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Rand Paul is more of a Nazi than I realized (14 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Fuck these fascists. Fuck the tea party and fuck Alex Jones and all his brainwashed minions.

    Rand Paul wins Kentucky primary

    RAND PAUL: I have a message, a message from the Tea Party, a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: we have come to take our government back. We have come to take our government back from the special interests who think that the federal government is their own personal ATM, from the politicians who bring us oversized fake checks emblazoned with their signature as if it was their money to give. Washington is horribly broken. I think we stand on a precipice. We are encountering a day of reckoning, and this movement, this Tea Party movement, is a message to Washington that we’re unhappy and that we want things done differently.

    We now have a president, though, who apologizes for America’s greatness. We have a president who went to Copenhagen and appeared with Robert Mugabe, Hugo Chávez and others, Evo Morales, to apologize for the Industrial Revolution. They say—these dictators, these petty dictators say—that to stop climate change, it’s about ending capitalism. They are explicit. And the President, by attending Copenhagen, gives credibility and credence to these folks, and he should not go.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Of course, Infowars is there cheering him on:

    After Paul had started attacking Obama’s “green” agenda, CNN quickly cut away from his victory speech and began to talk over him. Perhaps that’s because Paul is perhaps the first person to address the fundamental threat that the global warming scam poses to the free world during such a major victory speech. This marks a new watershed in how much the credibility of climate change alarmism has collapsed in the last six months alone.

    Paul is right in citing Mugabe, Morales and Chavez as acolytes to the climate cause, but similar sentiments have been expressed far closer to home.

    President Obama has made it a foundation of his economic and environmental policy that America moves towards a similar “green economy,” which would spell disaster for the fragile U.S. economy and potentially trigger a new great depression. The fact that Rand Paul has rightly highlighted this issue as a major concern, allied with the leaked Spanish report, should act as a crushing blow to efforts on behalf of internationalists to impose such tyranny on every western nation in the form of a carbon tax on the very substance humans exhale.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    New hero of Tea Party Rand Paul is so conservative he scares Dick Cheney

    Like Palin, with whom Paul now stands atop the Tea Party cake, he is opposed to all government bailouts and earmarks, and President Obama's "socialist" health care law. He favors a constitutional amendment banning abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. JohnA

    and with the new financial meltdown that is just now unfolding in the world - extremist voices like this become amplified in the minds of the ignorant masses - who can smell the panic in the air - but just don't know where to put their anger.

    this is scary.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    Rand Paul hedges on support for 1964 Civil Rights Act

    Paul said that while he supported the overall goals of the Civil Rights Act -- a monumental measure that outlawed discrimination against African Americans in various forms after a decades-long struggle for equality -- he opposed a provision that banned private businesses from discriminating based on race.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. truthmod

    By our old friend, David Corn...

    Rand Paul and His 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Friend

    Paul, like his father Ron (the libertarian Republican congressman), fancies himself a strict constitutionalist opposed to globalists and what he and others in the so-called "Patriot movement" call the New World Order. And this view of politics has led Paul to keep unusual company—such as his appearances on the radio show of Alex Jones, an anti-government conspiracy theorist and one of the more prominent proponents of the idea that the Bush administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. JohnA

    Rand Paul: Obama criticism of BP is 'un-American

    i actually love this because i feel like Rand exposes his roots - and the foundation of beliefs - that Ron Paul has built his career on. Ron Paul is a smarter politician who has learned to censor himself in public. But Rand is like a loose cannon - and more or less exposes the 'brilliant thinking' that goes on in the Paul family.

    now - i know its not fair to blame Ron Paul for his son's comments.

    but - i also know what a proponent of 'freedom of speech' the Pauls are - so i would not want to be anti-american and hold my tongue.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. truthmod

    Desperate Establishment Launch Baseless “Racist” Attacks On Rand Paul

    Following his huge grass roots victory in the Kentucky primary, the establishment on both sides of the phony political paradigm have instituted a desperate and sustained smear campaign against would be Senator Rand Paul.

    Neocons have uniformly attacked Paul as “weak on defense” because he does not support the illegal interventionist wars of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan, which have cost trillions in taxpayer dollars to finance.

    And while some neocons have attacked Paul as too overtly Libertarian, establishment neolibs are attacking him for not being Libertarian enough! The primary reasons being because, as a medical doctor, he is against abortion and, secondly, he has yet to express an opinion on gay marriage.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. JohnA

    yeah - he's against abortion - even in the case of rape, incest or a threat to the life of the mother.

    that's really 'libertarian' of him. people should be at 'liberty' to do whatever they want - and the government should never never never interfere...

    unless of course you're a woman who needs medical help for a life tragedy. Then you are subject to the whims and dictates of religious-based governmental-fascism.

    what a poor victim Rand Paul is. why is everyone picking on him?

    But lets not forget - he is a doctor as well. A fucking EYE doctor.

    but what a compassionate man Rand Paul is as a physician. Under Rand Paul's care a 14 year old girl, raped by her father, pregnant with with a baby with a genetic deformity that makes the fetus unviable yet threatens the life and safety of the mother, would be FORCED to carry this baby to full term - and perhaps die in the process.

    this would be the role of a doctor - under Rand Paul - dictating religious-based morals to a 14 year old victim of rape and incest.

    But what do you expect from the likes of Alex Jones who claims global warming is a hoax and Obama is not a US citizen? Truth and social justice?

    Alex Jones = disinformation clown picking up the shit you find behind circus elephants... which would be what Rand Paul is.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  10. I've heard Alex mention the term "controlled opposition" from time to time. I remember hearing this during the '04 election cycle.

    I've got to give him credit (especially since I dont know who originally coined it), I don't think I could find a better term.

    Also, hello!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  11. mark

    Alex Jones is part of the controlled opposition.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  12. Oh.. that's what I meant. :)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  13. truthmod

    Alex Jones: "Don't be fooled the elite globalist false left/right paradigm. (Just follow us and our extreme right wing libertarian brand of populist fascism)"

    Posted 13 years ago #
  14. cosmos

    Alex Jones = disinformation clown picking up the shit you find behind circus elephants... which would be what Rand Paul is.


    Posted 13 years ago #


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