut short bin Laden’s jihad against America.

    At the center of the decision making at the time, was Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick.

    “It’s difficult to express just how many dots the FBI and Justice Department prosecutors could have connected with Khalifa, at the time of his arrest, given the contacts he had,” says Paul Thompson, terrorist researcher and author of The Terror Timeline, who has compiled a database of more than 20,000 open-source al Qaeda-related articles and court pleadings on the non-profit website

    “There’s no doubt that the Commission should have gone back at least as far as the first Bush Administration, in order to effectively measure the intelligence failures that led to the attacks,” says Monica Gabrielle, a member of the core group of 9/11 victim families that campaigned for the creation of the Commission. “But Gorelick was one of those who wanted to concentrate only on the last few years.”

    Apparently she got her way. In the entire 604-page authorized edition of The 9/11 Commission Report, there isn’t a word about Gorelick’s role in supporting the exit of Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, or about the “wall memo”—two of the most damaging moves the United States justice system took on the road to 9/11.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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