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[closed] The truth about global warming: it's the Sun that's to blame (30 posts)

  1. The truth about global warming: it's the Sun that's to blame

    The truth about global warming - it's the Sun that's to blame
    By Michael Leidig and Roya Nikkhah
    Last Updated: 11:15pm BST 17/07/2004

    <Global warming has finally been explained: the Earth is getting hotter because the Sun is burning more brightly than at any time during the past 1,000 years, according to new research.

    A study by Swiss and German scientists suggests that increasing radiation from the sun is responsible for recent global climate changes.

    Dr Sami Solanki, the director of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany, who led the research, said: "The Sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures.>

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. See also: Scientists blame sun for global warming

    (1998 Study) Scientists blame sun for global warming
    Friday, February 13, 1998 Published at 19:25 GMT

    <Climate changes such as global warming may be due to changes in the sun rather than to the release of greenhouse gases on Earth.

    Climatologists and astronomers speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Philadelphia say the present warming may be unusual - but a mini ice age could soon follow.

    The Sun is more active than it has ever been in the last 300 years>

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    Welcome to the forum Dem.

    You likely noticed that I edited your posts for length. See the Forum Guidelines for an explanation. While personal analysis and opinion would generally not be edited for length, we are trying to keep things tight over here by asking people not to repost outside articles in full. These edits in no way represent a repudiation of your contribution or the information. And also, your two posts are on nearly the same subject, and could have been folded into the same thread. But I'm not trying to get too nit-picky right off the bat.

    As to the information, are you trying to suggest that just a few scientists who don't agree with most of the world's climatologists are calling into serious doubt the human responsibility for global warming? If its true that there is a conspiracy among all the worlds prominent scientists to falsely promote global warming, I would certainly want to know about it. But you'd have to have some pretty strong evidence to back that up.

    If that's not your angle, then what is this all supposed to add up to? What's your thesis?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    Points of contention, Mass Extinction


    We respect your skepticism on global warming and peak oil, and appreciate your respectful debate. We obviously also have differences of opinion and are not likely to be swayed by one or two stories on "controversial research."

    Do you not find it strange that the conservative AEI offered a $10,000 reward to scientists or economists who can dispute the findings of the recent UN report? Do you think ExxonMobil (major funder of AEI) just really wants the public to have the truth? I believe I've heard you say that peak oil and global warming are scams of the elite/business interests to control the population, or something along those lines (Hubbert worked for Shell, etc.). Now if that's so, why do the heavily corporate-tied republicans so disbelieve global warming?

    Question: Do you think it’s been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the Earth is warming because of man-made problems?

    Also, what are your feeling on "mass extinction"--is it "real" or "made up" or just the result of "natural causes?"[/b]

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. CB_Brooklyn

    Weather Modification

    Weather Modification

    Weather Modification is by no means new. In fact, a Pure Energy Systems article reports it was in use since 1976! A quick Google search shows how much information exists on this topic.

    Might weather modification be a technique to reduce global population?

    Let's see...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. Re: Welcome to the forum Dem.

    truthmover Wrote:

    You likely noticed that I edited your posts for length. See the Forum Guidelines for an explanation. While personal analysis and opinion would generally not be edited for length, we are trying to keep things tight over here by asking people not to repost outside articles in full. These edits in no way represent a repudiation of your contribution or the information. And also, your two posts are on nearly the same subject, and could have been folded into the same thread. But I'm not trying to get too nit-picky right off the bat.

    As to the information, are you trying to suggest that just a few scientists who don't agree with most of the world's climatologists are calling into serious doubt the human responsibility for global warming? If its true that there is a conspiracy among all the worlds prominent scientists to falsely promote global warming, I would certainly want to know about it. But you'd have to have some pretty strong evidence to back that up.

    If that's not your angle, then what is this all supposed to add up to? What's your thesis

    No man, what I'm saying is that there is solid data on the Sun's current bright cycle for being the main contributor to planetary climate change. This isn’t just happening on Earth;

    "The Sun is more active than it has ever been in the last 300 years"

    Global warming on Mars – without SUVs!

