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Why is 9/11 still important to you? (3 posts)

  1. BrianG

    The architects and engineers are soliciting statements on "Why is 9/11 still important to you?" for an upcoming article or series of articles. The deadline is Sunday, 7/31.

    Recently they've supported a lawsuit by a British family seeking an inquest into the death on 9/11 of Geoff Campbell.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. truthmod

    Controlled demolition is not important to me and I don't trust an organization that makes it such a centerpiece. But I do wish them luck in fighting for the truth. I could be wrong; maybe it is an effective approach. But after 15 years, I don't believe it is.

    I haven't read his book and don't know much about him, but I appreciate the approach of Ray McGinnis in simply promoting the unanswered questions.

    Jon Gold is still in the fight as well:

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. mark

    At this late date it is obvious that the demolition claim is BS, focused on by the debunkers to avoid more troubling evidence of foreknowledge, means-motive-opportunity, war games during the event and similar facts.

    9/11 might as well be ancient history at this point.

    I never trusted the architect who made his career pushing demolition science fiction.

    My guess is the plan was to have the plane crashes collapse the towers into each other upon impact. It would have been even worse had that happened. Since it took an hour, more or less, for the towers to collapse, most of the people below the impacts escaped.

    Arguing over demolition is like arguing over the caliber of bullets that Oswald fired in Dallas - while ignoring that Oswald didn't even fire any of them. Anyway, the ultra conspiracy people have moved on to weightier topics like promoting Trump's election victory (alleged) in 2020, the claim that Covid was created by Dr. Fauci in cahoots with the Wuhan lab, and that we should supposedly support Putin's destruction of Ukraine ...

    Conspiracy culture is a huge mess and that is far more important than microanalysis of a mix of real and fake claims, but admitting this is unlikely.

    Posted 1 year ago #


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