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911 Truth Fail: Barrie Zwicker Endorses CIT (9 posts)

  1. truthmover

    Barrie Zwicker has offered a total and unreserved four minute video endorsement of CIT, their research, and their conclusions.

    "It's no exaggeration to state that the finding of the CIT concerning what really happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 are reliable, undeniable, conclusive, of immense historical importance. The evidence now shows well past reasonable doubt what happened. It was a detonation of explosives within the building timed to coincide with a flyover by a large jet plane thus producing the clever illusion that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon." ...

    "To add insult to insult, the same perpetrators of the events of 911 at the Pentagon have assigned disinformation specialists to attack the honest citizen detectives of CIT. This suggests to me at least, that hidden behind and within the dark and treasonous false flag deception carried out at the Pentagon on 911 are probably even darker secrets.

    To me the two most important questions are now, almost 9 years after the events, urgently call out for investigation.

    First, who are those behind the vicious attempts to discredit the work of the Citizen Investigation Team. Second, what are the motives of the, would be discreditors. and those behind them. And I say attempts, because a careful examination of the arguments of CIT's tormentors, show them to be tricky and unreliable, in fact, as flimsy as the official story they try to defend."

    OK, this is the second time this week I've been called an agent. Does that mean I'm doing something right?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. mark

    I recommend the complete Barrie Zwicker timeline posted at the "Towers of Deception" book review (see link below). His abandonment of the initial Peak Oil / 911 connection is more disturbing than his support for the "no plane crash" hoaxes, the Peak Oil motive is something he can verify in Canada and was one of the first to publicly connect those dots along with Mike Ruppert, Colin Campbell and others. Zwicker's 2004 "Inquiry" in Canada was sabotaged by persons unknown who overspent the conference into tremendous debt with tricks like renting a 1,500 seat auditorium and then "forgetting" to do adequate publicity which resulted in that hall barely being 10% full. Debt can be a means of control and manipulation. Unfortunately, the "new truth" movement doesn't want to connect dots between resource wars and 9/11 complicity, so Zwicker's initial integrity in his 2002 film "The Great Deception" was no longer on display in his subsequent "Towers of Deception" book. Perhaps I'll get smeared again as an agent for pointing out the plane really hit the Pentacle, but Zwicker declined several opportunities to explain these omissions, both to me and to others. A competent editor and fact checker would have greatly revised his book, such a wasted opportunity to do good was squandered appeasing "false friends."

    Towers of Deception exposes half of the media’s role in the 9/11 coverup misses media strategy to highlight hoaxes to avoid best evidence

    on this page:

    summary of the book's thesis and omissions conversation between Barrie Zwicker and Emanuel Sferios, 9/11 Visibility Project detailed review of Towers of Deception

    An important examination of the media suppression of 9/11 truth - one of the most important issues of our time. It is curious that it avoids the media campaign to focus on strawman false claims of complicity that avoid (or discredit) the best evidence.

    The author was the narrator for the documentary "The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream" yet does not mention the suggestion that 9/11 was allowed to happen (and/or engineered) in order to provide the excuse to grab Middle East oil fields as the world approaches Peak Oil.

    Hopefully the second edition will mention that truth-seeking on these issues is a two front war: confronting both the "limited hang outs" and the no-planes disinformation in order to focus on reality.


    Barrie Zwicker’s book Towers of Deception focuses on one of the most critical issues of our times - how the media helped coverup the truths about 9/11. It exposes several ways that corporate media - and even some "alternative" publications - went out of their way to ignore gigantic problems with the 9/11 official story. This self-censorship was one of the key factors that made the US invasion of Iraq possible, since if the scandal had been adequately exposed there could not have been needed public support for the current wars.

    Towers has the potential to be incredible in its second edition.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of errors in the first edition of "Towers," some small, some huge.

    Towers does not mention the issue of petroleum supplies or Peak Oil as a motivation for allowing / enabling / organizing the 9/11 attacks, which is an astounding oversight from the narrator of "End of Suburbia" and New Society, publisher of many of the best books on the topic of Peak Oil. Barrie Zwicker's first film The Great Deception (January / February 2002) had an episode highlighting the importance of petroleum decline as a motivation to create a pretext to invade the Middle East oil fields.

