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Barrett & Harritt together (3 posts)

  1. mark

    I certainly do not endorse SLC, not even close, but it is not surprising that alleged experts promoting less-than-credible "theories" wind up in these sorts of forums together. It is also not a surprise that the professional debunkers focus on the weak links and the false claims, not the Complete 9/11 Timeline and similar material.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    "Barrett and Harritt, together again for the first time. How does it happen that the newest superstar of 9-11 Troof, whose name sits atop the "peer-reviewed paper" that the goofs have been pushing, finds himself sharing a stage with Holocaust Denier and No-Plane sympathizer Kevin Barrett?"

    Good find there.

    As you imply, the debunkers are certainly going to get it right sometimes. There's plenty in the movement to complain about.

    The answer to the question above is really important for us to try to answer. How does it happen? Lots of possibilities here. Intelligence has certainly infiltrated the academy. But I prefer to look at our own responsibility. Why do we still tolerate the inclusion of Barrett? Why do so many prominent people in the movement still care to be seen with him. There's big tent and then there's blatantly uncritical.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. Victronix

    I would love to provide the background to this situation, but am not at liberty to do so.

    Clearly, there are revived efforts to insert him into the worldwide movement (Canada and EU).

    But Barrett doesn't seem to be able to appear at anything significant in the US anymore. Can't imagine why.

    His wikipedia page covers it all.

    Posted 14 years ago #


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