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Forum Operation (7 posts)

  1. yfhahn

    We've recently migrated our forum from PHPBB2 to bbPress today. As with any transition, there will be kinks to work out but we hope this goes smoothly and we don't expect there to be too many problems. Here are some of the new features and caveats of the new forum:

    • You can now use Markdown to format your posts. Markdown is a simple e-mail like text formatting syntax. Check its webpage for the full rundown. We've also provided a quick guide on a lot of pages for easy formatting.

    • Post tags. You can now add tags to posts to classify them according to topic, which should make finding other posts along similar lines easier.

    • Individual posts in response to topics no longer have separate title fields. If you'd like to add a heading to your post, just start your post with a line "# My post title" (the Markdown syntax for a heading) and it will appear like this:

    My post title

    The rest of the post text...

    • As spam protection, the forum prevents users from posting quickly in succession (30 second timeout period). For people who are very active posters we will probably disable this, so if you run into this problem let us know and we can fix it for you.

    Please email if you're running into problems.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Looks good!

    How about everybody post their suggestions or bugs in this thread...

    I'm not sure I like the shorter thread list for the main forum page, how do others feel about this?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Posting images:

    An exclamation mark: !; followed by a set of square brackets, containing the alt attribute text for the image; followed by a set of parentheses, containing the URL or path to the image, and an optional title attribute enclosed in double or single quotes.

    this image

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    lets try to keep the post categories or "tags" to a minimum--i.e. try to use an existing tag rather than making up a new one.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. truthmod
    • To make something italic, you type a star "*" (shift-8) before and after it.

    • To make a heading, you type a "#" (shift-3) before the line.

    • To make a list, type a dash "-" before each line

    • For quoted text, type a ">" before the line, or for each paragraph.

    markdown is


    • that


    but it does take some getting used to. Another good one to know is, to make a line break, type two spaces after the end of the previous line.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. NicholasLevis


    But what if I want to use asterisks?

    What if I want to use double asterisks, as I sometimes do?

    What if I want to use the greater-than sign?

    • What if I want to use the minus sign?
    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. truthmover

    Temp order kick

    Posted 16 years ago #


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