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Another 19 (3 posts)

  1. BrianG

    Kevin Ryan's new book has been endorsed by Bob McIlvaine and Lorie Van Auken.

    I kind of wrote Ryan off when he endorsed Barrett's congressional campaign in 2008, 'cause I figured Ryan was close enough geographically that he should have known Barrett for what he is. So I paid little attention to Ryan's work over the years as he shifted from his original science-of-9/11 orientation to an identifying-the-conspirators quest. Out of a sense of duty I skimmed his articles, but I have little patience for this kind of thing, which inevitably winds up ascribing great significance to relationships that often can only be assumed, and rarely proven, to be significant. I suspect that there's a great danger that at some point the tireless and compulsive researcher must succumb to his own circular reasoning and confirmation bias---that after enormous labors to find out that some government bureaucrat's brother-in-law once sat on a board with a guy who sat on another board of a military contractor, our heroic researcher is likely to ascribe significance to the fact in proportion to the labor he put in, getting the fact.

    I wonder if anybody here has looked into Mr. Ryan's material. His name is invoked as a source for research for the Youtube "9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)" that has gotten 500,000 views.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    I heard a little bit of Kevin Ryan talking about his book on Guns & Butter, which I'm always skeptical of.

    Hey, at least it's not more CD "research." But I haven't looked into it, so I don't know whether it's responsible material or not.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. mark

    Most of what's on Guns and Butter is not real.

    If they're sincere they would benefit from hiring a fact checker or ten.

    Looking at a promotion for "another 19" it mixes some real claims with the science fiction.

    Posted 10 years ago #


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