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David Ray Griffin has a new book (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Bush and Cheney
    How They Ruined America and the World

    The events of September 11, 2001, set off a chain of global crises and civil perils that have normalized a climate of fear and conflict. Starting with assaults on the U.S. Constitution, Griffin reviews various ways in which the world has been made worse over the past fifteen years—by the Bush-Cheney reaction to the attacks and by power plays for global influence enabled by 9/11. These include the disastrous effects of regime-change operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya; the war on terror, the rise of ISIS, the Syrian conflict and European refugee crisis; the explosion of Islamophobia and the American acceptance of extrajudicial murder-by-drone; and the growing existential threats of ecological and nuclear holocaust. Looking back, it is clear that the story of 9/11 has been used to legitimize and manufacture support for disastrous policies.

    In Bush and Cheney, Griffin analyzes what Noam Chomsky, Paul Craig Roberts, and many others across the political spectrum consider the most serious threat today—the threat to global survival. He argues that ripple effects of 9/11 have become so destructive and dangerous that the press, policy elites, and citizens should finally confront what we have allowed to happen. A national reckoning has become essential, in the words of William Rivers Pitt, to stop “the dominoes of September” from continuing to fall.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  2. mark

    There's very little overlap between Mr. Griffin's perspective and Crossing the Rubicon by Mike Ruppert (RIP).

    I hope he's come to realize that citing white supremacist Neo Nazis as alleged sources of accurate information was a mistake. I haven't read his newest regurgitation but a review of it I did read focused more on the "controlled demolition" claim than suppressed warnings and overlapping wargames on 9/11. Strange to see the name droppings of Noam Chomsky (who claims there was not foreknowledge of the attack, and Oswald killed JFK by his lonesome) and Paul Craig Roberts (who promotes "controlled demolition of the WTC").

    Posted 6 years ago #


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