    Global Warming Detected on Triton

    New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change

    Global Warming on Pluto Puzzles Scientists

    I'm not denying that the planet isn’t heating up; I'm denying the "Consensus" that it is solely "man made". Manipulation shouldn’t be new to you guys but your falling for this one! There's nothing that can be done about the Sun going through one of its cycles, but by pinning the blame on mankind suddenly all kinds of leverages can be gained. I just need to point to the phoney “consensus” on the collapse of the Towers, to show you guys something you already know about the “authoritative opinion” of “establishment scientists”.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. Re: Points of contention, Mass Extinction

    truthmod Wrote:


    We respect your skepticism on global warming and peak oil, and appreciate your respectful debate. We obviously also have differences of opinion and are not likely to be swayed by one or two stories on "controversial research."

    Do you not find it strange that the conservative AEI offered a $10,000 reward to scientists or economists who can dispute the findings of the recent UN report? Do you think ExxonMobil (major funder of AEI) just really wants the public to have the truth? I believe I've heard you say that peak oil and global warming are scams of the elite/business interests to control the population, or something along those lines (Hubbert worked for Shell, etc.). Now if that's so, why do the heavily corporate-tied republicans so disbelieve global warming?

    Question: Do you think it’s been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the Earth is warming because of man-made problems?

    Also, what are your feeling on "mass extinction"--is it "real" or "made up" or just the result of "natural causes?"[/b

    If this is Jules or whoever it is, I think you guys are well meaning honest dudes and I'm not trying to rubbish what you've been doing! All I'm saying is that I think you've fallen for a few big manipulations and I want to point that out for your benefit.

    "Now if that's so, why do the heavily corporate-tied republicans so disbelieve global warming?"

    You've got to know this already; it's like two glove puppets or "good cop, bad cop". The idea is to create false credence for Global Warming being "man made" via the opposition of groups who are essentially part of the same power structure. E.g. the Republican party/Oil Industry on the one hand and the Democratic party/UN and its "Scientists" on the other. All this is about is advancing an agenda for greater global control, through either the opportunistic use of natural events (like the Sun heating up), or the manufacture of events (like 9/11 etc).

    And I am with you guys 100% in your sentiment! I am disgusted by animal’s habitats being destroyed because of unnecessary, unintelligent and largely corporate devastation of nature. It sickens me and that's why I think through avenues like 9/11 truth, we have a chance to shake the order of things up so that people who share the common interest of mankind can take the reins of control back. Currently we have a Machiavellian, Malthusian and Megalomanical portion of the "elite" which seem to be in control. I don't know exactly what's happening but the manipulations at least are very blatant and dark and hopefully that'll be their downfall.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. truthmover

    TruthMover is Jules


    Thanks a lot for doing something that shouldn't be necessary but really is. Letting us know that you are not a total fanatic, and that you support the general themes of the truth movement. Usually this just takes a couple of sentences, but over at 911Blogger, people don't often take the time to reaffirm what they do agree about.

    <The idea is to create false credence for Global Warming being "man made" via the opposition of groups who are essentially part of the same power structure. E.g. the Republican party/Oil Industry on the one hand and the Democratic party/UN and its "Scientists" on the other. All this is about is advancing an agenda for greater global control, through either the opportunistic use of natural events (like the Sun heating up), or the manufacture of events (like 9/11 etc).>

    I think your thesis has merit, thanks for spelling it out. We are well aware of the dialectical nature of control. Skull & Bones 2004! And I'm quite certain that the oil industry is paying hundreds of million dollars a year to PR firms and think tanks that serve to manipulate ALL information to their benefit. I know for instance, probably because of you, that 'peak oil' has been used in this manner. But just because its been used at propaganda, doesn't nullify the science.

    What you have not established with any evidence is the operation of a conspiracy. You can make all sorts of educated inferences from mainstream news and scientific papers, but uncovering a conspiracy is a different matter. Now, I wish you luck in that effort. If you found strong evidence, it would not go unaddressed by TruthMove. But you know as well as I that we probably aren't going to get a big break on a story that would basically require the biggest whistle-blowing incident in history. In other words, you may be right, but that's not in itself convincing.

