
TruthMove Forum

TruthMove Forum » TruthMove Main Forum - AJ fans unleashed (8 posts)

  1. truthmover

    From the About page: was founded on the principle of Truth without censorship. Other video websites will censor content they find offensive. We will not. Sites such as YouTube have gone on a Censorship Campaign of late, and are deleting any and all Truth videos, channels, and accounts. We have created this website as a direct response to their blatant attempts to stifle the flow of information.

    To ensure our right to maintain the website in this way: we build, run, and host the entire website. There is no middle man for possible censorship. If our ISP makes any attempts to censor the truth, we will simply switch our ISP.

    It should go without saying, that we will not hesitate to censor blatantly offensive content that does not benefit the Truth, e.g. pornography or spam.

    Really? It should go without saying? A fair amount of the content I see there I consider "blatantly offensive content that does not benefit the Truth." I call it bogus history and bad journalism. A bit of xenophobia and subtle bigotry mixed in. The usual bloviating AJ wing nut crap.

    Keep in mind that the content is user submitted. So the site reflects not just AJ but the mindset of his fans. I consider it fairly revealing. I really wonder what the threshold is. Who is moderating and what would they consider unacceptable?

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. cosmos

    I really wonder what the threshold is. Who is moderating and what would they consider unacceptable?

    I imagine a video that made a substantial critique of Jones' culti$h media empire and its detrimental effects on the 9/11 truth movement probably wouldn't last too long on the site.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. Arcterus

    Someone should find out.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. emanuel

    Can you believe last week I had a dream about Alex Jones? I dreamed that he ran a commune/compound with his followers and I infiltrated it to see what I could learn, but then his followers (who were like these Brown Shirt Nazi types) started to figure out that I wasn't really one of them, and they wouldn't tell me anything. They just kept directing me to this booth where I could "make a donation" to the cause. I felt that the idea was they were testing me, or at least that if I made a donation they might believe I was really a true believer like them, but I just couldn't bring myself to give them any money. Then I woke up. :)


    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. truthmover

    I'm really into dreams. I think they allow us access to very intuitive and subtle interpretations of our waking life that we might struggle to put to words. Prove that you care with money. That sounds spot on. AJ's latest money bomb brought in about 300 grand. Imagine what the 9/11 truth movement could do with that kind of money.

    AJ demonstrates little concern for 9/11 truth. It's an issue that fits neatly into the array of concerns he uses to promote his brand of far-right wing paranoia. Outside of an occasional story and his presence during the anniversary, he really does little to get our message out to people who aren't already listening to him.

    And that's one of the reasons why he seems like a cult leader. It's because he's not trying to reach anyone outside of his specific target audience. He serves the purpose of preventing young white middle Americans from identifying with progressive causes, dulling class consciousness and preventing coalition. And in that way he's just a part of the problem. Another institutional voice. Another promoter of division and fear.

    I'm totally fed up with the suggestion that AJ is a part of this movement.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. mark

    Herr Jones was a keynote speaker at the 2005 convention in Chicago, so it is understandable that outsiders assume that he is part of the "truth" movement. The bigger problem is that there's not much "truth" in the "Truth Movement." It's like Orwell's Ministry of Truth at this point.

    Perhaps it is really the 9/11 Half Truth movement, with the exaggerators and the debunkers working together. a field guide to disinformation Popular Mechanics used a 9/11 "truth" website to debunk some of the sillier false claims DN!'s fake debate between Hearst's Popular Mechanics and Loose Change, DN! given Hearst support shortly afterwards

    half-truth noun a statement that conveys only part of the truth, esp. one used deliberately in order to deceive someone.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. truthmover

    Total chaos in the Patriot Movement.

    Looks like AJ wasn't too keen on this site using his videos. And that was after he offered verbal support for it on his show. As the owner and past moderator of the Prison Planet forum points out, AJ constantly tells people to distribute his videos as much as possible. I would guess that he's a bit miffed that he didn't get something similar started. Possibly frustrated that the site might take a few advertising dollars out of his hands.

    I'm a bit surprised at how easily the owner of this site turned on AJ. The link above contains some real anger about AJ being a greedy tool of the elite. One cease and desist order and he's completely turned his back on the guy.

    I guess InfowarsTV is not necessarily "a site that IS destined to become The Youtube of the truth /Patriot Movement."

    Posted 14 years ago #
  8. Arcterus

    Might want to try the upcoming "Free Speech Vids"( for that kind of thing instead. The guy who's starting it is a believer in the official story but being a frequent listener of his I'm fairly confident he'd allow 9/11 Truth vids on the site.

    Posted 14 years ago #


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