    Towers of Deception ignores the fact that since 2004 the media has begun to focus on the so-called 9/11 Truth Movement - to focus on the false claims to avoid the best evidence. Nearly every mainstream publication has run articles focusing on the alternative explanations, sometimes in front page stories, a development undercuts the thesis of “Towers," since the media is now giving lots of attention to the cause of “9/11 Truth.” The Washington Post, New York Times, USA Today, Popular Mechanics, CNN, C-Span, Fox, Parade, National Public Radio and many others have focused on 9/11 truth, but their coverage has not been a compliment. These media institutions are following a predictable pattern: highlight the strawmen claims and bypass mention of the best evidence.

    Ideally, the second edition of "Towers" will mention the "two front war" aspect of 9/11 truthseeking. The best evidence lies in between the limited hang outs (fall back to the official story) and the increasingly wild nonsense claims (no planes at all on 9/11).

    Towers also contains false promotion of the "no plane crash at Pentagon" and even "no plane crash in Pennsylvania" memes, which are remarkably incorrect. It even gives credence to the (false) claim that "no phone calls" were made on 9/11 from the planes, which was a brilliant tactic to ensure that the 9/11 family members would be hesitant to work cooperatively with the independent investigators. The footnote referencing this assertion references independent investigator Jim Hoffman's website (despite the fact this website points out the claim is not "truth") and that Mr. Dewdney, the sole source for this accusation, allegedly proved airphones (which definitely do work in planes) were not used (without mentioning even a scintilla of evidence for this extraordinary claim). A careful fact checking review would have screened this and other falsehoods from the final draft.

    Curiously, New Society's Judith Plant told this reviewer that they understand the "no plane" claims are not real yet was unable to explain how they passed a fact checking process.

    Zwicker timeline

    The Great Deception, January - February, 2002

    Barrie Zwicker's film The Great Deception was a six part television commentary for Vision TV of Toronto that was the first documentary to highlight the video of George W. Bush reading to second graders after he was told the second tower was hit (Great Deception aired more than two years before Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11). The transcript of the film is reposted at

    Great Deception was an amazing profile of the basic issues of complicity, one of the earliest serious efforts to document the truth behind the official story. It is a nice compliment to Michael Ruppert's November 2001 speech recorded in the film The Truth and Lies of 9/11.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. mark

    and an even more important point

    also from

    most of the people who still believe in any of the "no plane" claims are sincere -- but that sincerity does not make them any less wrong in their assertions.

    None of the activists, writers, investigators, eyewitnesses, etc. who point out this claim is wrong argue for Zwicker's assertion that "anyone who says a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon is a hoaxer."

    However, the ORIGIN of this claim was a deliberate hoax from Donald Rumsfeld, even if most of those who promote it have merely swallowed the bait without double-checking the facts.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. Arcterus

    How disappointing. Zwicker used to have some good material to his name. The last few years he seems to have had a bit too much Kool-Aid.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. christs4sale

    mark said:

    Debt can be a means of control and manipulation.

    Both with Barrie Zwicker and with Sander Hicks it seems to be the case. And both endorse CIT. Is there anyone else who fits this profile? I remember watching the video of Barrie at the 2006 Chicago Conference where he says that he absolutely could not be an agent. It is also interesting that that video is the only video he has posted to Youtube.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. BrianG

    Both endorse Barrett, too, who's had no visible means of support himself just about forever, aside from Mrs. Barrett's catering work and occasional teaching work about which he has been very vague ("has taught Islam, English, French, Arabic, Humanities, African Literature, American Civilization, and Folklore at colleges and universities in the San Francisco Bay Area, Paris, and Madison, Wisconsin.") I've never heard that Barrett ever had a "real job", ever.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    There's always been something fishy about Zwicker. He seemed too good to be true. "Towers of Deception" was very disappointing too.

    I videotaped his presentation about agents and disinfo at the Chicago conference. It used to be online, but now I can't find it.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. christs4sale

    You can get most of the audio from that event here:

    Disclaimer: I do not endorse that website!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. Victronix

    When Zwicker first openly supported that website was when Jim H said he knew there was something wrong, since it's so bad.

    Posted 13 years ago #


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