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9/11: A Political Rorschach Test (1 post)

  1. mark

    September 11 is a political Rorschach Test. Most perspectives contain pieces of truth but are wrong.

    The official story that there are Muslims who want to attack the US has some truth but ignores how that anger is a reaction to US intervention in the Middle East. The 9/11 Commission claimed the feds were too incompetent to "connect the dots" and creating a surveillance society is needed to prevent a repeat attack.

    Many liberals / leftists / progressives highlight "blowback" -- the attackers were motivated by revenge for US policies. But blowback alone does not explain how the attacks were allowed to happen. US allies provided specific warnings about who, what, where and when. The FBI agents who tried to stop the attacks were blocked by headquarters, which was obstruction, not incompetence.

    The 9/11 truth movement correctly says there was a deliberate conspiracy but their most popular claims contain discrediting disinformation. Mixing true conclusions with false evidence -- conspiracies to make fake claims of conspiracy -- is an effective way to cover up conspiracy.

    The media correctly state that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, thermite isn't used to demolish buildings and the firefighters watched the twin towers and Building 7 bulge and lean before they fell down. They ignore thesuppressed warnings, the best evidence of complicity.

    Neither the media nor some of the conspiracy crowd highlight the CIA's "plane into building" exercise and the NORAD war games that morning -- the real failure to connect the dots.

    Posted 11 years ago #


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