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Jonestown (15 posts)

  1. truthmod

    I just watched the PBS doc on Jonestown.

    It is really intense, but very predictably, it steers way clear of any "conspiracy theories." The film basically makes it seem like Jim Jones was the only culprit; there's barely even mention of his accomplices, guards, assistants, etc. At the end of the movie it's like the guns and guards just materialize out of nowhere.

    In the special features there's a little bit about a suitcase with a million dollars in it and a hint of "external forces."

    So, what are the real facts that we know?

    Congressman Leo Ryan was killed at Jonestown when he went to go investigate the church...

    Ryan was also famous for vocal criticism of the lack of Congressional oversight of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and authored the Hughes-Ryan Amendment; the Amendment was dropped after his death.

    The Hughes-Ryan Act is a 1974 United States federal law that amended the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The Act was named for its co-authors, Senator Harold E. Hughes (D-Iowa) and Representative Leo Ryan (D-CA). The Act required the President of the United States to report all covert operations of the Central Intelligence Agency to one or more Congressional committees within a set time limit.

    Here is a page by John Judge--I'm just starting to read it...

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    I also happened to watch the PBS documentary. Sad.

    I read the Judge article. His intro/outro is a good summary of the "truth movement" imperative.

    History is precious. In a democracy, knowledge must be accessible for informed consent to function. Hiding or distorting history behind "national security" leaves the public as the final enemy of the government. Democratic process cannot operate on "need to know." Otherwise we live in the 1984 envisioned by Orwell's projections and we must heed his warning that those who control the past control the future.[291]

    The real tragedy of Jonestown is not only that it occurred, but that so few chose to ask themselves why or how, so few sought to find out the facts behind the bizarre tale used to explain away the death of more than 900 people, and that so many will continue to be blind to the grim reality of our intelligence agencies. In the long run, the truth will come out. Only our complicity in the deception continues to dishonor the dead.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. christs4sale

    CNN just did one as well in the same vein. Soledad O'Brien hosted this as she did with the awful special on MLK. Both of these were operations involving Mark Lane and as John Judge shows so well in the article shown above, Mark Lane is phony. He is a good example as to how someone can be such a trusted and loved icon within a movement and a complete snake at the same time. He still has plenty of credibility 45 years later in the JFK research community and he is not at all subtle about many of the questionable things he has done.

    With the current release of the excellent film Milk, there were many connections between the People's Temple and Harvey Milk and George Moscone.

    The turning point in Jones' drive for power came in 1975, according to Tim Reiterman's and John Jacobs' exhaustive study, Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and his People.'' Jones' army of volunteers saturated San Francisco neighborhoods, distributing slate cards for Moscone (running for mayor), Joseph Freitas (district attorney) and Richard Hongisto (sheriff). All three won.

    "What you had here was a ready-made volunteer workforce,'' said Agar Jaicks, who was chairman of the county Democratic Central Committee, the governing body of the Democratic Party in San Francisco. And you also had in Jones a man who touched a component of the consensus power forces in the city, such as labor and ethnicity groups, and he was very strong in the Western Addition. So here was a guy who could provide workers for causes progressives cared about.''

    Check out the similarities of these two hit lists:


    San Jose Mercury News (California)

    September 18, 1998


    San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and another liberal leader were also targeted for assassination by the late Dan White, who killed then-mayor George Moscone and gay leader Harvey Milk 20 years ago. An article in the October issue of San Francisco magazine, written by this reporter reveals that White, who committed suicide in 1985, confessed his intention to murder Brown, Moscone, Milk and former Supervisor Carol Ruth Silver as a blow against liberals who he believed were ruining the city and personally conspiring against him. At the time, Brown was a member of the state Assembly. At his trial for shooting to death Moscone and Milk, who were both unarmed, White was convicted of manslaughter after mounting a psychiatric defense. He served 5 1/2 years in prison. His attorney insisted White had not intended to kill anyone but rather had snapped under pressure.

