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Obama's first hundred days (34 posts)

  1. truthmod

    New president. Same world.

    So many childish (like Obama said) Americans who think the world has changed because we have young black Democrat president. It's not that easy. Obama tells us so, but his propaganda image machine doesn't really want to make us feel so.

    He still has to slip in, "We will not apologize for our way of life...."

    We better damn well apologize, and soon.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. JohnA

    policies and action are what matter most

    there are evangelicals who speak of love - while simultaneously funneling money to oppose Proposition 8

    Bush claimed to be the education president. lol

    i wouldn't let Obama's political tap dancing get you down. actions speak louder than words.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. critique

    Actions speak louder than words. Which is why some of us are keeping a close eye on Obama's actions and actions-to-be.

    This is a bit of a worry. A veteran Middle East expert Aaron David Miller says that Benjamin Netanyahu will be well able to convince Obama to give a green light for military action as the only solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.

    Speculation at this stage. Let's wait and see.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. truthmover


    Press TV is an English language international television news channel which is funded by the Iranian government, based in Tehran and broadcast in English on a round-the-clock schedule. With 26 international correspondents and more than 400 staff around the world, its stated mission is to offer a different view of world events.

    And the article in question:

    Netanyahu 'will coax Obama into Iran war'

    The Israeli prime ministerial frontrunner will win a US blessing to enter war with Iran, says a source familiar with US Mideast policies.

    The title is self-serving propaganda as it is not supported by the actual quotes presented. Aaron Miller is apparently well respected for his understanding of middle east diplomacy and aggression. But the quotes offered do not very well support the title and statement above.

    Welcome to our forum. You may notice that I have little patience for propaganda. I should say something I'm sure will be ignored by anyone who wants to characterize me as an apologist for Obama and that is that nothing would surprise me. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama supported an Israeli strike against Iran. I've speculated for some time that Israel would be our bridge into just such a conflict. But I'm not so interested in what the Israeli or Iranian press has to say about it.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. critique

    Fair enough. I had no idea of Press TV's provenance, so thanks for enlightening me. I also have little patience for propaganda and even less for media lacunae and lies of omission.

    I write from a slightly different perspective, as I am based in Africa. It was extraordinary to note how Africans crowded around TV sets cheering Obama on. He was 'their' man and they pinned a lot of hopes and wishful thinking on him. Obama will sort out Africa's problems, is the unrealistic message running in the street. One local lawyer here took two weeks' leave to coincide with Obama's election campaign and spent his hard-earned, paltry salary flying over to Chicago to man a phone in a volunteer's office.

    So, from afar, I note how the Magic Emperor has been sold to the world as a salve for the Bush years. I also note that the aspirations are huge and unrealistic, from many quarters of the globe. When and if the bubble bursts, the disillusionment may be greater than ever.

    Don't get me wrong. Obama's a great guy and I'm expecting great things from him too.

    But I'm holding thumbs he doesn't come tramping around Africa looking for a new military HQ for Africom, as the Bush guys did. They were turned down. But it might be hard for Africans to turn down a charm offensive and a request from a cool brother, though :-(

    William Blum writes here on Obama and Empire.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. truthmover

    Great response. Glad to have you posting here.

    I'll have a look at that article you posted. Thanks.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  7. critique

    Thanks for the reply. I have been visiting this site for a while already. Seems to me you have struck a good formula and deserve a wide audience.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  8. NicholasLevis

    "I should say something I'm sure will be ignored by anyone who wants to characterize me as an apologist for Obama and that is that nothing would surprise me."

    Me too.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  9. NicholasLevis


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