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New World Order? (3 posts)

  1. madashell

    I am new to all of this but got interested when a friend loaned me a copy of 'Zeitgeist'. After watching it I was left with a desire for the truth, I have long believed that governments lie to us but I am starting to wonder if there is some truth in the belief that 9/11, 7/7 were contrived events designed to allow the introduction of laws which erode our freedoms and to gather support for illegal wars and covert activities.

    It all just seems to be heading exactly the way that the conspiracy theorists would have us believe. Exactly why do global business interests donate to political parties, why do our elected leaders act in ways which are not in our interests, and why do they lie to us?

    The problem is, where do we turn to find the truth?

    One thing I am sure of, I cannot and will not accept what my government tells me ever again. Its time we all woke up, but what can we do about it?

    After all JFK was murdered in highly suspicious circumstances, why? because he knew what was coming and wanted to end the authority of covert organisations over elected government, the very organisations whose power and influence have increased, who manipulate our opinions and frighten us into submission. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the real 'enemies' are our own governments.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    Hi there. Welcome to our forum.

    If you've had a counter-cultural epiphany, congratulations. But don't let your frustration and curiosity lead you to believing everything on the outside. The first Zeitgeist is a total mess of inaccuracies. The 9/11 truth section is particularly bad. And just about everyone I know who talks about the NWO subscribes to some kind of paranoid, simplistic, conspiracy nonsense about the Bilderberg, Trilateral, CFR, Illuminati threat.

    There may be a big military/industrial conspiracy. But I assure you that we aren't going to know much about it.

    Watch this. Here you will find some truth. Not so simple and colorful as something like Zeitgeist, but then who said the truth would be easy or pretty.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. Arcterus

    When I first started researching 9/11 when I was 14, I was very malleable to various theories, and over the next year or so I underwent many changes in my beliefs about 9/11. At first I had only been introduced to WTC Demolition, so I was able to involve government complicity with the Twin Towers but was convinced that the other aspects were Al Qaeda. I quickly dismissed this, but later began to believe in the infamous no-plane-at-the-Pentagon theory, and I stuck with that theory for quite a while until it became overwhelming to me that a plane most certainly did hit the Pentagon. I'd believe other aspects that were later debunked, even by members of the 9/11 Truth Movement. This period of time was, by no means, an insult to my intelligence, but simply me getting caught up in the moment and feeling a burning passion to get to the truth of 9/11. It was particularly around the time that I woke up from the no-plane theory that I began to realize how flawed my critical thinking, or lack thereof, had been, and so I spent most of my time researching for the next couple of years. I spent less time on discussion forums such as these because I felt my top priority should be analyzing the evidence carefully to form my conclusions and learn to critically evaluate properly. I'd say I was confident in myself as long ago as 2007, but I still spent most of my time teaching myself research methods and splitting the legitimate from the hoaxes. I wanted to be extra careful, because I knew just how damaging a hoax can be.

    The point of that little story is that it's very easy, even for the brightest minds(modest, much?), to get sucked into the hype and believe erroneous and outright inaccurate claims to form flawed conclusions. Now, I'm not saying it's necessary to go through years and years of research before you should talk about it publicly. Instead, it's a warning to be careful with what you hear and make sure it's valid. If a single thing seems out of place, you should immediately question it and investigate, no matter what side of any issue it is on. As truthmover said, Zeitgeist is a mess of inaccuracies, and is not the most reliable sources of information, even if it may be among the most popular. Never have faith. Always clarify the evidence.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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