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Cynthia McKinney (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Any thoughts on her? From a few glances at her Twitter feed, I thought maybe she had gone over to the pro-Trump side? Looks like some "Israel did 9/11" stuff...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  2. BrianG

    I first became of aware of Cynthia McKinney from her activism on the voter suppression in Florida in the 2000 election, the phony felons list.

    I thought her questioning of Rummy in Congressional hearings was courageous and intelligent. I was thrilled when she became the Green Party presidential candidate in 2008. I had the privilege to attend a lunch meeting with about 30 of us in Mountain View where she announced her intention to run.

    I considered this a vindication for us Truthers in the Green Party. There had been some hostility, though 2004 Presidential candidate David Cobb and Ralph Nader had both signed the 9/11 Truth statement. And there had been bitter divisions in the truth movement in 2007 with the Chicago disinfo conference and Webster Tarpley's Kennebunkport warnings, and all those hysterical Captain May predictions of upcoming false flag ops and the Portland nuke hysteria and the War on War.

    So I was really glad to feel solid with the Greens, that the Truth movement had been endorsed.

    And then a few weeks before the 2008 election, Cynthia got national press because she declared at a conference at Laney College that 5000 black bodies had been found in a swamp outside New Orleans. The only explanation for her behavior I could concoct was to suppose that she had decided to self-destruct in hopes of throwing her votes to Obama. Or maybe somebody dropped some psychotropic chemicals in her Diet Coke.

    I felt betrayed. She had destroyed her own credibility, and damaged the credibility of the Green Party and the Truth movement. She'd damaged the credibility of the Truth movement in the Green Party. When I posted 9/11 stuff to the statewide email list, it would be diverted to a thinly-populated secondary list, and I would be attacked. Jill Stein (the Green presidential candidate in 2012 and 2016) has endorsed the call for new investigations, but has mostly stayed away from 9/11. I don't try to mix 9/11 activism with Green Party activism any more.

    I've kind of lost track of her since 2008. AFAIK she has not had any love from the Greens since then. Apparently she did a cross-country bike trip and got a doctorate at Berkeley. She gave a report from the bike trip that I remember as insightful about the nuanced thinking of redneck voters. I can't remember the details.

    Since then she's appeared on a lot of 9/11 panels but apparently never said anything noteworthy. The kind of panels that feature the most discrediting speakers in the Truth movement. Maybe when you rub shoulders with these guys and they're really nice (they're always really nice when I meet them, and I've met a few) your resistance breaks down and you start to think "well maybe I need to be more open-minded about Cities on the Moon and the Stapleton Airport basements and the Occult symbology of the WFC. These people are so nice, and such smooth-talkers. How can they be wrong?"

    I hold nothing against Dr. McKinney personally. We all make mistakes. But I will never trust her or stick my neck out for her until she explains what happened at Laney College in 2008.

    Posted 5 years ago #


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