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TruthMove Street Action 2008 Video (4 posts)

  1. truthmover

    Digging around and I found this little thing I threw together. Not sure why the aspect ratio is a bit off, but I put it on Youtube so I could share it easy.!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Nice one. Seems like a lifetime ago. We were pretty gung ho back then. I think we made some difference, especially when we had respectful conversations with people. It's strange to think that we were probably one of only 3 small groups out on the streets of NYC promoting 9/11 awareness. In a city of 20 million, it makes you wonder.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    Yeah. I'm counter-protesting the Westboro Baptist Church at SAMOHI next monday morning, assuming they show up. It got me thinking about all that time on the street and how rewarding it was interacting with so many people.

    They are kind of like Nico with his TV Fakery. I'm not sure you can take what they are doing at face value. Not when we know the government sponsors idiocy to marginalize dissent.

    We were the only group promoting 9/11 truth with any apparent credibility. And I think it's fair to say that we increased the budget for subversion. Looking at how the Occupy movement was infiltrated and subverted we can look back and feel more confident about many of the assumptions we have at the time about shady intentions.

    While there is no way to calculate the impact we had, it's clear in my mind that we got hundreds of thousands of impressions, looked like normal people concerned about the issue to thousands, and handed out the very best promotional materials available.

    Also important, we promoted a subversion savvy approach that I know influenced many people in the movement. We were completely ahead of the curve and started TruthMove right at the moment that subversion was stepping into high gear, long before others were taking steps to address the issue. Not that many ever did, or did in time.

    Unfortunately, the forces of subversion were successful as people in the movement, from top to bottom, just weren't experienced or dynamic enough to aggressively respond to the threat. And it doesn't seem that Occupy was ready for it either.

    Whatever impact we had, it made for some good living. :)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    I don't know what to make of the Westboro whackos. Maybe they just like attention. I've never heard of anyone who supports them. But I guess there is support for some of their ideas, like "God Hates Fags," from the fundamentalist Right. Maybe their extreme offensiveness and insanity serve to muddy the waters and focus attention away from real issues.

    Here's another one of our videos, just watched it for the first time in years. Good examples of the kinds of conversations we had with people and some of the whack jobs who attacked us.

    Posted 11 years ago #


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