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Megyn Kelly interviews Alex Jones on NBC (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Vice is completely anti-conspiracy from what I've seen. They did a short film on Mike Ruppert a while back, but for a supposedly edgy news outlet, they are surprisingly dismissive of all conspiracy related material.

    Alex Jones is the multi-million dollar straw man at this point.

    Megyn Kelly’s NBC interview with conspiracy theorist and InfoWars founder Alex Jones hasn’t even aired yet — it’s scheduled for June 18 — but the TV event is already causing an uproar.

    In a brief promo for the interview, NBC News correspondent Kelly is seen asking Jones about various conspiracy theories he’s peddled in the past, including Jones’ baseless belief that 9/11 was an “inside job” and that scientists created “animal-human hybrids” 30 years ago.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Why Megyn Kelly and the rest of the media can’t just ignore Alex Jones The Alex Jones Op has arrived. I didn't know he was getting scoops directly from the White House. That will boost his credibility/influence no matter how marginal he is. The corporate media is now "taking him seriously" because he's a player. This is the perfect guy to have as the figurehead for conspiracies.

    Much of what Jones peddles is total garbage. He is perhaps the nation's foremost 9/11 “truther,” insisting that the World Trade Center attack was an “inside job.” He says the government controls the weather and uses it as a weapon, and claims juice boxes are lined with estrogen as part of a secret plot to turn boys gay.

    But the reality — lamentable as it might be — is that Megyn Kelly, who interviewed Jones for this week's episode of her “Sunday Night” news magazine, and the rest of the media can't just ignore him.


    Jones apparently does have a line to the White House that occasionally produces accurate information. Before the Guilfoyle scoop, Infowars obtained an outline of Trump's February address to a joint session of Congress, ahead of any reputable news outlet. (Count me among those who were skeptical of the outline's legitimacy until Spicer read it — practically verbatim — during a news briefing.)


    “Our goal in sitting down with him,” Kelly explained on Twitter Tuesday, “was to shine a light — as journalists are supposed to do — on this influential figure.”

    Posted 6 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Our old friend David Corn, ready to jump in on the Alex Jones train.

    Here’s the Alex Jones Story Megyn Kelly and Other Reporters Should Probe
    What is Trump’s relationship to the nation’s most dangerous conspiracy theorist?

    How deep Jones’ relationship with Trump goes is a vital question. Stone has claimed on Infowars that he set up Trump and Jones, the two “hit it off,” and Trump has “watched Infowars.” And during the campaign, Jones said he “personally talked to” Trump and encouraged him to claim the election was being rigged. On another occasion, Jones said Trump had told him that Jones had “one of the greatest influences I’ve ever seen…It’s greater than you know. Just know that your influence is second to none.” In a February 8, 2016, interview with Infowars, Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Miller hailed Jones and Infowars for having “been on top of…the immigration issue” and called on Jones’ audience to support Trump.

    Posted 6 years ago #


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