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Leaked documents claim Pakistan’s ISI directing Afghan insurgency (6 posts)

  1. truthmover

    OMG!!! Can someone please scream conspiracy from the top of the mountain. How obvious does the BS have to get before we won't shovel it down our throat?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. JohnA

    ah - the Patsystan conspiracy

    (sarcasm intended)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    Basically, we have every reason to believe that most of what happens in the Middle East is stage managed.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. BrianG

    So what are we supposed to do? Ignore the CIA-ISI-Taliban-al Qaeda nexus and pretend there were no Muslim hijackers?

    We're between a rock and a hard place. If we pursue the Paul Thompson/Press for Truth line leading to Pakistan, we're implying that the US invaded the wrong countries all along.

    What are we to make of this NYT article claiming that ISI supplied the Taliban in early stages of the US invasion?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. truthmover

    I'll admit not having any idea where John and Brian are coming from, humor and all. I'm not really interested in figuring out who 'did' 9/11 as I don't think we can.

    But this country has such a long history of supporting both sides of a conflict that the issue for me becomes people buying the propaganda that there is a right and wrong side or that we really are the good guys.

    All news indicating conflict of interest gets swept under the rug.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. JohnA

    i don't think we are supposed to endorse one theory over another. at least - i do not view MY interests in 9/11 Truth as a promoter of one BRAND of truth over another - as the Patsytan theorists attempt to do.

    the problem i have is with those who are selective about what evidence they care to acknowledge exists.

    those who forward the 'Patsystan' position work overtime to censor all evidence of the "CIA-ISI-Taliban-al Qaeda nexus" - as BrianG suggests - but will harp endlessly on the dancing Israelis. It is a pretty transparent agenda of presenting cherry-picked facts. They forward tissue-thin nonsense about the living hijackers as well - because it aids them in their agenda to remove the 'aledged muslim hijackers' from the equation - and more efficiently claim that 9/11 was an Israeli/United States production - with Patsystan being fingered for the crime.

    but what is MORE frustrating are the claims that anyone who wants to INCLUDE certain FACTS in the discussion are somehow intentionally supporting the official story of 9/11.

    but a REAL 9/11 Truth activists knows that he/she does not have to choose between competing agendas

    Posted 13 years ago #


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