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Cynthia McKinney interviewed by Daryl Bradford Smith (7 posts)

  1. christs4sale

    This is really bad. McKinney really needs to watch out who she does interviews with. This could serve to badjacket her in the future.

    Go to: and why she should not be doing this.

    Interestingly enough, the show is broadcasted on the CII Islamic Internet radio network.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. cosmos

    I came across these blogs a few weeks ago:

    I don't think I care for Adam Holland very much but I appreciate the information.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Some good info here, thanks for the links. This "AFP-TBR 2006 Free Speech conference" sounds like a real nightmare. It's always worse than I expected. Uggh, McKinney needs to be careful who she quotes and associates with. Can she really just be naive about this stuff? This kind of stuff makes me feel like giving up all over again.

    So, Ellen Mariani and William Rodriguez appeared at a conference alongside Nazis?

    Master of Ceremonies Dave Von Kleist introduced Margaret Huffstickler, a contributing author to The Barnes Review who also happens to have a beautiful operatic voice. Miss Huffstickler treated the crowd to a short recital.

    Mr. Theo Junker, the former member of the Wiking division of the S.S. who courageously opened a Museum in Wisconsin dedicated to the memory of Adolf Hitler. It was indeed one of the highlights of the conference meeting this courageous patriot who continues to fight the good fight well into his 80's. God bless you, Herr Junker!

    The 911 Panel followed. It was my pleasure meeting Mrs. Ellen Mariani, widow of a 911 victim and a gutsy lady who has a lawsuit going against the government and Bush for their complicity and cover-up of this false-flag operation. She was joined on the panel by WTC survivor William Rodriguez and Lisa Gulliani and Victor Thorn of WING TV (

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. christs4sale

    You know, I really though McKinney was very sensitive on these matters, but it definitely looks like she is not. It does not take a genius to see that there is a very conscious effort to divide Jews and Blacks in this country. I have definitely seen people like Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson participate in this and it looks like McKinney could be following the same path. I am curious of her motivations. According to Adam Holland's blog, she seems to be more influenced by Alex Jones, which moves her another step closer to Farrakhan.

    One of the trends I see is that certain individuals who have been deemed "credible" are beginning to do questionable things. Pepper, Hicks and now McKinney?

    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. truthmover

    Well, that just about does it. Who's left? I can't think of one single prominent public figure in this country who isn't compromised in a moral or economic way.

    And Rodriguez is shady. Don't trust him a bit.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. mark

    It is probably difficult for a "politician" of any flavor to turn down people who want to give them air time and perceived support, especially if the politician has suffered tremendous ostracism for their courageous views.

    It's a reason why ideas are more important than being partisan, and more evidence that "politics" is totally broken.

    I never imagined before 9/11 that I'd see the spectacle of peace activists and anti-racists going on internet radio shows run by neo-Nazis. What a weird world we live in.

    Fake Debate binary thinking is a tool of control

    "just because someone tells you the government is lying to you, it doesn't mean they are telling the truth." -- John Judge (expert alternative historian, peace activist, assistant to Congressional Representative Cynthia McKinney)

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    Well, at least the media doesn't seem to be going in to her anti-semitic associations yet...

    Israel captures peace activists en route to Gaza

    Activists included Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney

    A group of 21 peace activists sailing to Palestine were intercepted and arrested by Israeli authorities on Tuesday as they attempted to bring food and medical supplies to the war-torn city of Gaza. Israel said it plans to deport most of the people involved, including former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Mairead Maguire, a Nobel laureate.

    The group insists they were not in Israeli waters. In a media advisory, the arrests were characterized as kidnapping.

    Posted 14 years ago #


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