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Someone on ATS doesn't like us. Someone else does. (14 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Someone on ATS doesn't like us. Someone else does.

    They really took offense to our banner on abovetopsecret.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    Its probobly just Mark.

    And most of the follow up comments are relatively supportive, at least of our right to express our opinion, which isn't saying much. For his one complaint, a hundred people came to look at out site. Good promotion.

    I think this guy needs to get a clue about the forum he's posting in. He's certainly insulting the moderators, and some of the posters to the ATS 9/11 Conspiracy Theory forum with his attitude that this subject should be excluded.

    We get it where ever we go.

    Here's a quote from this guys on his only other post. He just joined.

    "I can remember the good old days when joe public could dig a tunnel anywhere he wanted, or keep enough ammo and black gun powder to blow up the neighborhood and nobody really cared."

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    i registered on ATS and tried to reply, but i think the thread has been locked.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. truthmover

    So did I. They did lock it.

    It was posted in a Business forum, as his comments would have probably been torn apart in the 9/11 forum, and the guidelines of that forum are very strict. I love the way his quotes make us sound good, while his comments make him look like an idiot. Its great promotion actually.

    We should quote this guy. I really think it might be Mark. "Shameful lies my friends!" That's so him. And this was his second post, so he has no friends at ATS. He reads our forum, and I think he picked up on this going down and followed us over there. We'll if it's not Mark, its someone cut of the same cloth.

    Thankfully, ATS seems like they don't have much patience for this kind of blatant attack. He won't get far with that attitude.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. Have you guys got that TruthMove banner for 911blogger sorted yet?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. yfhahn

    911blogger banner

    working on it... haven't had a chance to talk to DZ about it...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. SkepticGuy

    Yeah well... we get them all... and all are welcome to participate.

    If you guys want to join in on a productive 9/11 topic, start here;

    I refined the effort with my post here:

    This is an excellent collaborative brain-storm that could use your input.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. Seeker


    I'am new to this forum.

    It was the ATS referance that caught my eye and promted me to throw in a comment.

    It was your banner ad on ATS that led me to your site. I'am so glad I checked it out.

    This site is a breath of fresh air. Its coherant, to the point, and quite frankly LOGICAL!

    I honestly believe your approach to the 9/11 issue is now the only realistic way to procceed.

    Thanks for your excellent work.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. truthmover

    Welcome, Seeker.

    Awesome! Great response. The kind we hope for. We appreciate the positive feedback.

    We try to keep the discussion in here balanced between our primary categories of approach; values, insight, action, and psychology. And that applies to all our concerns, environment, militarism, covert ops, election fraud...

    So the parameters of contribution are really broad, but we are also explicitly prioritizing fact and reason, over oddity and speculation. We hope that creates a space in which discussion can be civil, focused, and productive for people interested in pursuing and promoting a valid world view.

    Thanks again for the encouragement.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. coconut

    I read that post on abovetopsecret, and I'm not impressed by the amount of effort the poster took to evaluate what he was about to say before clicking "Submit".

    There are about a thousand things which irritate me about official conspiracy theorists, but one of them is when they accuse us in the Truth Movement of twisting logic and manipulating emotion when they are far more guilty of it than any of us (except Dylan Avery, maybe... )

    Posted 17 years ago #
  11. osram

    Yeah this site certainly is some fresh air.

    What i dislike about ATS is the huge amount of topics without focussing on the true problems, causes, and ways to change something.

    I mean you can debate like 50 years over UFOS. No one will ever find out whether UFOS are real extraterrestrial phenomena, part of alternative ancient history, or if it is the current military technology in action.

    After all it won't change anything and it certainly is not one of the most crucial problems at the moment.

    The focus is lost.

    And apart from the huge amount of distinct topics, I don't feel that alot is done to provide Real-World changes, on ATS.

    Ties up to sensationalism and some form of "desinformation".

    I don't want to rant about ATS, but I am mostly interested in "conspiracy practicism". It's very fatigueing to fight through those vast hordes of ignorants on ATS without ever reaching a green branch of the Realworld-Tree.

    osram warmly salutes everyone on ITM from Switzerland.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  12. crowpruitt

    Hello all,I too am from ATS.There a quite a few of people like me there who think that the official story of 9/11 simply doesn't add up.But there are others there who defend it as though it is fact.These folks ,(alot of them)claim to have been there at the wtc that fateful morning and claimed to have heard no explosions.And some of them have stated to know firefighters that were there ,and they too saw no evidence of a controlled demo.The way I see it there is NO way those buildings (wtc 1,2& especially 7)could have collapsed the way they did from plane impacts and fires alone.I came here for one reason only. TO FIND THE TRUTH!.Hope fully with the help of every member here we can accomplish this together.Thank you.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  13. truthmod

    Hey, good to have you on the board crowpruitt.

    One thing about controlled demolition: it seems to have become the center of the debate concerning government complicity in 9/11, yet there are so many other pieces to the case. Controlled demolition will continue to be speculative for the foreseeable future, while there are many pieces of evidence which are confirmed and undenied (facts).

    We think the case for CD is quite compelling, but it may also distract from the drier more documentary evidence which really seals the case.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  14. crowpruitt

    Thank you for the welcome truthmod. :D

    Posted 17 years ago #


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