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The "Blue Tarp Mystery" (Pentagon No-Plane) (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    The "Blue Tarp Mystery" (Pentagon No-Plane)

    A lot of people still haven't been exposed to this very convincing debunking of the "suspicious" blue tarp photo that was included in Loose Change as evidence of government agents carrying away possible Global Hawk debris.

    As far as I know, Ken Jenkins was the originator of this analysis.

    Pretty convincing to me.

    Pentagon Research seems like a good place for accurate info regarding the Pentagon/flight 77 controversy.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    who do you trust?

    was "in plane site" the first use of the blue tarp "evidence?"

    umm, hey that sure is a lot of fuselage that looks like a silver american airliner. but hey, they could have packed that all into the global hawk

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    Great example of how imagery can be misleading

    Many in the 9/11 truth movement and many who are newly curious are drawn to resources that contain false information or analysis. I like to think that this is all a part of the process of the movement growing and centering itself on the best evidence. And yet many continue to promote evidence even after a great many in the movement have demonstrated its irrelevance.

    The Blue Tarp image is a good example. Anyone who continues to feature this image as evidence of a cover-up is either asleep at the wheel, or intending to undermine the movement. Neither is acceptable.

    One way to avoid this problem is to avoid overly focusing on the physical evidence. The documentary evidence does require reading, but its a lot more substantive.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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