    The article reveals that in the summer of 1984 the recently paroled White confessed the true scope of his intentions to San Francisco homicide inspector Frank Falzon, who had been White's friend and had also taken White's tear-choked statement within hours of the City Hall assassinations on November 27, 1978. "I really lost it that day," White told Falzon as the two men sat in a cafe eating sandwiches during the 1984 summer Olympics in Los Angeles. "I was on a mission. I wanted four of them. "Carol Ruth Silver, she was the biggest snake . . . and Willie Brown, he was masterminding the whole thing." Falzon believed White's final confession. "I felt like I had been hit by a sledge-hammer," Falzon said in an interview. "I found out it was a premeditated murder." Told recently of White's plan to murder her, Silver said, "I'm having chills." She placed her hand over her heart. "My impulse is to call my grown sons and tell them not to worry."


    Brown also revealed that he had been drinking coffee and talking with his good friend George Moscone when Moscone broke off their conversation to tell White he would not be reappointed. Brown was leaving Moscone's office by a back door as Moscone was about to admit White by a second door. "(White) missed me by 30 seconds," a clearly shaken Brown said, when informed 20 years after the fact that Dan White had been gunning for him, too.

    Nine days later, in the chaotic hour between the city hall shootings and White's arrest, many police and other officials believed that Moscone and Milk were murdered by spookily named "White Night" hit squads rumored to have been sent by the Peoples Temple to avenge Jim Jones. When authorities went through the personal effects left behind in San Francisco by Jones, they found a hit list with the names of erstwhile political friends and allies like George Moscone and Willie Brown.

    It had, however, been Dan White, who had pulled the trigger on Moscone and Harvey Milk. And in the end, despite the howls of anger at the verdict, White's punishment fit the crime. After a short term in state prison, White left for exile in Ireland. Unable to make a go there, he returned to San Francisco, where his shunning was total. Unable to stand the rejection, in October 1985 White asphyxiated himself in his garage.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    Mark Lane and as John Judge shows so well in the article shown above, Mark Lane is phony.

    Yes, I don't think Mark Lane is mentioned in the documentary once. John Judge's article is excellent, but I'm afraid to many outsiders it would just seem like paranoid conspiratorial rambling. The weirdness and connections are just too much for most people. I think the documentary was very effective emotionally, but it clearly oversimplified the story and left the viewers with the impression that it was an open and shut case.

    One funny note, I was talking to my boss (we're working on a documentary on Daniel Ellsberg) about Jonestown). She says that Ellsberg and Dick Gregory we're en route to the airport to go to Jonestown to negotiate after news that the Ryan mission went awry, when they heard of the mass "suicide." She had never heard that Ryan was sponsoring the anti-CIA legislation.

    Also, I didn't even know that MLK's mother was murdered under suspicious circumstances--and I learn this in JJ's article about Jonestown?? Hidden history strikes again.

    One of the persistent problems in researching Jonestown is that it seems to lead to so many other criminal activities, each with its own complex history and cast of characters. Perhaps the most disturbing of these is the connection that appears repeatedly between the characters in the Jonestown story and the key people involved in the murder and investigating of Martin Luther King.

    Another important figure in the murder of Martin Luther King was his mother, Alberta. A few weeks after the first public announcement by Coretta Scott King that she believed her husband's murder was part of a conspiracy, Mrs. Alberta King was brutally shot to death in Atlanta, while attending church services.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. Durruti

    As some here may be aware I have a famalial connection to MKULTRA in that my Aunt was used as a human guinea pig by the CIA (sounds like the title of a bad horror movie) at Allen Memorial in Montreal.

    The Jonestown affair is haunting no matter what position you take. I find the work of John Judge and others fairly convincing, which makes the "official" docs on the People's Temple all the more troubling. I've seen four documentaries and one docu-drama on the subject. The CIA is never mentioned except as an adversary to Jim Jones (who was clearly a racist despite rhetoric to the contrary -- the entire upper echelon of his cult was white). The one exception is "Investigative Reports" with Bill Curtis. Well worth watching. From the PBS film I saw you'd never realize that the family members of the victims filed a law suit against then CIA director Stansfield Turner for conducting "human experimentation" at Jonestown (the lawsuit was thrown out on a technicality).

