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200,000 AK47s missing? Sounds familiar. (1 post)

  1. truthmover

    200,000 AK47s missing? Sounds familiar.

    A four plane U.S. arms transfer to Iraqi security forces, taking off from a U.S. base in Bosnia, went missing. The airline, contracted with many steps removal by the U.S., had been stongly criticized by the U.N. in 2003 for smuggling arms to Liberia. So far, not so unusual. We've heard this one before. But at the botten we learn that the airline was stripped of its license by the Bosnian administration the day before the transfer. This implies that U.S. officials decided to ship arms with an unlicensed carrier.

    Does anyone know if there is a law against that? I can't think that these actions reflect standard military operational guidelines and procedure.

    It is unlikely that this story will receive further attention from the mainstream news. We'll have to throw it into the oddities pile. But I'd be willing to bet that this story reveals the footprint of a secret operation. Bet we got good money for those guns. Selling arms to the enemy is certainly a mode of operation for those presently in power. And the 'enemy' we are supporting is probably the same set of puppets they have been using for the past 60 years. WTC '93!

    Or I suppose you could argue that all four planes were hijacked. 8)


    Posted 18 years ago #


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