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report from the conspiracy con (2 posts)

  1. mark

    I hope most of the speakers at this spectacles don't actually believe their own dog food and they're just acting.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Wow, I wonder how many people actually attended. And I wonder what the ratio is of people who are into this crap vs. those who are actually reasonable critical thinkers who question 9/11. I'd wager that there are actually many more reasonable people, but they don't organize or attend events and they have other priorities. They probably have no desire to be associated with stuff like this.

    It's really sad to think of people at this critical point in history being caught up in such delusions. I've realized from very early on, that there is a tendency to believe almost anything once some of your biggest illusions are taken away. There's also a desperate need to replace the old authorities with new ones, and the conspiracy culture supplies some very mesmerizing myths.

    Posted 12 years ago #


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