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Discussion of Relevant Rigorous Intuition Posts (8 posts)

  1. truthmod

    New Rigorous Intuition post concerning 9/11...

    Check out the comments (one by Bryan Sacks of

    I'm going to try not to write any more on this subject, because after I'm done I feel like I've only helped feed the energy sink, but here I go again: I'm not on board with demolitions and Pentagon missiles, partly because I find the physical evidence unpersuasive. Though "physical" is a misnomer, since it's almost entirely based upon selective video clips and cherry-picked testimony. (For instance, that the first thoughts of a witness in a tower's sub-basement was not unreasonably of bombs somehow becomes "proof of pre-planted explosives.") But also, and more deeply, because I'm suspicious of how these narratives have acted like cancer cells to effectively ingest, mutate and bury the chance for a credible and effective 9/11 Movement. The most recent example may be the flap over BBC "foreknowledge" of building 7's collapse, which has wound up a lot of people for, I think, some pretty poor reasons

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Fan disappointed

    I have been a big fan of Rigorous Intuition.. it is a fascinating blog, and quite well written. It was a big letdown to see Jeff dismiss CD as lacking evidence, and dismissing the basement bomb blasts... what does he think caused the blasts?... (nevermind that they were before the planes hit.)

    He is getting a lot of grief in the comments... Oh well.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Yeah, I agree that there is strong evidence pointing to demolition, but I can't knock Jeff's rigorous approach.

    As others have noted, I feel that part of the 9/11 truth movement has degenerated into a faith-based position, which takes anything that supposedly supports our case for granted, and has a difficult time thinking critically about what we're putting forth.

    Controlled demolition can be argued backwards and forwards, but the real case for government complicity is much wider and deeper (and not as exciting as the thought of the towers being exploded). There will always be NIST, FEMA, and the entire establishment ready to refute CD, so we are essentially left with a our word versus their's situation.

    I see activists and researchers spending too much time on CD, and that's the point. Our opponents want us to go with the most "out there" theories, and CD, even if hard evidence exists, still sounds pretty incredible to the average citizen.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. Victronix

    The basement bombs are disputed. For example, Phillip Morelli described a basement explosion sound at the time of the plane impact that knocked him to the ground, but he later explained that it was most likely the freight elevators being cut loose above and hitting the ground

    There are often other explanations for the explosions so it makes the theory of these weak. There was no actual need for basement bombs when the towers were destroyed from the top down. If the building was failing from the bottom, you'd have seen the entire body of the building going down. We don't see that at all. We see top down destruction. They obviously didn't want the twin towers to look like a typical demolition, which would have involved bombs at the base, as B7 did. B7 was hidden from public scrutiny because the demolition was obvious. The towers were done top down.


    Basement Bombs Theories that Subterranean Bombs Destroyed the Twin Towers

    And a related essay -

    Seismic Records of the Twin Towers' Destruction: Clarifying the Relationship Between Seismic Evidence and Controlled Demolition Theories

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    Another great one...

    Jeff Wells back on the 9/11 story. Solid insights into critically thinking and 9/11 truth (and UFOs :D ).

    *Critical thinking isn't instinctual. We shouldn't presume, in our disdain of the official story (whatever story that may be, and however official), that we've reached the truth once we stand with it's official opposition, because we may be either boxing ourselves in with rigid either/or thinking, or be boxed in by the authorities who mean to control both thesis and antithesis.

    We should know that some boxes feel like home. They're meant to feel that way.*

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. truthmod

    Blackshirts and Skins

    A worthwhile post on the dichotomy of Left/Right in the "conspiracy" or resistance movement. What it comes down to is Fascists (selfish dominators/controllers/haters) versus Progressives (compassionate/reasoned/humanist/sustainability). Many in the "9/11 movement" and other "resistance" movements eare being drawn or directed towards the Fascistic side. We cannot let this happen.

    Post-war covert history has largely been one of de-legitimizing and destroying leftist and even moderate governments and opposition groups. We've seen the assassinations, the coups and wars; the economic arm-twisting; the corruption and blackmail. Since the murder of Rabin, "Israeli society, despairing of peace, has undergone a rightward radicalization." In the Arab world the process has been compounded by the elimination of even secular options, creating conditions in which the only effective vehicle for change is aligned with individuals, ideologies and finances indebted to international fascism.

    This shouldn't be news to anyone here. The Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned most "Jihadist" groups, was founded by Hassan al-Banna, an admirer of Hitler, and became a wartime Nazi intelligence asset. Post-war, like many such assets, it was rolled into the Western intelligence matrix. Swiss Nazi Ahmed Huber established the Al Taqwa Bank, which dispersed to bin Laden and others CIA monies seeded in the financial proxy of international terror and intelligence, BCCI.....

    Unapologetically I'm on the left, and I expect, to some degree or another and regardless of whether you even acknowledge it, you are as well. Broadly, or perhaps rather, ideally, taking the left implies an identification with the oppressed, the poor and the workers against the concentration of power and capital in the hands of an exploiting few. Israeli politics have taken a sharp right turn in the past 40 years, and the policies and consequences of occupation have been tragic and criminal. Perversely, and I believe intentionally for the right, the perpetuation of misery and exacerbation of tension has driven large numbers of both Palestinians and Israelis to rightward extremes. And it has carried many in the left along with it, unconsciously and uncritically, because the progressive options have already been eliminated by the fascists who play both sides.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    Ughh, sometimes Jeff really nails home the heaviness of our predicament. This is one of those posts.

    Shortly, America's first robot squadron will be deployed there. Each "Reaper," the size of a jet fighter, can carry 14 Hellfire missiles, or four Hellfires and two 500-pound bombs, and will be piloted from a console 7,000 miles away in Nevada. For ground-force support, Lockheed Martin is developing the robotic MULE. A Lockheed promotional video can be viewed here ("it will allow soldiers to use technology to perform a number of dull, dirty and dangerous jobs, freeing troops to focus more effectively on the success of their mission"). But naturally, "the most ambitious of the future combat systems" is the robot soldier "with a 'conscience,' which is being designed to look and fight, and in some respects think, like a human soldier.". And encoding ethics into a "new breed" of robot fighters is extremely important, we're told, because possibly "the abuses at Abu Ghraib would not have happened with autonomous robots, immune to human depravity."

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. truthmod

    Another great one.

    About David Shayler and the problems with the 9/11 truth movement.

    But instead, and because of his inside pedigree, Shayler was rewarded by becoming a much-in-demand speaker, a familiar talking head (though perhaps confirming the "maxim which states that any 'conspiracy theorist' who gets on telly a lot is definitely a knob"), and the voice of the 7/7 documentary Mind the Gap and 9/11 and the British Broadcasting Deception.

    Perhaps 9/11 Truthers who now feel victimized by Shayler ought to ask themselves how much of a nuisance they themselves have really been to the black lodge, and what part the "Truth" movement's own flaws played in calling forth such a catastrophically flawed spokesman.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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