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9/11 truth graffiti news report (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    DOT officials trying to stop 9/11 graffiti on bridges, overpasses


    Some graffiti popping up on highways has a lot of people talking, and the state isn't too happy about how a group of vandals are trying to get their message across.

    Eyewitness News explains what it all means and the lengths one state agency is going to cut down on it.

    When people drive around central Connecticut, it's hard to miss some of the graffiti popping up on bridges, overpasses and road signs that says "9-11 Truth," "W-T-C" and "Building 7."

    All the phrases are scrawled across overpasses on some major highways. The Connecticut Department of Transportation is fed up with graffiti and doesn't have enough resources to keep up with it.

    "It's finite resources," said Kevin Nursick, who is spokesman for the Connecticut DOT. "There are a lot of needs out there. There are limited funds."

    And it's the taxpayers picking up the tab to clean it all up.

    "I would estimate that annually we spend probably half a million to a million dollars dealing with graffiti," Nursick said.

    But what does "9-11 Truth" even mean? And who is climbing up on bridges to do it?

    Wayne Coste is a member of a group called the architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth. Coste said he's not sure who the vandals are, but he does know about the message they are trying to spread.

    "The official story about what happened doesn't seem to add up," Coste said.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. mark

    Useful idiot.

    Too bad they're not calling attention to suppressed warnings and overlapping wargames during the attack.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. BrianG

    Most people have facile answers that enable them to avoid thinking about the issues.

    Suppressed warnings they handwave away by incompetence and turf wars.

    The wargames they poo poo by claiming that the game alert meant the system was already activated and response time was improved.

    I don't know why the Behrooz Sarshar story hasn't been more effectively promoted. We're all just burned out, I suppose.

    Posted 10 years ago #


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