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Rick Seigel tries to defend himself with lies. (2 posts)

  1. truthmover

    Rick Seigel tries to defend himself with lies.

    Notice the total BS, and the really bad grammar. Personally, I don't even think he is trying to look good here. This works perfectly to satisfy his supporters and further piss of his critics. More division and distraction.

    "You can even find [] publishing. Eric Williams who just wrote the Holocaust Denial book “The Puzzle of Auschwitz”. He is an organizer and speaker for the 911truth in their big Arizona shindig 9/11 Accountability. These are the front men of 911truth orgs? Yeah baby. I want out!

    This is a bunch of loonies and the main loonies seem to be paid agents whose job is to make this a huge circus instead of a movement to change. There are no calls to change, there is no action, and every other movement shuns them because they refuse to legitimize themselves or embrace anything but their own manipulated agenda.

    I called for each of these so-called leaders to go to the lie detector. In a “truth movement” one would find no reason to refuse such. But not one of these horse puck leaders will acknowledge the thought of such a proposal. But I am telling you now I trust no one without that; they are all full of barnyard puss."

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. CB_Brooklyn

    I'm glad this was posted here. Hopefully some of your readers have open enough minds to understand it.

    Sites that are considered pushing disinfo (imo) are those that try to discourage others from looking at evidence. Specifically, evidence related to TV-Fakery and exotic weaponry at the WTC. Sites that use terms like "space beam" or "disinfo agent" are distraction sites.

    As I explain in one of my posts, the truth movement has been brainwashed, so to speak, into thinking TV-Fakery and Exotic Weaponry at the WTC are "crazy" and "disinfo" when the fact is that it's based on simple scientific principles. The science has been explained and has not been refuted. (Anyone thinking otherwise does not understand what the science/evidence really is.) These are the two truths that the 911 perps don't want to get out.

    These are the two topics that 911blogger just happens to be censoring. is an open site for research, not red herring disinfo

    Posted 17 years ago #


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