    Of course I remain open to the facts.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. truthmover

    An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change

    (Moderator Note: Original post by Dem Bruce Lee Styles.)

    An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change Nigel Calder, former editor of New Scientist, says the orthodoxy must be challenged The Sunday Times February 11, 2007

    "When politicians and journalists declare that the science of global warming is settled, they show a regrettable ignorance about how science works. We were treated to another dose of it recently when the experts of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued the Summary for Policymakers that puts the political spin on an unfinished scientific dossier on climate change due for publication in a few months’ time. They declared that most of the rise in temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to man-made greenhouse gases"

    "That levelling off is just what is expected by the chief rival hypothesis, which says that the sun drives climate changes more emphatically than greenhouse gases do. After becoming much more active during the 20th century, the sun now stands at a high but roughly level state of activity. Solar physicists warn of possible global cooling, should the sun revert to the lazier mood it was in during the Little Ice Age 300 years ago."


    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. truthmover

    Cosmic rays blamed for global warming

    (Moderator Note: Original post by Dem Bruce Lee Styles)

    Cosmic rays blamed for global warming
    By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent, Sunday Telegraph
    Last Updated: 1:08am GMT 11/02/2007

    <Man-made climate change may be happening at a far slower rate than has been claimed, according to controversial new research.

    Scientists say that cosmic rays from outer space play a far greater role in changing the Earth's climate than global warming experts previously thought.

    In a book, to be published this week, they claim that fluctuations in the number of cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere directly alter the amount of cloud covering the planet.>

    High levels of cloud cover blankets the Earth and reflects radiated heat from the Sun back out into space, causing the planet to cool.

    Henrik Svensmark, a weather scientist at the Danish National Space Centre who led the team behind the research, believes that the planet is experiencing a natural period of low cloud cover due to fewer cosmic rays entering the atmosphere.

    This, he says, is responsible for much of the global warming we are experiencing.>

    Posted 17 years ago #
  11. truthmover

    You're really putting me to work, Dem.

    As no one had commented on your other posts related directly to this thread, I reposted them here. This topic is very specific, and our readers, what few we have at present, would best be served by it being focused in one place. As I said, we are entirely interested in evidence of a conspiracy. But please don't simply post every story that sheds doubt on man-made global warming, or post them in one place.

    Ice cores reveal a 11,000 year cycle in Earth's temperature. At present, we have just passed the hottest point on that cycle, and should be heading into a heavy cooling trend over the next few hundred years. And this cycle happens to correspond directly with the level of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    CO2 levels in the atmosphere are presently many times higher than any level we have seen for as far back as our ice core data goes. Maybe 100,000 years. And the global temperature has now gone out of sink with where it should be on this cycle. While temperatures should be cooling, they have risen. (And of course, warming in one place can cause cooling in another.)

    A very strong logical inference here, I think, is that it is the rise in CO2 that has thrown the temperature off where it is expected to be. Once again, conditions are different than they have been since the dawn of humanity. And while the sun most certainly plays a role, even the worlds best scientists don't yet understand these relationship very well. That certainly leaves room for your hypothesis, but making the claim that all the world's top climatologist are in on a conspiracy stretches my imagination a bit.

    Posted 17 years ago #

    By: John Bender

    "On Friday, February 2, 2007 the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a document titled: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, Summary for Policymakers. This is a political document. It is not the supposedly scientific document which is titled: IPCC Working Group I Contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis.

    The “scientific” document is still being edited and will not be issued for several months. Yet the buggy whip media is using the political document to gin up hysteria among the gullible masses.

    None of the fear mongers in the buggy whip press are bothering to mention the fact that the political document says right in the beginning that the “scientific” document is being edited to conform to the already released summary. That’s right. The U.N. politicians and bureaucrats wrote and released a summary of a report that isn’t written yet and is being edited to conform to their political summary.

