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Who is James Bamford? And what was he doing with the ARRB? by Seamus Coogan (4 posts)

  1. christs4sale

    Here is a portion:

    Finding the Real Parallel

    Many people try and make parallels between Northwoods, the Kennedy assassination, and 9/11, quite often forgetting that when an event of international significance occurs, like an untimely death, or a group of them, that there are often similarities. Kennedy’s death and 9/11 were never the first purported pretexts for expansion into foreign territories. There are numerous parallels right throughout U.S history: The 1898 sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, and the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident are classic examples. Sometimes no act of aggression is needed on behalf the intended victims. The U.S government just doesn’t have to like a government and that’s that. It need not be bloody or dramatic. Just look at the CIA’s ousting of Australia’s Whitlam government. (William Blum, Killing Hope, pgs 244-249)

    But the biggest parallel one can see between Operation Northwoods (after one dispels the utter crock that the Bush family organized both 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination) is not the crimes themselves, nor the use of airplanes, but that the book Northwoods first appeared in (i.e., Body of Secrets) was created for the exact same purpose and by the exact same company as Gerald Posner’s 1993 joke, Case Closed, which was clearly a response from the CIA to counter public reaction after the 1991 film JFK. What’s funny here is that while JFK was a political drama based around actual events and thus infinitely more serious in tone than the Will Smith Enemy of the State vehicle, we can see that Random House has clearly stated the NSA’s justification for publishing a counterpoint, and seem rather proud of themselves for doing so. Now I ask the reader to contrast Bamford’s profile with that of his fellow playmate at Random House, Gerald Posner. In Posner’s bio they say nothing about the CIA (or their intermediary Bob Loomis of Random House) approaching him to create a reply to Stone’s film, as this link here shows. And in their blurb about Case Closed, Random House clearly wants you to believe the lie that Posner—of his own accord—jumped up and defended the Warren Commission.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. christs4sale


    Thanks a lot for this. If you are reading this, do you have any opinions on Bamford's take on the USS Liberty incident vs John Loftus' take from Secret War Against the Jews? To me they are different points of view from different factions of the intelligence community.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. Hey Christ and the gang I have been a little busy.

    As for the USS Liberty. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh. Now lemme think here. I think your reasoning for it happening are as good as mine. I haven't taken Loftus into the equation as the USS liberty looks like a wormhole from where I am (JFK is more than enough for me) But, I will say this if a cynical SOB like Helms say's that a spook like Bamford's version of events was the most accurate description of what happened I'm inclined to believe it's the most far fetched of the lot. In saying that Loftus is rather clearly in the pro Mossad as you say.

    I dont think the truth is being served by either one of these guys. I think it was a contingency plan of some kind myself. But for what purpose I don't rightly know.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. christs4sale

    Loftus has the perspective that Israel can do no wrong, openly speaks about his background in Army Intelligence CIC and has stated that some of his books were vetted by the CIA before publication while Bamford uses Admiral Thomas Moorer as one of his main sources.

    Posted 13 years ago #


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