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Kevin Barrett backtracking (2 posts)

  1. christs4sale

    This is a show with Barrett interviewing David Ray Griffin, Ken Jenkins and John Bursill:

    Barrett is now saying that he is no longer a part of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice and he talks about Steven Jones' work positively. Ken Jenkins discusses "no-planes" with Barrett as if those purporting those arguments are just mislead. John Bursill really does call Barrett out on some of his affiliations at the end of the show and it is worth a listen.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. Victronix

    Just to provide some context, here's what Barrett was saying on his anniversary page interview:

    I understand Jim will be doing an appearance with Korey Rowe of Loose Change in Argentina on 9/11/09, and it's slated to get nationwide media coverage there. In this one event, he'll probably do more to spread the message to the unconverted than all his critics combined have done in three years. (Disputes between the already-converted are relatively unimportant, what counts is reaching new people.) I think it's time for the anti-Fetzer brigade to call off the witch-hunt and return to responsible critique.

    Here are Fetzer's radio programs for the month of September, 2009:

    2 September 2009 Interview: The 94th broadcast of "The Real Deal" will feature my special guest, Peggy Carter, on attacks from the Judy Wood cult; 5-7 PM/CT, Archive:

    4 September 2009 Interview: The 95th broadcast of "The Real Deal" will freature my special guest, Rich DellaRosa, discussing the Apollo Moon Hoax; 5-7 PM/CT

    7 September 2009 Interview: The 96th broadcast of "The Real Deal" will feature my special guest, Mike Delaney, on "Missing Links" in 9/11 research; 5-7 PM/CT

    9 September 2009 Interview: The 97th broadcast of "The Real Deal" will feature my special guest, Rosalee Grable, on "What happened to the WTC on 9/11"? 5-7 PM/CT

    11 September 2009 Interview: The 98th broadcast of "The Real Deal" will feature my special guest, Mike Delaney, on "Missing Links" in 9/11 research; 5-7 PM/CT

    14 September 2009 Interview: The 99st broadcast of "The Real Deal" will my special guest Rosalee Grable, on "What happened to the WTC on 9/11?"; 5-7 PM/CT

    16 September 2009 Interview: The 100th broadcast of "The Real Deal" will feature my special guest, Peggy Carter, on attacks from the Judy Wood cult; 5-7 PM/CT

    Rosalee Grable is the webfairy, in case anyone didn't already know.

    Posted 14 years ago #


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