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Latest Pentagon CCTV footage - Disinfo alert! (1 post)

  1. truthmover

    Latest Pentagon CCTV footage - Disinfo alert!

    A super predictable 9/11 truth counter attack. As a response to a FOIA request, the Pentagon has released more of the footage from the same CCTV camera that took the original five frames, and from another a couple feet away. The footage does not provide any further substantive evidence that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. And yet both CNN, and FOX News were actively claiming that they had examined the video and determine that "a plane hit the pentagon". FOX actually presented the original images, and claimed that the infamous vapor trail was the "body of the aircraft".

    For the next couple of days, we are going to be getting a lot of negative press. This will be used exclusively to attack alternate theories of 9/11. From what I've seen so far, this may actually serve to make people more curious. This mainstream affirmation of the official account can be viewed as a measure of the movements success in exposing 9/11 truth. We are forcing them to respond.

    What happened to Flight 77 before the point of impact is more a concern for TruthMove. Please take a look at our page on the subject.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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