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New way to save the planet: go on a diet. (4 posts)

  1. emanuel

    Another article touting consumer or lifestyle choices as the way to save the environment. What's worse than seeing this nonsense in the mainstream media, is the fact that so many environmentalists buy into it. Hybrids, organic food, bicycling, longer-lasting laptop batteries, blah, blah, blah. Lord help us!

    I tell you what, if "reducing your carbon footprint" was really a solution, then why not kill yourself. Along those lines, take out a bunch of people with you. Killing children is even better since they will be around making footprints for a longer time than adults.

    Under this logic Stalin was the world's greatest environmentalist.

    Does this mean we should not conserve energy? No. It just means we should not think we are helping the planet by doing so. The environmental problems run much deeper than this simplistic analysis, and only massive change on the "production" can have a real impact. Consumption does not drive production. Consumer choices do not determine what gets produced. This is just a myth of market capitalism that allows profiteers (the producers) to rationalize their production decisions. People did not demand cars. The gutting of public transit infrastructure forced people to buy them.

    Lose weight because you will be more healthy, but you aren't doing a damn thing for the earth by going on a diet.

    Preaching to the choir, but sometimes I just need to get things out...


    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. emanuel

    Here's another one. Haircuts that will save the planet:


    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    In general, people buy what the government and media tell them to buy and they act how they tell them to act. There is a small percentage of the population that is autonomous and self-aware, but overall, most everything is dictated through the power structure. This is a bad thing, that many of us are earnestly trying to change. But when these politicians tell us to conserve energy, do community service, and "change ourselves," it's pretty disingenuous. These people could pass legislation to completely revolutionize our economy and society, if they really wanted to.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. emanuel

    It's a powerful myth that consumers drive production via "demand." Articles like this affirm and uphold that myth, that the problems we face as a society and planet stem from individual consumer choices. This relieves the producers from having to accept responsibility for what they produce, so they can enjoy their profits guilt free.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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