    The political summary itself says: “Changes (other than grammatical or minor editorial changes) made after acceptance by the Working Group or the Panel shall be those necessary to ensure consistency with the Summary for Policymakers or the Overview Chapter.” There is no outcry about this among the fear mongers. Contrast the total lack of reportage on this with the huge outcry in the buggy whip press when some language (no data) was allegedly altered in some US government climate reports.

    Nor are the purveyors of panic giving much notice to the scientists like Dr. Chris Landsea who in his own words, resigned from the IPCC because:

    “I personally cannot in good faith continue to contribute to a process that I view as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound.”


    Posted 17 years ago #
  13. The Creeping Fascism of Global Warming Hysteria

    The Creeping Fascism of Global Warming Hysteria
    *Man-made orthodoxy is a dogma of coercion, bias, and junk science *
    Paul Joseph Watson
    Prison Planet
    Tuesday, February 13, 2007

    "The hoax of the doctrine of man-made global warming that is being foisted upon the world by decree, and the junk science that is manipulated to support it, represents a creeping fascism whose agenda to stifle open debate betrays the fact that climate change hysteria is a farce intended to crush freedoms and further centralize global power.

    The hoax of the doctrine of man-made global warming that is being foisted upon the world by decree, and the junk science that is manipulated to support it, represents a creeping fascism whose agenda to stifle open debate betrays the fact that climate change hysteria is a farce intended to crush freedoms and further centralize global power.

    In an interview with a Czech newspaper, Vaclav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic blamed the "whip of political correctness" for preventing more scientists and statesmen from going public with their skepticism on man-made global warming. This is precisely what we have arrived at, in a bizarre vacuum of common sense and without any attribution, the establishment and the controlled left have managed to squash reasoned two-sided debate about global warming by coating their argument with the nebulous claim that expressing disagreement is somehow bigoted, backward and even racist."


    Posted 17 years ago #
  14. truthmod

    enough time wasted

    I'm not buying it, Dem. The sun's been getting warmer since the beginning of time, but temperature and CO2 have remained within certain boundaries. Now we, HUMANS THAT IS, have pushed the CO2 level to unprecedented heights. Temperature and CO2 level correlate directly. DUH, what does that mean?

    Man-made global warming feeds into humanity's arrogant self-importance in thinking that it has become the master and therefore the decider of the earth's destiny

    Yeah, we have enough nuclear bombs to kill all life on earth, we are already causing the greatest mass extinction in history, and we should just think of ourselves as inconsequentian (and therefore unresponsible).

    HONESTLY DEM, this logic really pisses me off. I think it's completely off-base. You're not going to make any headway with us. No, I don't trust Paul Joseph Watson, or PrisonPlanet over the UN panel. These people have some sort of paleoconservative, libertarian attitude that I think is completely misguided.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  15. truthmod

    Vaclav Klaus

    Czech President Václav Havel publicly referred to Klaus' economic policies as "gangster capitalism" in reference to the widespread corruption surrounding his policy of voucher privatization and his côterie of close allies such as the "entrepreneur" Miroslav Macek or StB honcho Václav Junek.
    Klaus has published articles praising "the grey zone" of the majority of ordinary people who passively endured the regime, while dismissing the importance of the small minority of dissidents like Havel for their "haughtiness".
    Posted 17 years ago #
  16. Re: enough time wasted

    truthmod Wrote:

    I'm not buying it, Dem. The sun's been getting warmer since the beginning of time, but temperature and CO2 have remained within certain boundaries. Now we, HUMANS THAT IS, have pushed the CO2 level to unprecedented heights. Temperature and CO2 level correlate directly. DUH, what does that mean?

    Man-made global warming feeds into humanity's arrogant self-importance in thinking that it has become the master and therefore the decider of the earth's destiny.

    Yeah, we have enough nuclear bombs to kill all life on earth, we are already causing the greatest mass extinction in history, and we should just think of ourselves as inconsequentian (and therefore unresponsible).