    One of the most interesting articles I've come across is: Jim Jones: A Parapolitical Fugue

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. christs4sale

    Hougan's books Spooks and Secret Agenda are great. I remember Judge saying that Hougan asked him for his Jonestown sources. Here are two Judge stories relating to this issue:

    This is about Jim Hougan going to work for 60 Minutes:

    This is about Gerald Posner mentioning John Judge on Arianna Huffington's show "Equal Time":

    Posted 15 years ago #
  7. truthmover

    One of the most interesting articles I've come across is: Jim Jones: A Parapolitical Fugue

    Which is to say that the lifespan of Jones's file at the CIA coincided precisely with the dates of Dan Mitrione's rather suspect tenure at the State Department. What I am suggesting, then, is that Richmond Police Chief Dan Mitrione was recruited into the CIA, under State Department cover, in May, 1960; that a CIA file was opened on Jones because Mitrione intended to use him as an agent; and that Jones's file was closed and purged, ten years later, as a direct and logical result of Mitrione's assassination in 1970.

    Yet another Rocha, Marco Aurelio, was absolutely certain that Jones was a spy. At the time, Marco was dating a young girl who was living in the Jones household. [83] Because of this, and because Rua Maraba is a narrow street on which parked cars are conspicuous, he noticed that a car from the American Consulate was often parked outside Jones's house. According to Marco, the car's driver sometimes brought bags of groceries to the Joneses---which, if true, was definitely not standard consular procedure.

    Marco Rocha's interest in Jones was more than idle, however. According to him, he was keeping a loose surveillance on the American preacher at the request of a friend---a detective in the ID-4 section of the local police department. The detective was convinced that Jones was a CIA agent, and was trying to prove it with his young friend's help. Unfortunately, the policeman died before his investigation could be completed, and Jones moved shortly thereafter.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  8. truthmod

    I came across that site when I was first looking this stuff up, but I was a little unsure where it was coming from.

    This section is written by an ex-member who sees a whole different level of conspiracy:

    The rumors persist. For twenty years, rumors that no one can ever trace to the source, nor produce a single document, a single witness, a shred of evidence. "Jim Jones was C.I.A." "Jonestown was a C.I.A. mind control experiment." "Jonestown was MK Ultra." "The assassins from Jonestown were like Manchurian candidates."

    When rumors persist and persist and there is no basis, no evidence, no documents, no witnesses..... Does it get you wondering? Who planted the rumors out there? Have you ever been given even ONE source?

    Yet the Ryan family wound up pressing a suit against the federal government with all those wild, false charges: Philip Blakey, MK Ultra, mind control experiment, "Manchurian candidates," and the like. Naturally, it was an impossible suit to press, its premises having been designed by dead-end specialists to go nowhere.


    Yet we are still left with a probing question: Was there a C.I.A. connection to Jonestown? Why, after all, would such false, convoluted stories be invented, were there not something at stake to protect?

    Within Peoples Temple, there was always suspicion of intelligence agency involvement in the high-powered campaign to destroy the church. Those suspicions may have indeed created "paranoia," but the bases for the suspicions were all too real...

    Posted 15 years ago #
  9. Durruti

    "I came across that site when I was first looking this stuff up, but I was a little unsure where it was coming from.

    This section is written by an ex-member who sees a whole different level of conspiracy."

    i read this at about the same time I read the article by Hougue. I find it unconvincing for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that it fails to address the most important points raised by Judge et al.

    One of the most interesting things about Jonestown is that despite the extreme levels of abuse -- the snake-pits, the pyschosexual torture, the drugging and so forth -- many cult members remember it as the best time in their lives. They had never lived in an environment where people cared for one another and tried to live as equals. Had I lived there myself I would no doubt find it impossible to believe that a man who talked about Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and socialism on a daily basis could have been a fraud (and I don't just mean the chicken-liver faith healings -- I mean his entire persona).

