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"The War Party" A BBC Documentary (3 posts)

  1. DBLS

    A BBC documentary looking at how Neo-Con Zionists have both formulated, set in place & then shaped the USA's strategic policies in recent years, especially with regards to the Middle-East. It also highlights the control, power, and influence that this group wields at all levels in Washington. This group does not reflect the Jewish people of the world, Zionism is not a part of the true Jewish faith, or the true values and teachings of the Torah. Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism, the former is a Truth, the later is an abomination.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    That's a tough one.

    Interesting topic to raise. So controversial, simply for how loaded the subject is for everyone. Unfortunately, I find that 90% of people who aren't Jewish, have something ignorant to say about the group. And speaking ignorantly about Jewish culture often sounds just like anti-Semitism to me. Then there are the people who are well informed, but seem overly concerned with Jewish Zionism, when the concept is entirely analogous in function to our Manifest Destiny. We have the death of maybe 50 million Native Americans on our hands, slavery, the atomic bomb, the decimation of Southeast Asia, soon enough a million people in Iraq...always with the claim that God is on our side.

    While this is controversial as much as its speculative, I've always assumed that Israel was really just a military base established in the interest of the long term goals of the Global Dominance Project, initiated by the Western Industrial Alliance. Certainly not in the eyes of its people. Look at the context in which Israel was established. 1947. Truman allows the establishment of the secret government. Wall Street and the Nazi's set up the CIA. With very little indication that these people give a shit about Jewish culture, and after having shown little compassion, or even acknowledgment of the Jewish holocaust as it was happening, suddenly the US champions the cause of the Jewish return to their homeland. Many other locations were proposed that would not have set off an ethnic war.

    And then after having helped establish Israel, we helped them establish their own intelligence organization, and armed them to the teeth. And, boy am I not exaggerating. Israel now gets to test most of our new military toys for free. Both for international and domestic operations. They receive our latest small-scale weapons of mass destruction and population control that our laws on ethics will not allow us to test. Cluster bombs. Pain rays. But more importantly, Israel has the bomb, and quite a few at that.

    While I have some sense of the history of how this all came to pass, I really can't say that I have a firm grasp of the present situation. Israel's role in the world is one of the most complex topics there are. Unfortunately many Jewish people I have met have equated criticism of Israel's role in the Global Dominance Project, with anti-Semitism. It's challenging to have an open discussion on this topic.

    I'm Jewish by family, as well as some multi-cultural upbringing. Not in any religious sense, but more a cultural experience. Both my grandparents on my mother's side were from families that had escaped fascist repression in Poland at the turn of the century. Anyone in my family without enough money to get out of Poland, didn't make it out. I might have some sense of ethnic identity, but Hitler wiped out my homeland. There are no more Jews in Poland. Whatever that was unique about that place is gone, and can't be found in Israel.

    So like many Jewish people, I have a historical chip on my shoulder. But how we handle that reveals a great deal about our spiritual depth. Personally, I like to remind all us Jews, and everyone else, that the spirit of fascism is alive and well in this country, and that if we really gave a shit about the implications of the Holocaust, that we would be doing everything we could to help this country navigate away from tyranny. Reichstag fire = Towers falling. How much has the US public at present come to resemble the German public in 1935? How many of us got conned in either period, trading our liberty for security? Are you living your life subject to fascist authority? Not an acceptable position, especially for us Jews.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. RegnatorOmnium

    Where is there a discussion of "manifest destiny" in the formal charters of state in the US?

    Zionism is a very powerful political force and is quite tangible as regards institutions and members. AFAIK, there has never been a world Manifest Destiny congress. There is no World Manifest Destiny Executive. Has any member of congress address the Manifest Destiny Organization of America lately?

    See Arthur Hertzberg's [u]The Zionist Ideal[/u], [u]A History of Zionism[/u] by Walter Laqueur, [u]The Jewish State[/u], by Theodore Herzl or simply google for [i]Zionism[/i] The Balfour Agreement should also be of interest to one who is seeking a genuine understanding of these matters.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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