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What's the most important thing now? (1 post)

  1. BrianG

    Ten years ago I started my activist career by asking Carol Brouillet what was the most important thing to work on.

    She said she was so busy she didn't have time to prioritize or strategize.

    A couple of years later I told the NorCal 9/11 group that I thought most of them were hobbyists who would be happy to spend the rest of their lives dabbling in 9/11 Truth, while I wanted to make big influence in the coming (2007) year and move on to other issues. I suggested that the hobbyists might even be motivated to self-sabotage so they didn't win too soon. I was assured by the muck-a-mucks that they were all so self-ware that none of them could ever self-sabotage.

    That was the year that Kevin Barrett had a lot of visibility, the psuedo-science conference happened, and that janitor feller with his tale of the "Key of Hope" got a lot of press.

    What do others here consider important right now? I've been working with the California Clean Money Campaign, thinking that their cause was so blatantly obvious to voters that it was a sure winner. Unfortunately, Democrats have been sabotaging the progress of their "Disclose Act" bill.

    Lately I've been working on the Oil Trains issue, thinking that the corporations' belief that the risk of environmental destruction should be socialized while the profits are privatized is pretty blatant.

    Also on the table of course is the federal legislation to release the 28 redacted pages from the Congressional Inquiry.

    And then AE911Truth has for better or worse gotten an initiative on the table for the upcoming AIA convention.

    My take on the situation is that the government has given us reports about Ground Zero that are unscientific, incomplete, and unacceptable. At the same time, conspiracy theorists have put forth poorly-founded fantasies that distract from the fact that the government has given us reports about Ground Zero that are unscientific, incomplete, and unacceptable.

    Posted 9 years ago #


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