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Sander Hicks Presents 2017 “Kevin Barrett, Tehran & Alison Weir” HD (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Being a 9/11 disinformation agent sure must get old. There definitely isn't much glory in it in 2017.

    Sander Hicks Presents 2017 “Kevin Barrett, Tehran & Alison Weir” HD

    On February 21st, Iran inaugurated the 6th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada to emphasize its support for the Palestinian nation.

    This year's conference was held in Tehran, where 80 delegations and 700 guests from around the world attended the meeting. The Zionist regime has occupied Palestine for over 70 years and has resorted to every sort of oppression to force Palestinians from their own land. The Islamic Republic of Iran does not recognize the two-state solution as legitimate and believes that Israelis have no place on this land. The UN has now released a report accusing Israel of Apartheid, just one step from Genocide.

    Interviewed by Sander Hicks (USA) were Pepe Escobar (Brazil), Hafsa Kara Mustafá (Algeria), Anthony James Hall (Canada), and Kevin Barrett (USA). Kevin’s announces his translation of a new book by Laurent Guyenot (“Yahweh to Zion”) and gives straight answers to a question about JFK. A few weeks later Sander interviewed Alison Weir who had also been at the meeting.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  2. BrianG

    Sander spoke at the Stanford Law School some years ago, sponsored by Janette MacKinlay's son. He gave a good talk.

    I went to see him at the Berkeley UU venue some years after that. He never showed up. Claimed he got lost on the road from Las Vegas or suchlike. Micky Huff was very pissed off. I suspect Sander didn't show because somebody told him there was a guy in the crowd who was likely to ask him questions about his affiliation with Kevin Barrett.

    I'm surprised that there hasn't been any coverage here of Barrett and Tony Hall and Bollyn being excluded from the Left Forum in NYC after they had appeared there in the past. (I might be a bit confused about the line-up)

    Barrett claims they were "banned". It seems to be pretty cheeky of him to claim he's not an anti-semite after the remarks he has made in the past, but I'll suppose he is hiding behind the argument that because he loves Palestinians, who are semites, therefore he can not be anti-semitic.

    I'm glad to hear that registrations are now open, and hoping to see this forum get more traffic from here on out.

    I'm really grateful that the mods have permitted me to articulate the evidence behind the controlled demolition theory even though they quite clearly were not buying it. That's the kind of thinking we need to move forward in these times.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    I hadn't heard about the Left Forum stuff.

    Left Forum censorship defeated – false flags, 9/11 truth

    Veterans Today has hosted columns by Barrett and Fetzer.

    Cancelled Left Forum Panels to Appear Instead at “Left Out Forum” Protest Event on Left Forum Conference’s Last Day


    Thanks, Brian. We are glad to have you here. You and Mark are the only ones who have continued to post over these last few years when registration was off. Debate over controlled demolition is welcome here in small doses. But I hope we can agree that it's been a disaster as the leading point of promotion and research. I've re-written our CD page over the last few years, to reflect our view, but it is still subject to more revision.

    Posted 6 years ago #


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