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bogus "science" journals (8 posts)

  1. mark

    Blinded by scientific gobbledygook   Bad chemistry: How fake research journals are scamming the science community

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. BrianG

    Mark, I would certainly like to know who made the decision to publish the Jones/Harrit nanothermite paper at the Bentham journal, and how that decision was arrived upon.

    At the time, I considered flooding my local university with copies of the paper. Then I considered that the paper's findings had not been replicated, and thought better.

    Later of course Dr. Jones made his irresponsible claims about Haitian earthquake machines and his over-unity electronic device.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    Those "scholars" groups were a part of the take down that ramped up in 2005. It was a good cop/bad cop operation. At this point I'm not sure that anything new after 2004 was legit.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. mark

    Mark, I would certainly like to know who made the decision to publish the Jones/Harrit nanothermite paper at the Bentham journal, and how that decision was arrived upon.

    One word: money.

    You pay them, they publish it. A better question is why anyone believed it.

    The only "new" info in the past several years worth promoting re: 9/11

    the Sept. 11, 2012 New York Times article (which suggested the CIA counter terror department wanted to quit since they knew the attacks were coming and would not be allowed to stop it).

    the book "Disconnecting the Dots: How CIA and FBI officials helped
 enable 9/11 and evaded government investigations" by Kevin Fenton.

    TUESDAY, SEP 11, 2012 07:33 AM PDT

    9/11: What Bush knew

    An article sheds new light on the CIA's desperate efforts to warn about 9/11. Why didn't the White House listen?


    "If the organizing principle is that the government lies, but there's no organizing principle to how you get to the truth, then anything is possibly the truth. People will organize around disinformation just as easily as information. The way covert operations do effective disinformation is they give the truth to the people who are discredited and they give the lie to the people who have great credibility - the way they disinform from both ends and confuse people. They put out stories - as we know from the assassinations - that will lead us down false paths, that will lead us to false sponsorships."

    -- John Judge, Coalition on Political Assassinations, conference on the 37th anniversary of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, June 5, 2005

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. BrianG

    truthmover, was footnote 44 not legit? Was Philip Shenon's devastating critique "The Commission" not legit? Is the legislation pending in Congress to declassify the missing 28 pages from the Joint Inquiry not legit? Was the Behrooz Sarshar story not legit? The SCADs paper? Don't be blinded by bitterness. How will any whistleblower dare take action when the people who should be supporting them are all demoralized and apathetic?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. truthmover

    I was specifically referring to groups and notable personalities and not all participants with degrees who wrote things and happened to naively associate themselves with the groups and personalities.

    However, I believe that the work of most of those people, naive or not, was intentionally and effectively subverted by affiliation with those groups and personalities. I'm sure you can point out exceptions. There are not many.

    I learned a lesson that doesn't make me bitter but rather practical. If you try to operate within a subversive environment without an understanding of the nature and likelihood of subversion, your sacrifices may very well be pointless.

    No, do not be a whistleblower by taking your insights straight to Jim Fetzer OR Richard Gage. Or to any group that has "for 9/11 truth" in it's title.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. mark

    Were there any actual whistleblowers who went to Fetzer or Gage?

    The FBI agents who tried to stop 9/11 didn't.

    The family members wisely steered clear.

    Sibel Edmonds, Indira Singh and others with important pieces of the puzzle aren't part of those efforts, as far as I know.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. truthmover


    Posted 9 years ago #


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