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Norton Mezvinsky: Chelsea Clinton's LaRouchite Uncle (1 post)

  1. christs4sale

    Just last year, Mezvinsky shelled out his own cash to bring LaRouche to speak at Central Connecticut State University, where he taught for 42 years. In February 2009, Mezvinsky spoke to assembled LaRouchites at the Schiller Institute in Rüsselsheim, Germany, which was founded by LaRouche's wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche.


    Yet Mezvinsky's public statements reveal a high opinion for LaRouche. According to the Executive Intelligence Review, the house organ for LaRouche's conspiracies, during Mezvinsky's introductory remarks at the May 4, 2009 event at Connecticut State, he praised EIR as:

    [A] weekly magazine he founded in the mid-1970s, which is, I have personally discovered, must reading [emphasis original] for numerous members of the United States Congress, United States State Department officials, other politicos in Washington and around the world, and many academics.


    At major Middle-East-oriented think-tanks in Washington and elsewhere, factual information, supplied by the LaRouche group, at least some of his views, are regularly studied and considered. During the past year, especially, when I have been in Washington starting a new Middle East political think-tank, I have witnessed this personally.

    Projection, perhaps, or wishful thinking? Mezvinsky's think tank, the International Council for Middle East Studies (ICMES), is, according to its web site, "located on the premises of the International Law Institute, with office space provided by Professor Don Wallace (Georgetown University), Chair of the ICMES Board of Directors."

    Posted 13 years ago #


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