    "Get Dwyer out of here!"

    Posted 15 years ago #
  10. emanuel

    The John Judge article was very interesting indeed. I had not known any of this before.

    One thing though... In the 2006 movie "Jonestown" ( ), footage clearly shows people drinking the cool aid and dropping dead. Jones is sitting there telling people not to worry, that eternal life awaits them, blah blah blah... I mean the kids drink the stuff and drop. Their parents drink it and drop. People are crying. Etc.

    John Judge suggests that the victims were killed by lethal injections instead, not from cyanide-laced suicide.

    How to account for these discrepancies?


    Posted 15 years ago #
  11. truthmover

    The Judge article and others I've read do not suggest that none of the people in the camp drank the Koolaid. They suggest that some did, that others were encouraged to do so with varying levels of force, and finally that some may have fled into the jungle and either escaped, were 'disappeared' in the forest, or were rounded up, injected with poison, and returned to the camp.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  12. emanuel

    Ah that makes sense. I am currently downloading the movie, to watch those scenes again.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  13. christs4sale

    John Judge is using the examinations of Guyanese pathologist Dr. Leslie Mootoo as a basis for evidence of lethal injections:

    If so, the bodies would indicate the cause of death. A new word was coined by the media, "suicide-murder." But which was it?[28] Autopsies and forensic science are a developing art. The detectives of death use a variety of scientific methods and clues to determine how people die, when they expire, and the specific cause of death. Dr. Mootoo, the top Guyanese pathologist, was at Jonestown within hours after the massacre. Refusing the assistance of U.S. pathologists, he accompanied the teams that counted the dead, examined the bodies, and worked to identify the deceased. While the American press screamed about the "Kool-Aid Suicides," Dr. Mootoo was reaching a much different opinion.[29]

    There are certain signs that show the types of poisons that lead to the end of life. Cyanide blocks the messages from the brain to the muscles by changing body chemistry in the central nervous system. Even the "involuntary" functions like breathing and heartbeat get mixed neural signals. It is a painful death, breath coming in spurts. The other muscles spasm, limbs twist and contort. The facial muscles draw back into a deadly grin, called "cyanide rictus."[30] All these telling signs were absent in the Jonestown dead. Limbs were limp and relaxed, and the few visible faces showed no sign of distortion.[31]

    Instead, Dr. Mootoo found fresh needle marks at the back of the left shoulder blades of 80-90% of the victims.[32] Others had been shot or strangled. One survivor reported that those who resisted were forced by armed guards.[33] The gun that reportedly shot Jim Jones was lying nearly 200 feet from his body, not a likely suicide weapon.[34] As Chief Medical Examiner, Mootoo's testimony to the Guyanese grand jury investigating Jonestown led to their conclusion that all but three of the people were murdered by "persons unknown." Only two had committed suicide they said.[35] Several pictures show the gun-shot wounds on the bodies as well.[36] The U.S. Army spokesman, Lt. Col. Schuler, said, "No autopsies are needed. The cause of death is not an issue here." The forensic doctors who later did autopsies at Dover, Delaware, were never made aware of Dr. Mootoo's findings.[37]

    From NYT 12/14/78:

    Coroner's jury in Guyana begins formal inquiry to determine if crimes had been committed in mass deaths of People's Temple cultists which occurred in Jonestown (Guyana). Finds first official case of murder as Guyana's chief forensic pathologist Dr Leslie Mootoo testifies that cultist Anne Elizabeth Moore was shot. Mootoo and police officials also reveal in interviews that at least 70 of cultists appeared to have been administered cyanide by injection. Officials close to inquest report that inquest is being held so that Guyanese officials can issue death certificates for dead cultists. Inquest may also prove valuable to US House International Relations Committee investigation. FBI agents and Military Graves Registration Unit officials at Dover Air Force Base (Del) confirm that Robert Edward Kice, man identified as one of gunmen who shot at Repr Leo J Ryan, is among dead cultists (S).

