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Michael Pollan's new book on psychedelics (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    I enjoyed Michael Pollan's new book, "How to Change Your Mind." I was amused by one section in which he interviews possible psychedelic guides to do trips with. He rejects one of them (who sounded very qualified) because he started talking about how "9/11 was an inside job."

    Posted 5 years ago #
  2. mark

    Well, most of those who say it was an inside job are merely promoting the demolition hoax. I ran into one on the street today who was trying to recruit people to campaign for a "new investigation," but of course he was only interested in demolition and had never heard of Alec Station, the CIA / DIA / FBI whistleblowers, or practically any other piece of evidence that was something other than the collapse of the towers. He had heard of Mike Ruppert and John Judge but wasn't interested in their research and was hostile to the suggestion that the planes actually did cause the collapses and WTC 7 had a huge hole in its side caused by part of the towers falling onto it (which led to its collapse). He was also believing that the "missile" hoax at the Pentagon had only recently been debunked when in reality John Judge pointed out it was disinformation from the beginning.

    I don't blame Pollan for being disinterested.

    Posted 5 years ago #


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