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What would YOU discuss? (4 posts)

  1. JohnA

    If you had an opportunity to speak publicly for 20 minutes at a high profile 9/11 Truth event - what key points would you hit?

    9/11 Truth has become such a broad topic - strewn with so many landmines - it has become very difficult to communicate on the topic without reinforcing many of the negative stereotypes.

    If you had to distill 9/11 Truth down to the most salient key points for a newbie audience - what would those key points be?

    I am beginning to believe that the key to rehabilitating this movement's reputation is to call for 'accountability.' The moniker of 'conspiracy theories' that the mainstream media has labored so hard to label us with has all but obscured the underlying concerns of this movement, which is to seek accountability and truth. We know that the 9/11 commissioners themselves have admitted they were lied to and stonewalled. we know that much of what was told to us were lies. we know that we still do not know how and why such an event could take place. and we know that no one has been held accountable.

    the challenge for me - and for all of us - is HOW do we communicate this in such a way as to not reinforce the negative stereotypes associated with this movement?

    i'm really curious what people's opinions are on this.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. christs4sale

    I was thinking about lecture topics, but primarily for an audience of converts. The title I thought of just off the top of my head is: The History of US Elite Structure and the American Far Right. The primary purpose would be to give people context of the Alex Jones and the Israel did it portions of the 9/11 whatever it is at this point (I will not call it a movement). To go into the histories of the Birch Society, Liberty Lobby and other domestic fascist organizations and to show the divisions of US elite structure based on the work of Kevin Phillips, Peter Dale Scott, Mae Brussell and Carl Oglesby. After seeing so many new people embrace a lot of AJ's views, I think that it is sorely needed. I think that historical literacy would help with legitimacy. I do not think that I could get that down to 20 minutes though.

    For general topics to a bunch of new people, I think that any one of John Judge's 9/11 lectures are a good place to get ideas from (particularly the ones he did on the Commission).

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    If you had an opportunity to speak publicly for 20 minutes at a high profile 9/11 Truth event - what key points would you hit?

    I would excoriate them for allowing their "movement" to be hijacked by dis/misinformation agents, whackos, right-wingers and libertarians. I would tell them that I don't want to be associated with what this movement has become. Basically, I would tell them that, on the whole, they are pathetic, irrational, irresponsible, paranoid, ignorant, losers and pawns. I would say that if there are people among them who are better than this, I challenge them to stand up and show themselves and CLEARLY disassociate from the majority segment of this counterproductive movement. I would challenge them to stand up as radical environmentalists and compassionate humanists, and if they refused I would scoff at them and never look back.

    If you had to distill 9/11 Truth down to the most salient key points for a newbie audience - what would those key points be?

    I'm not interested in doing this anymore. I did this with this website and with many, many fliers, presentations, conversations, etc. There is only so much you can do in the face this level of willful ignorance and massive, well-funded subversion of reason and truth.

    From personal experience, "9/11 truthers" are narrow-minded, undisciplined, and ineffective activists. Only perhaps 1 in 100 is someone I would trust to do more good than harm to the cause of truth and justice.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. truthmover

    Agreed. But that 1 in 100 are peers of mine and I'd like to believe that over time we continue to have some positive impact. On the other hand, I'm getting into other things as well and hope most 9/11 truthers do the same.

    Posted 14 years ago #


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