    From NYT 12/17/78:

    Dr C Leslie Mootoo, Guyana Government's top pathologist, believes murder, not suicide, claimed lives of over 700 of the 911 persons who died at People's Temple commune in Jonestown (Guyana). Also suspects that Rev Jim Jones did not kill himself. Bases his conclusions on over 70 autopsies performed on victims and on inspection of scene (S).

    Guyana Pathologist: Most Deaths Forced

    From the WP 12/17/78:

    The Guayana government's top pathologist has told the Chicago Tribune he belives that murder, not suicide, claimed more than 700 of the 911 persons who died at the Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guayana. "I do not believe there were ever more than 200 persons who died voluntarily," said Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, chief medical examiner and first doctor at the scence of the Nov. 18 tragedy. He said that dozens of adult victims whose bodies he examined and died of poison injected into a portion of their upper arms. Mootoo said it is virtually impossible for a person to inject himself in that part of the upper arm.

    He said the jungle heat and magnitude of the tragedy made it impossible to conduct autopsies on all 911 bodies. But he said his extensive experience in determining causes of death made him certain of his conclusions at Jonestown. Mootoo, interviewed in his home in Georgetown, Guayana, said he suspects but cannot prove that cult leader Jim Jones did not commit suicide. He said Jone's body was too badly decomposed to determine exactly how the cult leader died. "I just don't buy the suicide [theory]," he said. "I don't believe [Jones] was a megalomanic as people have said. I do believe he was power-drunk, but a person like that would never kill himself." He said he based his conclusions on 70 autopsies performed on victims, as well as his examination of other bodies and an inspection of the scene. Mootoo has been a witness at a coroner's jury inques into the deaths. The jury is expected to issue a report this week, the Tribune said. Mootoo said the Jonestown deaths occurred over four hours. He said he was convinced most cult members were forced to drink the poison because seeing the first group of people go into convulsions and die "would persuade the others not to take the liquid voluntarily." He also noted that 260 of the victims were children. "found a 2-year-old child with poison injected into an arm. Could a child that age take his life voluntarily in that way?" he asked.

    Guyanese Panel Rules All but 2 Were Murdered; Guyana Coroner's Jury Rules Murder in All but 2 Cases

    From the WP 12/23/78:

    A coroner's jury ruled here today that all but two of the more than 900 persons who died at Jonestown Nov. 18 were murdered because they were coerced into taking poison by cult leader Jim Jones and his henchmen. The jury's rejection of the notion that his followers committed mass suicide by drinking the poison voluntarily was based on its conclusion that "Jim Jones masterminded the situation," according to the jury's foreman, Albert Graham. "The man made people believe he was a god," Graham said of Jones, "and naturally they moved to his command." After some confusion, the jury, composed of five laborers from this mining outpost about 35 miles from Jonestown in remote northwestern Guyana, also ruled that Jones was murdered by "some person or persons unknow."

