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Alexander Cockburn challenges the "Man-made Global Warming" theory (4 posts)

  1. DBLS

    Original article;

    From Papal Indulgences to Carbon Credits Is Global Warming a Sin?

    Hit-piece responses to Cockburn's stance;

    Alexander Cockburn's climate change adventure (Salon)

    Response to Cockburn (by George Monbiot)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    I read Cockburn's piece. It was simple, myopic, and biased. His review of climate science is an embarrassment only to him. He sets out to make a point he is unqualified to properly represent. Really the article seems more provocative than anything. Cockburn is not someone I turn to for a reasonable view of anything.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmod


    I never attacked you or Cockburn (ad hominem) because of his past dismissals of 9/11 truth, yet you jumped on my Monbiot source which was FACTUAL INFORMATION CORROBORATED BY OTHER SOURCES not OPINION.

    So clearly you guys haven’t even watched the film… yet you’re attacking it with a citing from a George Monboit article? Monboit, a bizarre, highly dogmatic and wildly contradictory (if you look what he originally said about 9/11) individual whose opinion is rendered worthless to anyone who appreciates intellectual honesty?

    Here is some more Cockburn crap that I'll post before you get the chance.

    The Greenhousers Strike Back and Out

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    Some more "support" for all the global warming skeptics out there

    More stellar thinking from the global warming deniers.

    Global Warming Hype By Leon J. Hull

    The global warming movement driven by its leading proponents, Al Gore and David Suzuki, appears to have deceived, through scare tactics, the majority with their "Save the Planet" mantra. Neither of these individuals has any expertise in Climatology but they are both touted as experts in this field by many in the media.

    Although there is a general consensus among experts in the Climatology discipline that global temperatures have increased over the years, where they differ is to the cause of this global warming and to what degree it threatens the planet. Many believe, as I do, that it is cyclical and has been occurring since creation as part of Gods design and will continue to occur with or without human intervention.

    All of mankind has been vested with the responsibility of environmental stewardship but we should never be so arrogant as to think that human beings control the destiny of this planet as some in this movement appears to believe.

    To avoid walking around in a perpetual state of fear we should all be taking a cautious and balanced approach when considering Global Warming and not forming an opinion based solely on one source of information "The Inconvenient Truth". For another prospective Google "The Global Warming Swindle" and see what other experts are saying.

    I have every confidence in my belief that the Sovereign God of the Bible that I worship has been and will always be in control of the world and universe He created. He has a plan and has not handed over the reigns to our destiny to sinful human beings so our actions will have no effect what so ever in thwarting His end time plans.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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