    HONESTLY DEM, this logic really pisses me off. I think it's completely off-base. You're not going to make any headway with us. No, I don't trust Paul Joseph Watson, or PrisonPlanet over the UN panel. These people have some sort of paleoconservative, libertarian attitude that I think is

    Yeah, we have enough nuclear bombs to kill all life on earth, we are already causing the greatest mass extinction in history, and we should just think of ourselves as inconsequentian (and therefore unresponsible).

    HONESTLY DEM, this logic really pisses me off. I think it's completely off-base. You're not going to make any headway with us. No, I don't trust Paul Joseph Watson, or PrisonPlanet over the UN panel. These people have some sort of paleoconservative, libertarian attitude that I think is completely misguided

    "No, I don't trust Paul Joseph Watson, or PrisonPlanet over the UN panel. These people have some sort of paleoconservative, libertarian attitude that I think is completely misguided"

    Dude first off don't get stuck in partisan bullshit, that's one of main fallacies here - e.g. "Democrats/Left are for Global Warming - Republicans/Right against Global Warming", try and not get distracted by crap like that, it’s about sticking to the facts.

    Secondly the data in the graphics you presented are completely contradicted by this;

    "The researchers point out that much of the half-a-degree rise in global temperature over the last 120 years occurred before 1940 - earlier than the biggest rise in greenhouse gas emissions."

    It's entirely about the credibility and testability of the data behind those "giant spikes" in the graph illustrations. I feel it is uncredible data and my suspicion is heightened by the way "Global Warming" and similar things like “"Peak Oil" are being used (e.g. public fear mongering form them same apparatus that hypes terrorism etc).

    Posted 17 years ago #
  17. Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming

    Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

    Kate Ravilious
    for National Geographic News

    February 28, 2007
    Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human- induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.

    Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. (Get an overview: "Global Warming Fast Facts".)


    Posted 17 years ago #
  18. truthmod

    i quote your article

    Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists. "His views are completely at odds with the mainstream scientific opinion," said Colin Wilson, a planetary physicist at England's Oxford University. "And they contradict the extensive evidence presented in the most recent IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] report." (Related: "Global Warming 'Very Likely' Caused by Humans, World Climate Experts Say" [February 2, 2007].) Perhaps the biggest stumbling block in Abdussamatov's theory is his dismissal of the greenhouse effect, in which atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide help keep heat trapped near the planet's surface. He claims that carbon dioxide has only a small influence on Earth's climate and virtually no influence on Mars. But "without the greenhouse effect there would be very little, if any, life on Earth, since our planet would pretty much be a big ball of ice," said Evan, of the University of Wisconsin. Most scientists now fear that the massive amount of carbon dioxide humans are pumping into the air will lead to a catastrophic rise in Earth's temperatures, dramatically raising sea levels as glaciers melt and leading to extreme weather worldwide. Abdussamatov remains contrarian, however, suggesting that the sun holds something quite different in store.
    Posted 17 years ago #
  19. truthmover

    The Krypton Theory

    Some nutty scientist out there, who secretly thinks he's Jor'el, has decided that his research into solar physics not only explains global warming, but somehow also nullifies all other research on the matter all over the world. Stubborn yet diligent he struggles to save Krypton. ;)

    Dem, the science and almost science that you post here is not mutually exclusive with everything else. We can have a global climate crisis, and many different reasons for that, and disinformation as well. All these things are present, and none should be ignored.

    I find these differing views on climate change to be interesting. But they don't trump all the world's scientists, who while certainly having their institutional biases, are going against the grain on this one to make it clear to the world that we face a big problem, WHATEVER THE CAUSE.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  20. Greenhouse effect is a myth, say scientists

    Greenhouse effect is a myth, say scientists
    By JULIE WHELDON - Daily Mail
    Last updated at 00:22am on 5th March 2007

    Research said to prove that greenhouse gases cause climate change has been condemned as a sham by scientists.

    A United Nations report earlier this year said humans are very likely to be to blame for global warming and there is "virtually no doubt" it is linked to man's use of fossil fuels.

