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Great BBC Series: "The Century of the Self" (Psychology, Social Control) (12 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Consumerism, Public Relations, and the use of psychology for controlling the masses...

    I suggest you watch this if you haven't yet seen it. Especially if you don't know about Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    This is really worth watching. Probably one of the most truthful and important series ever aired on television.

    From the creator of the "Power of Nightmares"

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. Been meaning to check out Bernays. Thanks for the reference.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. truthmover

    Edward Bernays!!!

    This is amazing! The most important person we never found out about. And I think it no accident that one of the principle architects of the 'big lie' in the country has flown under the mainstream radar for all this time. A private hero of the capitalists.

    This video is a solid Truth Movement resource. An essential historical reference in our understanding of the nation's present character.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. imgstacke

    Read about this guy after hearing about him on NPR - how he singlehandedly got the concept of "bacon & eggs" as breakfast accepted into the public consciousness. Every time I see a doctor's endorsement for a product to women I think about men like him. 4 out of 5 Doctors Agree!

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. Rajjpuut

    "A private hero of the capitalists" this condemnation from the submission two above me is utterly sickening, someone doesn't know much about the history of human progress. Where capitalism has flourished, individual liberties have flourished and where capitalism has been limited by the state, individual liberties are NOT to be found.

    And what exactly other than almost unbrindled capitalism is the driving force behind the greatness of the United States and The United Kingdom? Capitalism has many faults, particularly big corporate capitalism, no one can argue with that but something like 78% of the jobs in the United States today are associated with small business -- in a word with entreprenuerial capitalism. The best of the small businesses succeed and become big businesses. Let us criticize big businesses' true evils but never throw the baby out with the wash water.

    He knows not history and therefore he is seeking to doom us to repeating some of its greatest miseries. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. Victronix

    greatness of the United States and The United Kingdom?

    You're kidding, right?

    You mean the great prison system where more are jailed in the US than anywhere else in the world (combined)? Or did you mean the disappearing of people via renditions? Are you talking about the keeping of Padilla for 4 years in solitary confinement with no window, no pillow, no clock, etc . . . until he went insane? Just a few thoughts that come to mind.

    individual liberties have flourished

    The liberties to choose between crest and colgate, coke and pepsi, d or r . .. is that what you mean? Or the liberty to talk to our senator via email, the senator whose husband profitted off the Iraq war she voted for? The one person pretending to represent millions?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. Those who obsess about individual liberties in regards to capitalism have never come to grips with their internal freedom. It's buying oneself away from dealing with life. It's delusion, just a fix. It's a constant race for liberty through a maze of other people's definitions.

    An economic system functions badly as a spiritual, psychological, and cultural guidepost. But I suppose it's worth a try.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  9. Rajjpuut

    The person criticizing the "greatness" of America has not shown us a more viable alternative that's been in constant existence over the last 230 years.

    As for the comment just above this one, what in the world did that double-talk mean? Was "giveback" criticizing something or praising something? Economic systems are part of the nurturing environment for human success and human failure and if some systems (capitalism) have historically shown far more "spirituality"

    Anyone criticizing small business in the U.S.A. really doesn't have much of a leg to stand up historically or presently. Again, there is much to criticize with some big business out there and there is much to praise, but lumping business into the "ALL BAD" category is awfully stupid just as most all/none always/never statements.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  10. Rajjpuut

    For some reason, I got cut off in mid thought -- The environment for human success and failure in a given nation today is largely due to the nature of the economic system nurturing our ambitions. If historically, one system (capitalism) has proved more "spiritual and enlightened" then others in providing opportunity and individual freedom than others (e.g. communism, for one) that's history and whining about the sins of some big business as if they were the sins of ALL business, regardless of size, may make you feel good, but you're basing your feelings on a lie. Yes, spiritual growth is more likely under capitalism then under unenlightened feudal systems like the latifundismo found all over Mexico, Central and South America for at least 475 of the past 515 years (since 1492). And, in case you haven't noticed, a great deal of the world today is still operating under more or less feudal economics. Our (purported) enemies the terrorist Radical Muslims are hoping to bring the whole world into a Muslim feudal environment to save all our souls -- at least that's what I get when reading translations of their blogs.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  11. Economic systems are tools made by humans for humans. I hope that human tools do not dictate our spiritual, psychological and cultural awareness. If they do, then our awareness of our lives will be about the expedience we can manage.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  12. truthmod

    The economic system is a subsystem of nature and the wider universe. Capitalism, as practiced throughout the world, is an economic system based on man's domination of nature and his fellow humans; it is in direct opposition to nature and therefore completely morally and spiritually bankrupt. Capitalism's values are based on unlimited material accumulation, greed, and competition. It is an unsustainable and essentially suicidal value system.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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