    The jury first announced that it had decided that Jones had committed suicide, apparently basing its conclusion on testimony by Dr. Cryil Leslie Moo-too, a pathologist, that Jones was shot from very close range in the "suicide area" of the brain, above and slightly behind his ear. But Magistrate Haroon Bacchus shouted at the jurors, asking them, "What evidence do you have to support suicide?" Bacchus told the jurors that Mootoo had stated that the gun was found 20 yards away from Jones' body, and that was inconsistent with a finding of suicide. What the jurors did not know was that the first police officials who reached Jonestown after the mass killings had told reporters that the gun was found no more than five or ten feet from Jones' body on the podium of Jonestown's central pavillion. In any event, the jurors filed back out, deliberated for 10 more minutes and returned to announce that "some person or persons unknown is clearly responsible for the death of James Warren Jones." Magistrate Bacchus and the jurors agreed that two of Jones' mistresses, Anne Elizabeth Moore and Maria Katsaris, were the only ones to have committed suicide of their free will. Moore fired a shot into her own head and Katsaris swallowed poison, evidence showed. The jury's finding that the rest were, in effect victims of murder was not based, however, on unconfirmed news reports of the past week that many of those found dead at Jonestoun had apparently been killed by poison injected into them by the Jonestown medical staff after they refused to drink the Poison. The only evidence introduced during the 10-day inquest that indicated that anyone might have been injected with the cyanidepoison came fron Dr. Mootoo, who is the Guyanese government's official pathologist. In a letter that was introduced to augment his oral testimony, Mootoo said "several" of the 39 bodies he had examined on the ground in Jonestown had needle marks on their arms. He drew on conclusions from this finding in his letter. Other officials have said privately that these victims could have chosen to be injected rather than drink the poison because it is difficult to hold a person still enough for an injection if the person is resisting violently. It is also possible that theneedle marks could have been made by injections prior to the "white night," of death. Some Jonestown survivors have told of injections of tranquilizers that were given to troublemakers and old people. Today's ruling has the practical effect of cleating the way for authorities in the United States to issue death certificates for the 914 bodies airlifted bythe U.S. military from Jonestown to Dover. The coroner's jury found that cyanide poisoning was responsible for the deaths of all but three of those who died inside Jonestown. Besides the gunshot deaths of Jones and Moore, another unidentified victim found in the Jonestown psychiatric ward in a pool of blood may have been killed by a bullet rather than poison. A Guyanese police official testified today that neither he nor U.S. authorities are certain about how that man died. The jury left the cause of his death open. The jurors deliberated a total of 17 minutes before reaching their findings, which were clearly influenced by Magistrate Bacchus. At times, he berated the jurors and made strong suggestions to them of what he thought happened during the final hours at Jonestown. Jury foreman Graham expressed displeasure both with Bacchus and his own jury's findings after the inquest ended. Asked about testimony by Odell Rhodes, one of the Jonestown survivors, that at the beginning, at least, many Peoples Temple members seemed to take the poison voluntarily, Graham said: "I was not there, so how will I ever know?" But Graham went on to explain the jurors had reasoned that even if some of those who lived at the agricultural commune drank the poison of grape drink, cyanide and tranquilizers, "they were under the influence of Jones at the time." Since Jones clearly ordered the deaths and armed guards were there to enforce his order, the jurors reasoned, he was criminally responsible. To some extent, the debate over whether members of the Peoples Temple committed suicide or were murdered depends on how suicide and murder are defined. The hundreds of children who died at Jonestown were clearly murdered, whether or not their mothers gave them their poison, because they did not have the mental ability to choose to live or to die. According to Rhodes and Stanley Clayton, another survivor who witnessed much of the killing before he escaped, others made no move to drink the poison and were escorted to their deaths by the armed guards. Most did not actively protest, but neither did they choose death willingly, Rhodes and Clayton said. But a large number of those who died did so according to both of the living witnesses without having to be forced in any way. Jones exhorted them "to die with dignity," and they approached the vat of poison without further persuasion. The jurors concluded that this group was, in effect, brainwashed by Jones, who convinced them that enemies of the Peoples Temple were set to destroy it-especially after Rep. Leo J. Ryan and four others were killed by gunmen sent from Jonestown. These Peoples Temple members may well have believed they would be tortured and killed as Jones had told them, and so chose poison instead. Others believe that this group of persons simply took the poison because they believed in Jones and believed for political or religious reasons that those who lived at Jonestown, would, after death, "meet in another place," as they were told. Although a certain mass hysteria occurred at the time, it can be argued that these people chose to die voluntarily, in effect committing suicide.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  14. truthmover

    When authorities went through the personal effects left behind in San Francisco by Jones, they found a hit list with the names of erstwhile political friends and allies like George Moscone and Willie Brown.

    Considering the connections mentioned above, I think it's interesting to note that Milk was killed just 9 days after the Jonestown massacre. Was someone covering their tracks?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  15. Durruti

    Why was Jones raising money for Richard Nixon in San Francisco while simultaneously praising MLK and Malcolm X? Inquiring minds...

    Posted 15 years ago #


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