    But other climate experts say there is little scientific evidence to support the theory.

    In fact global warming could be caused by increased solar activity such as a massive eruption.

    Their argument will be outlined on Channel 4 this Thursday in a programme called The Great Global Warming Swindle raising major questions about some of the evidence used for global warming.

    Ice core samples from Antarctica have been used as proof of how warming over the centuries has been accompanied by raised CO2 levels.

    But Professor Ian Clark, an expert in palaeoclimatology from the University of Ottawa, claims that warmer periods of the Earth's history came around 800 years before rises in carbon dioxide levels.


    Posted 17 years ago #
  21. Re: The Krypton Theory

    truthmover Wrote:

    Some nutty scientist out there, who secretly thinks he's Jor'el, has decided that his research into solar physics not only explains global warming, but somehow also nullifies all other research on the matter all over the world. Stubborn yet diligent he struggles to save Krypton. ;)

    Dem, the science and almost science that you post here is not mutually exclusive with everything else. We can have a global climate crisis, and many different reasons for that, and disinformation as well. All these things are present, and none should be ignored.

    I find these differing views on climate change to be interesting. But they don't trump all the world's scientists, who while certainly having their institutional biases, are going against the grain on this one to make it clear to the world that we face a big problem, WHATEVER THE CAUSE

    Dude I just say it how I see it, “Global Warming” as described by people like Al Gore is a yet another manipulation of the public. Anyway I’ll try and get that documentary mentioned in the above article up on google video and posted here.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  22. SkepticGuy

    Here's another interesting item:
    The Whole Solar System Is Undergoing Global Warming

    This is a fact that not many people know about, and quite a few people, would like that there was no evidence to back this fact, because some people would like the world to believe that human activity is the cause for global warming on Earth. I am not advocating that releasing harmful gases, and chemicals in the oceans and atmosphere are good, but after a few years of research, I have come to understand that global warming is happening in the Solar System, not just on Earth.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  23. truthmod

    Do you think the overwhelming majority of scientists who support the human-caused global warming hypothesis (99%) have failed to take this factor into account?

    No, it is common knowledge that the sun is expanding and putting out more energy, that doesn't mean that you can discount the greenhouse effect caused by HUMAN OUTPUT OF CO2 AND OTHER POLLUTANTS.

    I recently read "The Revenge of Gaia" by James Lovelock. He expounds on the fact that the sun is getting hotter, but also that we humans have disabled the earth from maintaining a stable, life-friendly climate.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  24. SkepticGuy

    It's just an interesting item that got a lot of attention.

    I think we're seeing a combination cyclic and human-caused issues... and one of the causes is being played by "both" sides for political effect --> the effect being to keep people divided and pointing fingers at each other.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  25. truthmod Wrote:

    Do you think the overwhelming majority of scientists who support the human-caused global warming hypothesis (99%) have failed to take this factor into account?

    No, it is common knowledge that the sun is expanding and putting out more energy, that doesn't mean that you can discount the greenhouse effect caused by HUMAN OUTPUT OF CO2 AND OTHER POLLUTANTS.

    I recently read "The Revenge of Gaia" by James Lovelock. He expounds on the fact that the sun is getting hotter, but also that we humans have disabled the earth from maintaining a stable, life-friendly climate.

    Well I think this perceived mass point of view that "Global Warming" is all about "humans being the cause for eveything" is very dangerous and massivly open to manipulation.

    Sun Responsible for Global Warming
    Newsmax, Monday, March 5, 2007 11:46 a.m. EST

    Two new reports cast doubt on the manmade global warming theory and instead point to another cause for the recent warming of Earth — changes in the sun.

    One report from National Geographic News asserts, "Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet’s recent climate changes have a natural — and not a human-induced — cause, according to one scientist’s controversial theory.”

    Data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey mission in 2005 disclosed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps” near Mars’ south pole had been shrinking for three consecutive summers.

    Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the shrinking provides evidence that the current warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun, according to the National Geographic article.


    Posted 17 years ago #